Télécharger What does a registry cleaner do gratuit

WonderFox Photo Watermark 8.2
Brief introduction if you are sharing photos to network you never know what will happen [...] helps you add text image and logo to your pictures to protect your copyright wonderfox photo watermark is a professional photo watermark creator , watermark software is a professional photo watermark creator / watermark software is a fast batch photo processor and support all popular formats | pretty frames we provide more a great many frames for you you can edit it for you want to effects and these is free ; fast watermarking process the photo watermark software have a powerful batch processing function utilizes a fast second generation engine : only the our photo watermark software can do it [...] it can helps you add text image and logo to your pictures to protect your copyrights only watermarking software can verifies your pictures are protected from unauthorized use , someone could take the photos for their own use or malicious revised you might never even know / Our photo watermark software is not only watermarking tool also can add pretty frames for your like crop images batch rename and photo resize etc.
Function secure protection add text and image to your photos and digital images will prevent others from removing watermarks and stealing the photos ; add pictures of the form as 800 * 600...brief Lire la suite
Function secure protection add text and image to your photos and digital images will prevent others from removing watermarks and stealing the photos ; add pictures of the form as 800 * 600...brief Lire la suite

PDF Password Remover Mac
What can you do after removing pdf password
copy the content from pdf
after removing pdf password you copy the content text from the decrypted pdf and use the text wherever you want [...] Pdf password remover mac is a mac os x application that removes pdf owner password and pdf restriction or limitation.
Once removed the password and restrictions the pdf file can be printed very well as a normal document / remove pdf owner password and pdf restriction on mac os x | users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window and then the application will start immediately ; convert the pdf document to other formats the restricted pdf document can not be converted : after pdf password remover processing the pdf file can be converted and exported to ms word excel image and other editable formats by other pdf converters [...] print the pdf before removing the password from the protected pdf users doesn't have the authority to print the pdf , now just download the pdf password remover mac to decrypt your pdf restrictions !what Lire la suite
Once removed the password and restrictions the pdf file can be printed very well as a normal document / remove pdf owner password and pdf restriction on mac os x | users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window and then the application will start immediately ; convert the pdf document to other formats the restricted pdf document can not be converted : after pdf password remover processing the pdf file can be converted and exported to ms word excel image and other editable formats by other pdf converters [...] print the pdf before removing the password from the protected pdf users doesn't have the authority to print the pdf , now just download the pdf password remover mac to decrypt your pdf restrictions !what Lire la suite

MOBILedit 8.1
With so much important data in your phone it is essential to have a professional tool to maximize what your phone can do for you [...] the use of a pc keyboard makes all the difference when you are adding new contacts to your phonebook managing files or sending text messages , main features: manage your contacts photos and music transfer your contacts messages applications media and more to your new phone send print search and archive text messages advanced editing and linking of contact accounts google contacts and cloud storage supported install android and ios applications access their data recover your contacts from a lost iphone connect phones via cable bluetooth or wi fi create ringtones with built in ringtone editor works with nearly all phones ********************************************************************** try our phone copier app to backup or migrate contacts between accounts or phones / then you can continue to the complete optimization a set of steps which will thoroughly analyze your phonebook and bring it close to perfection | universal phone management software mobiledit is the universal phone management software that works with nearly all phones ; After downloading mobiledit to your pc you can connect your phone via cable bluetooth or wi fi.
You will then be able to edit the entire contents of your phone [...] ...with Lire la suite
You will then be able to edit the entire contents of your phone [...] ...with Lire la suite

