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Tuto Ccleaner-Nettoyer votre PC

Tuto Ccleaner-Nettoyer votre PC

Logiciel Windows
* prise en main du logiciel [...] * savoir quels fichiers l'on veut effacer , * nettoyer son ordinateur de tous les fichiers temporaires qu'il contient / Ccleaner est un logiciel qui va vous permettre d'effacer les fichiers prenant inutilement de la place dans votre ordinateur ou de désinstaller des logiciels.

Il s'occupe de vider le cache de certains logiciels les cookies les historiques de navigateur internet ; l'interface est simple à comprendre mais des questions peuvent se poser concernant ce que l'on choisit d'effacer : ce tutoriel va vous montrer comment supprimer les fichiers temporaires de votre ordinateur [...] au cas ou ne vous voudriez pas tout supprimer nous allons vous expliquer à quoi correspondent les différentes options à cocher au sein de l'interface de ccleaner* pr Lire la suite
Multiple Search and Replace

Multiple Search and Replace

Logiciel Windows
Il prend en charge les fichiers texte différents encodages également pris en charge les pages web microsoft word microsoft excel microsoft powerpoint rich text format open text format et les fichiers pdf et les fichiers compressés [...] multiple search and replace est un utilitaire puissant qui peut rechercher et remplacer du texte dans plusieurs fichiers en même multiple search and replace est un utilitaire puissant qui peut rechercher et remplacer du texte dans plusieurs fichiers en même temps , Qu'est ce que multiple search and replace?multiple search and replace est un utilitaire puissant qui peut rechercher et remplacer du texte dans plusieurs fichiers en même temps.

Les expressions régulières et les caractères génériques peuvent être utilisés pour la recherche | les recherches peuvent avoir plusieurs termes de recherche avec différents opérateurs de rechercheil pr Lire la suite
SpyBot Search and Destroy

SpyBot Search and Destroy

Logiciel Windows
Spybot search and destroy est un logiciel gratuit qui permet de supprimer les spywares qu'il trouve sur votre ordinateur [...] spybot search & destroy recherche et élimine les logiciels espions ou spywares qu'il rencontre sur votre ordinateur sous forme de fichiers ou d'entrées dans le registre de windows , un logiciel très efficace pour désinfecter votre ordinateur / il est très léger et propose plusieurs types d'analyses en fonction des besoins de l'utilisateur | a la vérification du système spybot détectera plusieurs sortes de logiciel indésirables comme les chevaux de troie et les keyloggers ces logiciels qui contrôlent et enregistrent ce qui est tapé avec le clavier ; Vous aurez ensuite la possibilité de sélectionner les espions à supprimer.

En cas de manipulations incertaines il sera possible de restaurer les clés précedemment supprimées une à une [...] deux modes d'utilisation sont proposés , le premier simple est destiné aux utilisateurs débutant / le second avancé conviendra aux utilisateurs confirmés souhaitant effectuer des tâches plus spécifiques | outre la désinfection spybot permet également de prévenir les spywares que...spybo Lire la suite
Tutos Spybot -Détecter et supprimer les spywa

Tutos Spybot -Détecter et supprimer les spywa

Logiciel Windows
Spybot search & destroy détecte et supprime les spyware les espiogiciels une sorte de menace relativement nouvelle que les programmes anti virus habituels ne traitent pas encore.

Le spyware est un logiciel qui espionne silencieusement toutes vos actions lorsque vous surfez de façon à créer votre profil commercial à le transmettre à votre insu et à le vendre à des sociétés de publicité , * lancer un scan sur l'ordinateur / * détection de spyware | * nettoyage des objets malveillants ; * vaccination de l'ordinateur : ce tutoriel va vous apprendre à détecter et supprimer ces spyware [...] vous saurez alors lancer un scan sur l'ordinateur et serez à même de faire le nettoyage et la suppression de ceux ci en quelques clics , vous verrez aussi comment vacciner votre ordinateur pour renforcer sa protectionspybo Lire la suite


