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Visual TimeAnalyzer 2.0.c

Visual TimeAnalyzer 2.0.c

Logiciel Windows
Visual timeanalyzer rassemble pour la première fois les possibilités d'enregistrement de l'activité d'un pc par un logiciel de surveillance et la visualisation intelligente d'un logiciel de gestion d'activité [...] visual timeanalyzer indique qui utilise quel programme quand et comment.

Analyse l'activité du pc au bureau ou à la maison ce logiciel analyse l'utilisation de votre ordinateur / calculez les durées de travail et de projet | quelles sont les pages internet favorites? détectez quel utilisateur utilise quel programme combien de temps et avec quelle efficacité ; temps d'utilisation pauses connexions à internet projets et coûts sont calculés à la minute près : les parents peuvent avoir un contrôle exact de l'utilisation d'un pc par leurs enfants [...] ce logiciel analyse l'utilisation de votre ordinateur , evaluez le temps de travail et de projets / quelles sont les pages internet favorites? déterminez qui utilise quel programme pendant combien de temps et avec quelle efficacité | permet également de suivre les activités de l'utilisateur sur les autres ordinateurs ; ajoutez simplement un nouvel ordinateur à 'ordinateurs surveillés' pour enregistrer les activités des utilisateurs de cet ordinateur : pour enregistrer des activités sur un autre ordinateur le...visua Lire la suite
Visual Studio Community 2017

Visual Studio Community 2017

Logiciel Windows
Un logiciel destiné aux développeurs d'applications visual studio community est la version gratuite et destinée aux particuliers du célèbre logiciel de programmation de microsoft.

visual studio community est un logiciel qui fournit un environnement de développement pour les développeurs d'applications open source les particuliers ainsi que les étudiants , visual studio community prend en charge les fonctionnalités de langage de programmation les plus récentes pour optimiser le développement /  visual studio communituy permet de générer ses propres applications android ios ou windows plus rapidement grâce à une refonte du système de débogage et de test |   l'utilisateur peut ainsi détecter plus facilement les bogues et les résoudre ; l'application donne la possibilité de naviguer facilement dans le code et de le refactoriser et cela quels que soient le langage ou la plateforme utiliséeun lo Lire la suite
Visual Basic

Visual Basic

Logiciel Windows
Visual basic 2010 est un environnement de travail qui permet de concevoir des applications.

Cette version de microsoft visual basic reste tout de même particulièrement limitée et surtout conseillée pour les étudiants ou les débutants , cette version gratuite et simplifiée est une très bonne entrée en matière pour travailler sur les bases de données le son ou encore l’image / parmi les principales nouveautés apportées on notera l’arrivée de la prise en charge du multi écran ou encore une interface légèrement retravaillée pour correspondre aux normesvisua Lire la suite
InstallAware Free Installer X2

InstallAware Free Installer X2

Logiciel Windows
Free installer with one click visual studio 2015 integration installaware's new free installer runs inside visual studio and creates setups automatically by scanning your loaded solutions for dependencies and output files and including them in your setup [...] This special edition of installaware is freeware! installaware's new free installer runs inside visual studio and creates setups automatically by scanning your loaded solutions for dependencies and output files and including them in your setup.

This special edition of installaware is freeware! you will be able to set basic project properties for your installaware setup directly inside the visual studio environment / you will also be able to reuse projects created by installaware's free edition outside of visual studio by loading them inside the full blown installaware ide which is available with higher editions of installaware | a go live license is included with installaware free edition meaning you are allowed to redistribute setups created using the freeware version of installaware without restrictions or limitations completely royalty free even for commercial use! as you step up to higher editions of installaware and modify the setup projects created by the add in you may find that you need to re synchronize recent changes made to your visual studio solution with your existing modified setup project ; this is also possible ...free Lire la suite
Active@ Data Studio 23.0.5

Active@ Data Studio 23.0.5

Logiciel Windows
Active@ data studio provides an extensive range of disk tools [...] active@ data studio provides a range of desktop applications and a customizable boot environment allowing you to access your pc in the event that windows won't start up , Active@ data studio includes a set of powerful desktop applications as well as a bootable image which can be copied to either an optical disk or a flash drive.