REFOG Mac Keylogger 3.0
In addition to keystroke logging the program also maintains a web history and an application history so users can glimpse what sites are being visited and what software is being used without their knowledge [...] Plus if users know what they are expecting to find they can do an event search and see the hard evidence immediately.
Hidden internet activities are no longer secrets due to refog keylogger for mac with refog keylogger for mac parents and spouses have a tool more powerful than parental controls to protect their loved ones / with refog keylogger for mac computer secrets are no longer a secret | the keylogger program records all of the user's keystrokes and provides a detailed report so worried people know how the computer is being used at all times ; using refog keylogger for mac provides a more complete and effective answer : by monitoring keystrokes application gives an inside look at their child's or spouse's secret web activities [...] parents no longer have to wonder if their children are doing their homework or chatting with friends , spouses can stop wondering if their husband or wife is visiting pornographic internet sites or conversing with members of the opposite sex online / instead they can install this keylogger for mac on the computer without anyone else in the home knowing it exists | even...in ad Lire la suite
Hidden internet activities are no longer secrets due to refog keylogger for mac with refog keylogger for mac parents and spouses have a tool more powerful than parental controls to protect their loved ones / with refog keylogger for mac computer secrets are no longer a secret | the keylogger program records all of the user's keystrokes and provides a detailed report so worried people know how the computer is being used at all times ; using refog keylogger for mac provides a more complete and effective answer : by monitoring keystrokes application gives an inside look at their child's or spouse's secret web activities [...] parents no longer have to wonder if their children are doing their homework or chatting with friends , spouses can stop wondering if their husband or wife is visiting pornographic internet sites or conversing with members of the opposite sex online / instead they can install this keylogger for mac on the computer without anyone else in the home knowing it exists | even...in ad Lire la suite

simplitec simpliclean FREE
Solution en un clic !
il n'y a qu'une seule solution pour régler des problèmes compliqués de manière facile et elle s'appelle simplitec ! simplitec c'est le tuning pc sans connaissance en programmation [...] simpliclean fait un grand nettoyage de votre pc avec registry cleaner , simpliclean nettoie votre pc en profondeur et efficacement avec l'outil registry cleaner et d'autres outils effectifs / simpliclean nettoie votre pc en profondeur et efficacement avec l'outil registry cleaner et d'autres outils effectifs | supprimez les fichiers inutiles et augmentez la fiabilité ! scannez votre ordinateur et réglez vos problèmes en un clic ; Supprimez les fichiers inutiles et augmentez la fiabilité !
de cette façon vous évitez que des messages d'erreur ou des « écrans bleus » apparaissent sur votre pc.
En plus de cela simpliclean permet de diminuer les dépenses d'énergie de votre pc/ordinateur portable [...] le principe simplitec : 1 , analyse & scan 2 / chaque personne peut l'utiliser et en finir avec les problèmes de pc ! réglez des problèmes et gagnez du temps en optimisant votre pc | avec le logiciel simplitec vous pouvez effectuer cela facilement...solut Lire la suite
En plus de cela simpliclean permet de diminuer les dépenses d'énergie de votre pc/ordinateur portable [...] le principe simplitec : 1 , analyse & scan 2 / chaque personne peut l'utiliser et en finir avec les problèmes de pc ! réglez des problèmes et gagnez du temps en optimisant votre pc | avec le logiciel simplitec vous pouvez effectuer cela facilement...solut Lire la suite

Voici les caractéristiques principales
2 types de jeu :
lecture de notes
dictée musicale
4 modes proposés :
jeu chronométré trouver le maximum de notes en 1 minute ou 2 minutes
mode survie fin lors de la première erreur
mode défi défi sur 5 10 20 50 et 100 notes !
3 systèmes de notation pour l'affichage du nom des notes :
do ré mi fa sol la si
c d e f g a b
c d e f g a h
choix de la corde : possibilité de travailler sur une seule corde du violon
choix d'un gamme : possibilité de travailler sur une gamme en particulier
option pour inverser les cordes
option pour afficher/cacher les frettes d'un violon
son & vibreur
enregistrement des scores par types et modes de jeux
partagez votre score sur twitter facebook etc [...] ndm violon est un jeu musical éducatif gratuit "couteau suisse" sur le violon ndm violon vous permet d'apprendre en vous amusant à lire les notes de musique sur le manche d'un violon , Ndm violon est une application gratuite vous permettant d'apprendre à lire les notes de musique en vous amusant.
Ndm violon fait partie de la suite "ndm" développée par simon mahieux | cette suite logicielle contient différentes applications qui se concentrent sur un instrument particulier ; chaque application...voici Lire la suite
Ndm violon fait partie de la suite "ndm" développée par simon mahieux | cette suite logicielle contient différentes applications qui se concentrent sur un instrument particulier ; chaque application...voici Lire la suite