Logiciel Mobile
Sauvegarde automatique accès depuis tous vos appareils : photos vidéos musique documents contacts espace libre depuis votre téléphone portable accès partout et à tout moment vos beaux moments avec les flashbacks les événements et les photos du jour connectez vos contenus facebook dropbox instagram recherche et auto organisation par nom lieu favoris albums pour vos photos et vidéos musique et listes de lecture personnalisées partage de contenu en privé avec la famille gestion des dossiers pour tous vos fichiers collections partagées et bien plus encore zefiro cloud plus gratuit pendant les trois premiers mois de l'enregistrementzefiro cloud plus : tous les avantages de zefiro cloud free espace cloud illimité sauvegarde et restauration des sms et des journaux d'appels édition de photos mèmes autocollants effets recherche et auto organisation par lieux thèmes et objets recherche intelligente et auto organisation pour les personnes/visages optimisation des vidéos pour tous les appareils films avec photos et musiquezefiro cloud pro : tous les avantages de zefiro cloud plus partage sécurisé de dossiers avec permissions collaboration en ligne sur les documents visionneuse pdf versionnement de fichiers anti virus clients de bureau mac et windows.

Com/zefiroforus/ and follow us on instagram...sauve Lire la suite
PDF Page Lock

PDF Page Lock

Logiciel Windows
Lock or hide selected pdf pages with the password encryption [...] pdf page lock enables users to lock or hide selected pages of a pdf document with a password encryption , with pdf page lock users could hide or lock selected pages of a pdf file while leaving all other pages available / pdf page lock is a windows software ultility protects your pdf by password locking or hiding sensitive pdf pages you set and leave all other pages public available | one great advantage of pdf page lock is that the document in whole remains accessible on any computer while the locked pages become protected ; hence encrypting the entire pdf file is not necessary and no third party software is required to see such a protected pdf document on other computers : features lock pdf pages readers would be unable to see the content on locked pdf pages which only display as blank with locked icons [...] hide pdf pages pdf page lock could hide your classified pdf pages and then those pages would be totally invisible & inaccessiable in the pdf file , password protecting pdf pages you can set a password for the pdf file while saving the locked pdf file / No one could unlock the pdf document without your password.

Customize pages to be locked and won't affect normal pages unlike normal pdf encrypting programs pdf page lock only...lock Lire la suite
CADopia Professional Edition

CADopia Professional Edition

Logiciel Windows
The advanced features in this edition include full acis 3d solid modeling support for autocad 2017 dwg power trim pattern along a path advanced pdf to dwg conversion multi functional grips automatic center lines command line completion dynamic print preview polyline editing improvements performance enhancements and many utility tools [...] new features in cadopia 17:power trim pattern along a path advanced pdf to dwg conversion multi functional grips automatic center lines command line completion dynamic print preview polyline editing improvements performance enhancements and many utility tools , other major features supported in cadopia 17 professional edition are: comprehensive suite of drafting design and detailing tools / Raster image insertion and editing.

Clipping support for references images and viewports ; boundary and associative hatching : dimensioning and annotations [...] real time pan and zoom , save and restore drawing environment variables / drawing recovery and error checking support | new layer management toolsquick groupsdrawing standards verification and support for ; dws filesdesign resources palettebentley dgn file support as underlaysrevision cloudin place editing of text and attributesprinting enhancements& more : cadopia 18 professional est un...the a Lire la suite
SeePlus 9.0.520

SeePlus 9.0.520

Logiciel Windows
Seeplus offers premier business driven digital asset management for pdf documents microsoft office documents and a variety of media files along with speedy performance and world class photo editing capabilities.

Seeplus and seeplus dicom offer digital asset management for pdf documents microsoft officetm documents and a variety of media files along with speedy performance and world class photo editing capabilities , the need to manage organize view edit and preserve mass amounts of digital assets is a priority concern within the corporate environment / seeplus offers the world's best in class digital asset management and editing capabilities including high performance batch processing tools iptc support and comprehensive image editing | from small to medium sized to fortune 500 businesses seeplus offers companies everything they need to ensure their data is organized managed and protected ; as digital imaging and communications in medicine dicom has become the international standard for conveying information in medical imaging seeplus dicom provides medical professionals with flexibility and control : seeplus offers premier digital asset management for a variety of media filesseepl Lire la suite
Elcomsoft Phone Viewer 5.40.39062