Active@ data studio presents a great opportunity to save money on your disk utilities since it includes all of the main tools in the active@ range in a single convenient package rather than having to purchase each application separately | get the entire set of utilities for a generous price at http://lsoft ; it offers data recovery secure erasure disk imaging and more : you can then dual boot your computer into either a dos or windows environment [...] this also allows you to access your computer even in the event that windows won't start up , you will be able to use the included applications to manage your data perform data recovery operations securely delete files back up data create disk images and more / additional features include a network configurator a file manager cd/dvd burner and a disk defragmenter among other useful tools | net/data studio ; aspx : you can learn more about the...activ Lire la suite
SeePlus 9.0.520

SeePlus 9.0.520

Logiciel Windows
Seeplus offers the world's best in class digital asset management and editing capabilities including high performance batch processing tools iptc support and comprehensive image editing [...] seeplus offers premier digital asset management for a variety of media files , Seeplus offers premier business driven digital asset management for pdf documents microsoft office documents and a variety of media files along with speedy performance and world class photo editing capabilities.

Seeplus and seeplus dicom offer digital asset management for pdf documents microsoft officetm documents and a variety of media files along with speedy performance and world class photo editing capabilities | as digital imaging and communications in medicine dicom has become the international standard for conveying information in medical imaging seeplus dicom provides medical professionals with flexibility and control ; the need to manage organize view edit and preserve mass amounts of digital assets is a priority concern within the corporate environment : from small to medium sized to fortune 500 businesses seeplus offers companies everything they need to ensure their data is organized managed and protectedseepl Lire la suite
Database Workbench Pro

Database Workbench Pro

Logiciel Windows
Cross database engine developer ide cross database engine developer ide for postgresql interbase sql server firebird mysql oracle nexusdb msde and sybase sql anywhere cross database engine developer ide for postgresql interbase sql server firebird mysql oracle nexusdb msde and sybase sql anywhere including many tools like: diagramming tools visual object editors schema browser test data generator sql insight sql intellisense cross database migrator and compare data compare object templates sql catalog stored procedure debugger two way visual query builder dependency browsing data export and import tools metadata printing blob viewer/editor including several image formats hex view and others drag drop editing and much more.

The main focus of upscene productions is creating software specifically aimed at database developers , we strive to make their job easier increase their productivity and enabling them to develop their applications and responding to changes rapidly / being a small company enables us to focus not only on our software but also on our customers and listening to their feedback when planning new features or productscross Lire la suite
Stellar OST To PST Converter

Stellar OST To PST Converter

Logiciel Windows
Stellar ost to pst converter is the best converter to pst ost that proves wonderful for administrators or technicians specialized in data recovery [...] it allows the conversion of ost data files for outlook even if they are corrupt , preview all your messages and other items just after the ost file is analyzed and ready for analysis / Features stellar ost to pst converter convert ost into pst file for allows conversion of a corrupt ost file facilitates compression and division of pst file lets you preview messages and other items prior to analysis allows the recording of messages per batch option to search and classify mails can convert an encrypted ost converts files ms outlook 2016 2013 2010 2007 2002 2000 and 98 ost files compatible with windows 8 7 vista and xp looks like ms office 2013 2010 and 2007.

Stellar ost to pst converter convertit les ost compresse ou divise les pst ost to pst convert est l'outil ultime qui convertit un fichier ost corrompu en un fichier pst et qui facilite aussi la compression ou la division du fichier converti avant de l'enregistrer en tant que pst ; the tool has many advantages : so you can re access to all your inccessibles mails and other elements such as calendar entries contacts tasks notes and journal entries [...] the option to compress or share the converted before saving them to pst format ost files...stell Lire la suite
InstallAware Express MSI Installer X2

InstallAware Express MSI Installer X2

Logiciel Windows
Now with visual studio 2015 and [...] exclusive! refined user interface deliver setups that display the latest visual themes , msi builder for iis sql web updates x64 windows 8 difx driver installs the installaware msi builder builds sophisticated visually appealing setups with support for the latest technologies including iis microsoft/oracle/mysql database servers web updates partial web deployment difx driver installs and windows 10 / x start screen and pinning them to the windows taskbar installaware gives you the best exposure for your applications through smart use of the latest technology | Also ideal for building dynamically updated software bundles with your product.