Voici les caractéristiques principales de ndm guitare :
2 types de jeu :
lecture de notes
dictée musicale
4 modes proposés :
jeu chronométré trouver le maximum de notes en 1 minute ou 2 minutes
mode survie fin lors de la première erreur
mode défi défi sur 5 10 20 50 et 100 notes !
3 systèmes de notation pour l'affichage du nom des notes :
do ré mi fa sol la si
c d e f g a b
c d e f g a h
il est également possible de choisir une coder particulière à travailler ou une gamme [...] ndm guitare est un jeu musical éducatif gratuit "couteau suisse" sur la guitare ndm guitare vous permet d'apprendre en vous amusant à lire les notes de musique sur le manche d'une guitare , Ndm guitare est une application qui permet d'apprendre à lire les notes de musique facilement.
Une option pour inverser les cordes est proposée | ndm guitare propose aussi un dictionnaire de gammes: gamme majeure pentatonique gamme mineure pentatonique gamme blues gamme majeure gamme mineurevoici Lire la suite
Une option pour inverser les cordes est proposée | ndm guitare propose aussi un dictionnaire de gammes: gamme majeure pentatonique gamme mineure pentatonique gamme blues gamme majeure gamme mineurevoici Lire la suite

WonderFox Free HD Video Converter Factory 15.0
What are the characteristics that distinguish wonderfox free hd video converter from other hd converters? the first and perhaps the most important point are the exclusive optimization technique and sharp pictures [...] 100% free video software to convert your mkv mp4 avi free hd video converter factory is a powerful but easy to use hd video conversion software , it owns the ability of converting videos to a broad range of popular formats and devices like avi mpg mp4 wmv mkv mov m4v iphone x free hd video converter factory is a powerful but easy to use hd video conversion software / it owns the ability of converting videos to a broad range of popular formats and devices like avi mpg mp4 wmv mkv mov m4v iphone ipad samsung and more | in addition to the powerful converting function it is also a video editing software ; the free hd video converter is a completely free gift : new pop devices are keeping added [...] this free hd video converter supports multi cpu and hyper threading and offers up to 30x real time video converting speed , it completely avoids the disproportionate aspect ratio and dull color of the output images and is able to make the output video shown on the portable device in full screen / Secondly users can select resolutions of the output video by simply dragging the number axis.
Like ...what Lire la suite
Like ...what Lire la suite

WorkflowFirst 4.1
You'll be amazed at what you can create without any programming at all but for those who are a little more technically minded there's a powerful scripting language you can use to take your apps to the next level [...] workflowfirst is a powerful invaluable tool that every business should download , with a mobile optimized interface so you can access your workflow from anywhere / with users throughout the world workflowfirst is a reliable platform that will have your business organized in record time | with a full api support optional sql server iis and active directory integration for enterprise customers ; logiciel de workflow gratuit et base de données : Créez des formulaires et des sous formulaires ajoutez un workflow cliquez sur publier c'est aussi simple que cela.
Un outil puissant et inestimable que chaque entreprise devrait télécharger , free workflow software and database tool / create forms and sub forms add workflow click publish it's that simple | fully scalable and full of features such as dashboards reports email integration chatbots and much much more ; workflowfirst has unmatched security features with user roles and field level security so individual form fields can be hidden from specific users : workflowfirst is completely free for small teams and...you'l Lire la suite
Un outil puissant et inestimable que chaque entreprise devrait télécharger , free workflow software and database tool / create forms and sub forms add workflow click publish it's that simple | fully scalable and full of features such as dashboards reports email integration chatbots and much much more ; workflowfirst has unmatched security features with user roles and field level security so individual form fields can be hidden from specific users : workflowfirst is completely free for small teams and...you'l Lire la suite