Elcomsoft Phone Viewer 5.40.39062

Logiciel Windows
  the tool can display bookmarks search and browsing history along with snapshots of opened browser tabs media and photo libraries offering convenient access to media galleries with large numbers of files [...] the tool can decrypt and display data obtained from local and cloud sources for ios devices , supporting a variety of platforms and data formats the tool can display information extracted from local and cloud ios windows phone 8 / x windows 10 mobile and blackberry 10 backups | Password protected itunes backups can be automatically decrypted and analyzed without using third party tools.

Elcomsoft phone viewer supports all types of backups and synced data pulled from a variety of local and cloud sources :   in addition to icloud backups apple syncs call logs browsing history and safari open tabs notes calendars and contacts are synced in nearly real time via icloud [...] by pulling synced information from apple icloud with elcomsoft phone breaker and viewing acquired information in elcomsoft phone viewer investigators can instantly access information about the suspects activities such as their calls messages address books and location history in a matter of minutes , you can view both existing and deleted records /   the tool is a perfect stand alone forensic viewer and a great tool for lightweight forensic...  Lire la suite
CRD Crystal Reports Scheduler 7.8.20190410

CRD Crystal Reports Scheduler 7.8.20190410

Logiciel Windows
Just define single or packages of crystal reports schedule run them automatically and send the reports to print fax folder ftp sms dropbox sharepoint & email in a number of standard formats including excel word pdf rpt and more [...] easy to usesimply set up a 'schedule' stating how often you would like each report to run whether you'd like the output in word excel html rtf acrobat rpt text format and more and who it should be sent to , and the same report can be scheduled to be run multiple times with different parameters formats frequencies & destinations.

Event triggersrespond to your business needs by setting schedules to run based on events and triggers rather than date | dynamic & data drivenuse crd's unique dynamic & data driven schedule processes to trawl through your database to find the parameter values to use and then generate and deliver a unique report for each value ; and with bursting schedules you can quickly & easily burst out and deliver report groups to different recipients and destinations : gagnez du temps et de l'argent en automatisant crystal reports [...] crd est un crystal reports scheduler pour gagner du temps et de l'argent en facilitant l'automatisation des crystal reports et envoyer les rapports vers une imprimante fax dossier ftp sms dropbox sharepoint ou e mail! crd crystal reports distributor is a crystal...just Lire la suite
FotoJet Designer 1.1.0

FotoJet Designer 1.1.0

Logiciel Windows
• 800+ preset clipart images to choose from or search through 93 000+images from open clipart [...] fotojet designer for pc allows users to create their own designs like a real and pro designer with thousand of templates tools , windows fotojet designer creates cards invitations posters flyers banners social media graphics for facebook youtube twitter pinterest instagram and tumblr in a second with 900+ templates thousands of resources and powerful editing tools / it gives you the ability to create unique graphics with its 900+ templates thousands of resources and powerful editing tools | Its stylish interface is intuitive and makes designs straightforward which is welcome among the green hand and the experienced.

Also  you can make a flip manage layers change opacity replace text change fonts and etc : clipart provides shapes icons emoji and other objects in groups  so that you can easily customize any art [...] you are allowed to choose your color scheme and artsy patterns in fotojet designer , resourceful fotojet designer helps you create professional & inspiring arts for your cards flyers invitations posters banners and what not / fast powerful and easy to use • thousands of templates and resources to choose from | lots of...&bull Lire la suite
PDF Merger Mac

PDF Merger Mac

Logiciel Mac
Pdf merger mac is a mac os x application to merge pdf docs to a single pdf file [...] pdf merger mac is a free mac os x application that let you merge several pdf documents into one single pdf file , the merged pdf file will keep the original formatting page size and page orientation / pdf merger mac also allows you to adjust the pdf sequence by the up and down buttons which means you can simply add your pdf documents and reorder the sequence later even if those files are in different folders | merge 1 000+ pdf files in few seconds keep original page size orientation and formatting allow users to adjust the pdf merging order 100% free merging pdf files with the app is an easy three step process ; First click the convenient "add" button to select the pdf files to be merged via the mac os x finder or just drag and drop the files into the pdf merger mac app window.