Exclusive! out of the box windows 10 support from displaying installation progress on the windows taskbar to pinning/unpinning your applications from the controversial windows 8 : net 4 [...] 6 eco system integration , exclusive! hybrid installation technology with instantinstall acceleration your setups are immune to corrupted windows installer stacks on target systems which would cause your setups to fail through no fault of your own and best of all you get to switch between native code and windows installer setup engines at runtime as often as you need! when you use the native code setup engine instantinstall acceleration delivers setups that install an...now w Lire la suite
InstallAware Developer Setup Builder X2

InstallAware Developer Setup Builder X2

Logiciel Windows
Instead of populating msi databases to build your setup or being stuck with the limitations of visual designers use the intuitive msicode scripting environment [...] now with visual studio 2015 and , x start screen and pinning them to the windows taskbar installaware gives you the best exposure for your applications through smart use of the latest technology / also ideal for building dynamically updated software bundles with your product | create installation wizard based msi setups with easy msicode scripting installaware creates installation wizard based msi setups with easy msicode scripting ; Exclusive! out of the box windows 10 support from displaying installation progress on the windows taskbar to pinning/unpinning your applications from the controversial windows 8.

Net 4 [...] 6 eco system integration , exclusive! hybrid installation technology with instantinstall acceleration your setups are immune to corrupted windows installer stacks on target systems which would cause your setups to fail through no fault of your own and best of all you get to switch between native code and windows installer setup engines at runtime as often as you need! when you use the native code setup engine instantinstall acceleration delivers setups that install an order of magnitude faster compared to all other windows installers / exclusive!...inste Lire la suite
InstallAware Studio for Windows Installer X2

InstallAware Studio for Windows Installer X2

Logiciel Windows
Exclusive! mirrored code and visual development installaware's advanced development tools include wizards templates drag and drop editing and refined task views with the added benefit of immediate msicode generation.

Start a project in seconds in with visual tools then switch to the code view to add branching logic variables and advanced configuration options , unlike installshield's isolated script and visual environments when you modify settings in one view the other view changes instantly / installaware is the only installer with support for aero glass regions and with brand new sliding/fading wizard transition fx | when uninstalling the project asks the user for product feedback and submits it to your website ; build windows installer msi setups with fully customized user interfaces installaware builds windows installer msi setups with completely customizable user interfaces and unique dialog controls : exclusive! webaware installation™ technology reduce download size by removing technology dependencies such as the [...] net framework or rarely used features from your main setup file , the main setup will download them seamlessly from the web as needed / files required by the minimum configuration are included in the main package which installs without a web connection | interrupted downloads are...exclu Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
The most complete package of tools for your pc problems [...] restores system stability errors and crashes are a thing of the past like an experienced surgeon pcsuite employs precision tools to carefully remove corrupt keys and invalid entries from the windows registry taking care not to damage anything vital , we want you to have a great pc experience so we included tools to speed up every aspect of your pc’s operation / we included privacy tools that help eliminate traces of your activity and safeguard your sensitive personal information | When you enter passwords or credit card details this data is saved on your hard drive invisible to you but easy prey for a skilled hacker.

Guards smooth performance your pc stays fast and stable for all  your tasks to boost the effect you get from complete optimization we have added automatic memory and processor management which ensures that your active applications always have maximum resources allocated to them : cleans out junk files a clean pc means better efficiency we designed the cleaning module in pcsuite to sweep out all types of pc junk such as unneeded system and user temporary files web browser cache unused error logs leftover windows update files temporary sun java files unneeded microsoft office cache and a lot more [...] pcsuite diagnoses your window system cleans out junk files ...the m Lire la suite
Planificotron 4.0.1