CRD Crystal Reports Scheduler 7.8.20190410
Crd est un crystal reports scheduler pour gagner du temps et de l'argent en facilitant l'automatisation des crystal reports et envoyer les rapports vers une imprimante fax dossier ftp sms dropbox sharepoint ou e mail! crd crystal reports distributor is a crystal reports scheduler that saves time & money by making it easy to automate crystal reports [...] just define single or packages of crystal reports schedule run them automatically and send the reports to print fax folder ftp sms dropbox sharepoint & email in a number of standard formats including excel word pdf rpt and more , easy to usesimply set up a 'schedule' stating how often you would like each report to run whether you'd like the output in word excel html rtf acrobat rpt text format and more and who it should be sent to / Crd will do the automated delivery for you delivering reports to folder email printer fax dropbox sharepoint ftp or sftp!date & time schedulingit's easy to schedule crystal reports to run at a specific date & time or to run them hourly daily weekly or monthly or set up your own custom frequencies e.
Dynamic & data drivenuse crd's unique dynamic & data driven schedule processes to trawl through your database to find the parameter values to use and then generate and deliver a unique report for each value ; pre & post delivery automationuse crd's unique custom actions to run another...crd e Lire la suite
Dynamic & data drivenuse crd's unique dynamic & data driven schedule processes to trawl through your database to find the parameter values to use and then generate and deliver a unique report for each value ; pre & post delivery automationuse crd's unique custom actions to run another...crd e Lire la suite

Transfer your phone's files to pc wirelessly by scanning a qr code.
Scantransfer is a free windows desktop software program which enables you to transfer photos and videos from your smart phone to your computer or laptop , the program also allows you to transfer hundreds of files at a time and it will finish the task within just a few seconds through the transfer speed acceleration technology / in addition your personal files and privacy will be protected well due to scantransfer is a lan local area network application that will never leak your data out | there is also a portable version of scantransfer on the homepage and it is a zip format file could be downloaded for advanced users ; all you need to do is to use your camera or twitter/facebook to scan the qr code on the scantransfer and then you will be able to start transferring instantly : scantransfer doesn't require you to install any new app into you phone [...] the best part of scantransfer is the program doesn't require you to install any new app into your phone , scantransfer supports multiple devices transferring which enables you to transfer files from more than one smart device at the same time / languages: english french german spanish portuguese italian polish dutch greek japanese korean simplified chinese traditional chinese and arabictrans Lire la suite
Scantransfer is a free windows desktop software program which enables you to transfer photos and videos from your smart phone to your computer or laptop , the program also allows you to transfer hundreds of files at a time and it will finish the task within just a few seconds through the transfer speed acceleration technology / in addition your personal files and privacy will be protected well due to scantransfer is a lan local area network application that will never leak your data out | there is also a portable version of scantransfer on the homepage and it is a zip format file could be downloaded for advanced users ; all you need to do is to use your camera or twitter/facebook to scan the qr code on the scantransfer and then you will be able to start transferring instantly : scantransfer doesn't require you to install any new app into you phone [...] the best part of scantransfer is the program doesn't require you to install any new app into your phone , scantransfer supports multiple devices transferring which enables you to transfer files from more than one smart device at the same time / languages: english french german spanish portuguese italian polish dutch greek japanese korean simplified chinese traditional chinese and arabictrans Lire la suite