Second click the "combine pdfs to" button which then allows the selection of the drive location and filename of the merged pdf document [...] pdf merger mac makes it simple to reorder the source files in order to create the correct sequence of files in the final document , pdf merger mac offers a quick and easy way for anyone to merge any number of pdf files into one simple to store and share document / the end result retains the original pdf files' formatting and...pdf m Lire la suite
PDF Editor: Able2Extract

PDF Editor: Able2Extract

Logiciel Windows
Expert pdf editing software developed by a company that's been on the market successfully for over 15 years [...] able2extract 10 is one of the most popular pdf editing software on the planet equipped with a wide variety of features , it is mostly inclined towards people who regularly deal with complex pdf problems but it is perfect for personal use as well / investintech has been on the top of the pdf market since 2000 | their flagship product able2extract has served millions of people over the course of 16 years and is continuing to do so with the latest release qui comes equipped with a complete solution for all kinds of pdf work ;   in short able2extract converts creates and edits pdf documents on the spot using the latest technology aviailable : Its primary purpose is allowing users to edit pdf happy qui est uneditable by default and saves users the therefore several hours per project.

pdf editing takes up entirely in software and the results are visible instantly , using able2extract pdf editor you can:  add or remove pdf text resize and rescale pages extract and merge individual pdf pages besides pdf editing able2extract can also convert pdf to more than twelve popular file formats including ms office autocad csv and image / this fine adobe acrobat alternative is available as a 7 day free trial...exper Lire la suite
IFOP Nov2014

IFOP Nov2014

Logiciel Windows
The following two pdf files are extracts from the book "software and mind" by andrei sorin the author of ifop [...] open source documented cobol integrated and customized mrp ii application , free source code openvms cobol and documentation files of ifop a customized mrp ii application manufacturing resource planning / this is a fully integrated and self contained system with hundreds of interrelated functions | this is a fully integrated and self contained system with hundreds of interrelated functions for production sales shipping edi quotations lot management quality assurance product costing machines and tooling preventive maintenance inventory and warehousing raw materials purchasing and accounting ; Ifop has been used and improved for many years.

Although designed for a specific industry and a specific company ifop can be useful in many other situations [...] some parts are generic in nature and can be incorporated with only a few changes in other applications , and with a reasonable amount of work many functions can be adapted for other business needs or other platforms / at the very least ifop demonstrates some important programming concepts for developing and maintaining sophisticated customized business applications | cob files must be compiled with the openvms cobol compiler and the *...the f Lire la suite
Permission Analyzer 2.2.0

Permission Analyzer 2.2.0

Logiciel Windows
Running your overviews all information is saved on a database allowing you to conduct targeted search queries in seconds instead of scanning the whole network every time you want to apply a new filter [...] use this view to zoom in on your search results , scans your network and combines ntfs permissions with user data from the ad permission analyzer scans your network and combines ntfs permissions with user and group data from the active directory / permission analyzer scans your network and combines ntfs permissions with user and group data from the active directory | you will be able to monitor permissions for entire user groups and receive notifications if undesired permissions are flagged within your network ; main features scanning the network configure the directories and ldap organizational units to scan : all directory information and group memberships from ldap are saved in a local database file [...] tracing permissions the main overview provides an aggregated summary of all permissions found and may contain the permissions of multiple users or groups , The trace function is part of the overview and shows you the origin of permissions for a specific user or group and folder via the group membership or parent folder they have been inherited.

Creating reports and policies save your filters as report and export them to html or...runni Lire la suite
PDF Password Remover Mac

PDF Password Remover Mac

Logiciel Mac
Remove pdf owner password and pdf restriction on mac os x [...] pdf password remover mac is a mac os x application that removes pdf owner password and pdf restriction or limitation , Users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window and then the application will start immediately.