Planificotron 4.0.1

Logiciel Windows
Le planificotron a été créé grâce à visual studio community [...] la fonction du planificotron est d'analyser toutes les variations possibles d'un planning pour en retenir la meilleure version , le planificotron est un logiciel simple et gratuit dédié à l'élaboration de plannings / sa principale fonction est d'analyser toutes les variations possibles d'un planning afin de vous en proposer la meilleure version | logiciel gratuit qui cherche et analyse toutes les versions possibles d'un planning pour vous proposer celui qui répondra le mieux aux objectifs fixés en respectant les temps de travail les indisponibilités et l’attribution des tâches pour chaque membre du personnel ; Si certaines de ses fonctions demanderont un peu d'habitude sa prise en main est rapide et facilitée par un petit tutoriel qui permet de suivre des exemples pas à pas.

 son interface est personnalisable et existe en différentes langues [...] il ne conviendra pas pour tous les secteurs d'activité du fait notamment de sa simplicité ,  destiné aux petites structures 20 personnes max / il trouvera plutôt son utilité dans des secteurs comme ceux de la restauration de la sécurité privé du nettoyage ou...le pl Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Visual studio vb [...] net console tutorial for ironpdf montre comment créer des documents pdf en utilisant vb , net avec html js css jpg png gif e net console tutorial for ironpdf montre comment créer des documents pdf en utilisant vb / net console tutorial for ironpdf montre comment créer des documents pdf en utilisant vb | net avec html js css jpg png gif et svg ; cela permet aux codeurs d'utiliser des technologies qu'ils connaissent et utilisent tous les jours : Les développeurs peuvent générer fusionner diviser et lire du contenu texte & image à partir d'applications et de sites web c# / asp.

Net , pas de nouvelles api nécessaires / html est utilisé pour concevoir des pdfvisua Lire la suite
DesignEvo - Logo Maker

DesignEvo - Logo Maker

Logiciel Mobile
With 3500+ customizable logo templates 100+ fonts lots of graphics and powerful editing tools you can turn your ideas into a compelling and unique logo soon.

 with 3500+ customizable logo templates 100+ fonts lots of graphics and powerful editing tools you can turn your ideas into a compelling and unique logo in minutes even if you have no professional design skills ,  whether you're looking for an amazing logo for your website social media company wall email signature letterhead business card stationery or t shirt designevo helps spark your inner creativity / • adjust opacity color flip & mirror effect for the selected graphic | • manage layers for the selected object move it forward or backward ; designevo is an easy and fast app that lets you create stunning logos in the palm of your hand :  it satisfies everyone from newbies to professionals [...]  highlighted features  • 3500+ professionally designed logo abstract animal business fashion letter and technology , • lots of preset graphics including badge decoration line shape banner and symbol / • 100+ hand picked fonts in bold modern traditional handwriting and funny styles | • adjust font size color spacing alignment uppercase ...with Lire la suite
Elcomsoft Phone Viewer 5.40.39062

Elcomsoft Phone Viewer 5.40.39062

Logiciel Windows
  elcomsoft phone viewer is a perfect companion for the range of elcomsoft mobile forensic tools offering the ability to view information extracted via physical logical or over the air acquisition [...] lightweight forensic tool for viewing data extracted from mobile devices elcomsoft phone viewer is a fast lightweight forensic viewer for quickly accessing information extracted from mobile devices , the tool can decrypt and display data obtained from local and cloud sources for ios devices / elcomsoft phone viewer is a fast lightweight forensic viewer for quickly accessing information extracted from mobile backups |   the tool is a perfect stand alone forensic viewer and a great tool for lightweight forensic analysis.

While elcomsoft phone viewer will not break an unknown password one still has to use elcomsoft phone breaker for that pre decrypting offline backups is not required : supporting a variety of platforms and data formats the tool can display information extracted from local and cloud ios windows phone 8 [...] x windows 10 mobile and blackberry 10 backups , password protected itunes backups can be automatically decrypted and analyzed without using third party tools / elcomsoft phone viewer supports all types of backups and synced data pulled from a variety of local and cloud sources |   in...  Lire la suite
Canvas Draw for Mac

Canvas Draw for Mac

Logiciel Mac
Features overview: catering to business professionals and creatives alike canvas draw for mac's impressive and comprehensive set of vector object illustration and advanced raster image editing tools along with its unique and integrated design environment make it easy to conquer your project [...] complete versatility canvas draw comes loaded with tools and techniques that allow you to easily create marketing or business materials as well as creative content printable drawings and shareable pdfs , canvas draw 5 for mac: your universal graphics tool visualize your workflow with a diverse content creation tool able to combine adaptable text image object and effect elements in a single document / canvas draw for mac is a powerful software specifically designed to make it possible for designers illustrators and professionals to advertise and communicate with confidence | Now with a unicode text engine and user interface text edit improvements pressure sensitivity support for drawing tablets and more canvas draw is your best choice for creating and sharing personal business and marketing content.