Tuxera NTFS for Mac 2020
Mac os x does not support writing to microsoft windows formatted ntfs volumes out of the box [...] It builds and extends upon the proven stability of tuxera's popular open source ntfs 3g to deliver a full featured commercial grade ntfs driver for your mac.
Logiciel de lecture/écriture ntfs pour tous les utilisateurs mac logiciel de lecture/écriture ntfs pour tous les utilisateurs mac / compatible avec os x high sierra | the solution is here ; tuxera ntfs for mac is our commercial read/write ntfs software for mac users : with tuxera ntfs for mac you can access your windows disks as easily as any mac disk [...] tuxera ntfs for mac delivers the fastest ntfs data transfer speeds you can have on mac while protecting your data with its new smart caching layer , the software has full support for the new 64 bit kernels introduced with snow leopard and os x mavericks / and comes with advanced features only available from tuxera such as support for ntfs extended attributes | tuxera ntfs for mac is compatible with popular virtualization and encryption solutions including parallels desktop vmware fusion and truecrypt ; 15 languages supported: arabic simplified and traditional chinese english french german italian japanese korean polish brazilian portuguese portuguese russian spanish and turkish...mac o Lire la suite
Logiciel de lecture/écriture ntfs pour tous les utilisateurs mac logiciel de lecture/écriture ntfs pour tous les utilisateurs mac / compatible avec os x high sierra | the solution is here ; tuxera ntfs for mac is our commercial read/write ntfs software for mac users : with tuxera ntfs for mac you can access your windows disks as easily as any mac disk [...] tuxera ntfs for mac delivers the fastest ntfs data transfer speeds you can have on mac while protecting your data with its new smart caching layer , the software has full support for the new 64 bit kernels introduced with snow leopard and os x mavericks / and comes with advanced features only available from tuxera such as support for ntfs extended attributes | tuxera ntfs for mac is compatible with popular virtualization and encryption solutions including parallels desktop vmware fusion and truecrypt ; 15 languages supported: arabic simplified and traditional chinese english french german italian japanese korean polish brazilian portuguese portuguese russian spanish and turkish...mac o Lire la suite

PDF Editor: Able2Extract
Expert pdf editing software developed by a company that's been on the market successfully for over 15 years [...] able2extract 10 is one of the most popular pdf editing software on the planet equipped with a wide variety of features , their flagship product able2extract has served millions of people over the course of 16 years and is continuing to do so with the latest release qui comes equipped with a complete solution for all kinds of pdf work / this fine adobe acrobat alternative is available as a 7 day free trial and can be accessed by clicking close on the link above | it is mostly inclined towards people who regularly deal with complex pdf problems but it is perfect for personal use as well ; investintech has been on the top of the pdf market since 2000 :
in short able2extract converts creates and edits pdf documents on the spot using the latest technology aviailable [...] Its primary purpose is allowing users to edit pdf happy qui est uneditable by default and saves users the therefore several hours per project.
Pdf editing takes up entirely in software and the results are visible instantly / using able2extract pdf editor you can: add or remove pdf text resize and rescale pages extract and merge individual pdf pages besides pdf editing able2extract can also convert pdf to more than twelve popular...exper Lire la suite
Pdf editing takes up entirely in software and the results are visible instantly / using able2extract pdf editor you can: add or remove pdf text resize and rescale pages extract and merge individual pdf pages besides pdf editing able2extract can also convert pdf to more than twelve popular...exper Lire la suite

surpassez vos amis à ce jeu de société pour 2 joueurs aussi connu comme hiroba do et four square en plaçant judicieusement vos pièces pour former des carrés [...] surpassez vos amis au jeu de squares pour 2 joueurs en plaçant judicieusement vos pièces pour former des carrés , invitez vos amis à jouer au jeu de squares via facebook twitter ou google+ / si vous formez des carrés plus grands vous obtiendrez le score plus élevé! le jeu de squares par skillgamesboard est la version remasterisée du jeu mis en œuvre sur zx spectrum au début des années 80 | en outre des abonnés de aol jouaient à ce jeu en 1996 1997 ;
ce nouveau jeu gratuit est plein de fonctionnalités utiles : possibilité de jouer avec des amis mais pas seulement contre l'ordinateur.
interface multi plateforme; option de gameplay asynchrone; plateau de jeu réglable; position d'un carré optionnelle; possibilité de jouer de manière anonyme; possibilité de jouer avec des amis ou contre l'ordinateur; invitations via facebook twitter ou google+ [...] le but du jeu est de placer des pièces pour former des carrés de toute taille et inclinés à n'importe quel angle...  Lire la suite
interface multi plateforme; option de gameplay asynchrone; plateau de jeu réglable; position d'un carré optionnelle; possibilité de jouer de manière anonyme; possibilité de jouer avec des amis ou contre l'ordinateur; invitations via facebook twitter ou google+ [...] le but du jeu est de placer des pièces pour former des carrés de toute taille et inclinés à n'importe quel angle...  Lire la suite