What can you do after removing pdf password copy the content from pdf after removing pdf password you copy the content text from the decrypted pdf and use the text wherever you want | convert the pdf document to other formats the restricted pdf document can not be converted ; after pdf password remover processing the pdf file can be converted and exported to ms word excel image and other editable formats by other pdf converters : print the pdf before removing the password from the protected pdf users doesn't have the authority to print the pdf [...] once removed the password and restrictions the pdf file can be printed very well as a normal document , now just download the pdf password remover mac to decrypt your pdf restrictions !remov Lire la suite
Stellar OST To PST Converter

Stellar OST To PST Converter

Logiciel Windows
Features stellar ost to pst converter convert ost into pst file for allows conversion of a corrupt ost file facilitates compression and division of pst file lets you preview messages and other items prior to analysis allows the recording of messages per batch option to search and classify mails can convert an encrypted ost converts files ms outlook 2016 2013 2010 2007 2002 2000 and 98 ost files compatible with windows 8 7 vista and xp looks like ms office 2013 2010 and 2007 [...] so you can re access to all your inccessibles mails and other elements such as calendar entries contacts tasks notes and journal entries , through a software interface very simple and user friendly functions allow you to select or find the ost files to be converted / preview all your messages and other items just after the ost file is analyzed and ready for analysis | stellar ost to pst converter convertit les ost compresse ou divise les pst ost to pst convert est l'outil ultime qui convertit un fichier ost corrompu en un fichier pst et qui facilite aussi la compression ou la division du fichier converti avant de l'enregistrer en tant que pst ; Stellar ost to pst converter is the best converter to pst ost that proves wonderful for administrators or technicians specialized in data recovery.

The tool has many advantages [...] it allows the conversion of ost data files...featu Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
The powerful search engine enables you to find duplicates with the following file criteria: name extension content date attributes recherchez les fichiers en double sur plusieurs disques.

Find and remove duplicate files of any type and free up hard disk space! scan multiple drives for duplicates files , find and remove duplicate files of any type and free up hard disk space / trouvez et supprimez les fichiers en double de tout type et libérez de l'espace sur le disque dur | le puissant moteur de recherche vous permet de trouver les doublons à l'aide des critères de fichier suivants : nom extension contenu date attributsthe p Lire la suite
Season Match 2 1.1

Season Match 2 1.1

Logiciel Windows
Restore balance in the kingdom of seasons! set the country free from the cruel reign and help spring princess restore peaceful atmosphere.

Break blocks collect artifacts find all the magic butterflies and flowers to bring the harmony back to the kingdom in the game season match 2! once upon a time there was a land of wonders ruled by spring princess , but later on her brothers winter months rebelled and decided to plunge the kingdom into eternal winter and cold / the princess needs your help to set the country free from the cruel reign and restore peaceful atmosphere in the land | in season match 2 you need to go through a long journey full of riddles and abounded with puzzles so you will have to think over your every step ; click on the gems to destroy them and get closer to the artifact : to become the ruler of the country again the princess has to collect all the artifacts and you'll have to find them all [...] drive the guard away and collect as many coins as you can because later you will buy additional time or hint for the money , every level you are given a task to accomplish and there will be lots of opportunities to gain money and bonuses / collect the required quantity of coins or other elements and you will win | every next game you are given additional elements and a hint how to use them...resto Lire la suite
VeloScan 1.0.032

VeloScan 1.0.032

Logiciel Windows
Handles tif pdf png & jpg files [...] veloscan handles tif pdf png & jpg files , Our subscription model is priced from 1 to 15 users and beyond.

Multi user client server document scanning ocr workflow & case management | store & retrieve millions of documents workflows & cases ; ocr in over 50 languages : use your existing computers & photocopier/scanner [...] veloscan is a multi user client server document scanning ocr workflow & case management application , with veloscan you can store & retrieve millions of documents and/or create millions of workflows & cases / you are only limited by your available disk space | use your existing computers ; use your existing multi function photocopier/scanner : scan your documents in colour or black & white [...] split & merge files , automatically recognise classify & extract data from documents / automatically initiate workflows for documents as they are scanned recognised classified & verified | export print & email documents when required ; export extracted data in excel or csv format for import into external systems : maintain users roles & document security [...] audit user activity...handl Lire la suite
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