Work with and combine all graphical elements and apply high end effects in a single document : put canvas draw to work designing brochures collages business cards school projects cover pages handouts printable advertisements reports graphs metrics web content mock ups ...featu Lire la suite
PDF Editor: Able2Extract

PDF Editor: Able2Extract

Logiciel Windows
Expert pdf editing software developed by a company that's been on the market successfully for over 15 years [...] it is mostly inclined towards people who regularly deal with complex pdf problems but it is perfect for personal use as well , their flagship product able2extract has served millions of people over the course of 16 years and is continuing to do so with the latest release qui comes equipped with a complete solution for all kinds of pdf work / using able2extract pdf editor you can:  add or remove pdf text resize and rescale pages extract and merge individual pdf pages besides pdf editing able2extract can also convert pdf to more than twelve popular file formats including ms office autocad csv and image | able2extract 10 is one of the most popular pdf editing software on the planet equipped with a wide variety of features ; Investintech has been on the top of the pdf market since 2000.

  in short able2extract converts creates and edits pdf documents on the spot using the latest technology aviailable [...] its primary purpose is allowing users to edit pdf happy qui est uneditable by default and saves users the therefore several hours per project , pdf editing takes up entirely in software and the results are visible instantly / this fine adobe acrobat alternative is available as a 7 day free trial...exper Lire la suite
Store Manager pour Prestashop

Store Manager pour Prestashop

Logiciel Windows
Prestashop store manager s'est révélé être un véritable allié pour les marchands prestashop store manager for prestashop permet aux marchands de gagner en rapidité en simplicité et en fiabilité dans la gestion de leurs catalogues produits avec un back office sous windows [...] Les entreprises qui utilisent store manager économisent une semaine entière de travail par mois.

Il vous permettra de réinvestir votre temps pour faire ce qui est vraiment important pour votre société / grâce à son interface intuitive vous pouvez : travailler avec les catégories et produits sur la même page aucune recharge n'est requise changer le prix de plusieurs produits en même temps idéal pour les soldes ! générer les combinaisons et les caractéristiques en vrac télécharger massivement des images comprenant la possibilité d'effectuer un glisser déposer des images directement à partir de votre navigateur mettre à jour rapidement l'inventaire de votre boutique gérer le niveau des stocks entrepôts et mouvements des stocks import des produits y compris les produits téléchargeables prix spécifiques multi caractéristiques valeurs de l'attribut champs personnalisés et combinaisons | import depuis votre...prest Lire la suite
Ashampoo Music Studio

Ashampoo Music Studio

Logiciel Windows
Ashampoo music studio est un logiciel gratuit qui fait office de couteau suisse pour tout ce qui concerne la musique.

Ashampoo music studio est un logiciel audio polyvalent , notez également qu'ashampoo music studio 2019 intègre un outil depuis lequel il est possible de réaliser de long mixs audio en enchaînant les morceaux avec des fondus d'entrée et de sortie / découvrez un outil polyvalent pour éditer gérer et graver sa musique | en effet il propose de quoi éditer classer et graver sa musique depuis une même interface ; il plaira aux utilisateurs qui cherchent à concevoir ou à gérer leurs playlists facilement : le logiciel permet aussi de modifier en profondeur les métadonnées des différents morceaux ou notes vocales et intègre un bon module de gravure sur cd [...] l'interface du logiciel est moderne et bien conçue , toutes les fonctionnalités principales sont accessibles en un clic /    enfin; le logiciel propose également un module d'extraction des pistes audio provenant de vidéos | le logiciel est entièrement gratuit mais vous devrez après installation vous inscrire depuis son interface pour l'utiliserasham Lire la suite
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