WonderFox Free DVD Ripper Speedy 12.0
A free and powerful dvd ripper program to rip/convert dvd content to digital video [...] a free and powerful dvd ripper program , dvd to video by only 5 minutes o quality loss
wonderfox dvd ripper speedy lets you backup a dvd to mpg video within 5 minutes / you can customize and apply your own settings and save all of them as a single profile | convert your dvd to digital video to enjoy it whenever and wherever! it gets simpler now! alter enhance convert whatever you do the final result will be in the perfect quality even in high definition ! no key frame missing quality loss ; decrypt css and region code protections
commonly purchased dvd movie tv show tutorial etc : has one or more copy protection to avoid copying dvd content from dvd disk [...] there are some popular dvd encryption technologies including css region code sony arccos protection disney x project drm etc , Wonderfox dvd ripper will help you decrypt any dvd protections to convert your dvd to video file.
This is the real no | 1 speed ; all of the conversions are based on perfect output quality as original : more flexible settings it offers flexible choices to fine tune the parameters to tailor the output videos in terms of video/audio encoding bit rate frame rate aspect ratio resolution audio codec ...a fre Lire la suite
This is the real no | 1 speed ; all of the conversions are based on perfect output quality as original : more flexible settings it offers flexible choices to fine tune the parameters to tailor the output videos in terms of video/audio encoding bit rate frame rate aspect ratio resolution audio codec ...a fre Lire la suite

Son & vibreur
affichage des notes : do ré mi fa sol la si c d e f g a b ou c d e f g a h
aide affichant le nom des notes pour la clé de sol de fa et d'ut
enregistrement des scores par mode de jeux
partagez votre score sur twitter facebook google + etc [...] avec notesdemusique révisez votre solfège et améliorer votre compréhension d'une portée musicale !
ce jeu éducatif et gratuit vous propose de nombreuses fonctionnalités :
2 types de jeu : lecture de notes et dictée musicale
4 modes proposés : entrainement jeu chronométré mode survie mode défi
4 clés clé de sol clé de fa et clé de do 3 et clé de do 4
4 octaves
nombreuses options : clé de sol clé de fa clé de do 3 clé de do 4 et les deux clés sol et fa aléatoirement nombre de minutes , notes de musique est un jeu musical éducatif "couteau suisse" sur le solfège / Notes de musique vous permet d'apprendre en vous amusant à lire les notes de musique sur une partition développer votre oreille grâce aux dictées musicales et propose également de nombreuses fonctionnalités supplémentaires.
Notesdemusique vous permet d'apprendre ou de réviser la lecture des notes de musique sur une portée ; l'application fonctionne sur...son & Lire la suite
Notesdemusique vous permet d'apprendre ou de réviser la lecture des notes de musique sur une portée ; l'application fonctionne sur...son & Lire la suite

Moneyspire for Windows 16.0.36
Moneyspire inc does not collect or store your personal or financial information your data stays on your hard drive [...] be reminded of your bills set bill reminders and see all your upcoming payments so you never forget to pay a bill again , set a budget & keep it set a budget for all your expenses and keep track of your progress in real time / the best software for managing your money personal finances and budget | moneyspire is the best money management personal finance and budgeting software for mac windows linux iphone ipad and ipod touch ; get your financial life in order and know where you stand with moneyspire : moneyspire is the best money management personal finance and budgeting software for mac windows linux iphone ipad ipod touch [...] track your accounts keep track of your bank accounts credit cards etc , And organize your transactions and see where your money is going.
Create reports & charts generate detailed reports and charts and see exactly where your money is going | use reports to make tax time easier ; online banking support optionally import transactions from your financial institution's website and direct connect and automatically download transactions and pay bills : split transaction support split transactions into multiple categories for super...money Lire la suite
Create reports & charts generate detailed reports and charts and see exactly where your money is going | use reports to make tax time easier ; online banking support optionally import transactions from your financial institution's website and direct connect and automatically download transactions and pay bills : split transaction support split transactions into multiple categories for super...money Lire la suite

System Mechanic Pro 23
System mechanic pro can help you speed up your pc no matter what your experience level [...] all in one windows care: everything you need for a fast stable and secure pc system mechanic pro keeps your pc fast stable and secure , It fixes errors and boosts performance provides online backup recovers deleted files securely wipes data and includes high performance triple certified antivirus protection.
System mechanic pro uses patented technology to restore speed power and stability to your pc | it fixes errors boosts performance defends against infections and proactively prevents problems from reoccurring ; this all in one solution to complete windows care also provides online backup recovers deleted files securely wipes data and includes high performance triple certified antivirus protection that wont slow you down : one click power tools perform vital services intelligently diagnosing and resolving pc headaches and performance bottlenecks [...] advanced tools such as startup optimizer and energybooster give gamers and power users the total control they crave to fine tune their system for maximum speed , exclusive patented activecare technology automatically maintains the pc when it's idle so your computer can run like new for as long as you own it / weekly tune up definitions updates from iolo labs ensure that your pc is...syste Lire la suite
System mechanic pro uses patented technology to restore speed power and stability to your pc | it fixes errors boosts performance defends against infections and proactively prevents problems from reoccurring ; this all in one solution to complete windows care also provides online backup recovers deleted files securely wipes data and includes high performance triple certified antivirus protection that wont slow you down : one click power tools perform vital services intelligently diagnosing and resolving pc headaches and performance bottlenecks [...] advanced tools such as startup optimizer and energybooster give gamers and power users the total control they crave to fine tune their system for maximum speed , exclusive patented activecare technology automatically maintains the pc when it's idle so your computer can run like new for as long as you own it / weekly tune up definitions updates from iolo labs ensure that your pc is...syste Lire la suite

Active@ Boot Disk 23
The independent boot environment means that it does not rely on the contents or state of your hard disk [...] active@ boot disk provides a full range of disk utilities active@ boot disk for windows xp/vista/7/8/10 provides a full range of disk utilities for data recovery secure erasure disk imaging , using this software you can create a fully bootable operating environment allowing you to start up your computer from a cd dvd or usb flash drive even if your operating system is damaged and completely refuses to start / the main utilities provided in this convenient all in one package include a data recovery solution a secure data erasure facility and a complete disk imaging program | the program presents a much more affordable and practical solution than having separate programs for each type of task ; you can use it to boot up otherwise unworkable computers to access your data and troubleshoot problems with ease : active@ boot disk provides an impressive range of utilities for your hard disk and other storage devices [...] You will be able to access all of your data using the built in tools.
It provides everything that you need for data recovery privacy and backup / it is easy to use as well making it ideal for everyone from casual users to system administrators and experts | new version has: increased virtual disk...the i Lire la suite
It provides everything that you need for data recovery privacy and backup / it is easy to use as well making it ideal for everyone from casual users to system administrators and experts | new version has: increased virtual disk...the i Lire la suite

System Mechanic Trial 23
System mechanic trial delivers essential features that automatically resolve errors slowdowns and crashes: registry tuner: a safe effective and highly advanced problem solver and error repair tool registry tuner can diagnose and resolve many common root causes of mysterious freezes slowdowns and crashes [...] startup optimizer: automatically eliminates startup bottlenecks that can choke the life out of a pc and make windows take ages to start , pc cleanup: performs a system wide scan for junk and obsolete files left over from messy apps and unexpected restarts / it works to speed up your pc for maximum performance and stability by fixing registry issues defragging hard drives cleaning junk files and more | its exclusive patented technology fixes registry problems defrags hard drives cleans up junk files accelerates downloads boosts windows speed and ensures maximum ongoing system stability ; Fix errors clean your pc and speed up windows with this pc tune up software system mechanic trial provides complete windows maintenance and repair using advanced patented tools.
System mechanic trial keeps your pc running at peak performance and stability with advanced pc optimization repair and maintenance features [...] consistently top rated since 1998 this award winning performance solution has been used to keep over 75 million pcs worldwide problem free and...syste Lire la suite
System mechanic trial keeps your pc running at peak performance and stability with advanced pc optimization repair and maintenance features [...] consistently top rated since 1998 this award winning performance solution has been used to keep over 75 million pcs worldwide problem free and...syste Lire la suite