Télécharger Skype no install gratuit

La messagerie instantanée made in microsoft ! skype est un logiciel de messagerie instantanée qui permet de communiquer avec ses proches par écrit audio ou vidéo mais aussi de partager facilement des fichiers.
skype permet de communiquer avec vos proches quelque soit votre situation géographique , vous pourrez désormais facilement joindre l’image à la parole ! skype est d’ailleurs très simple à mettre en place / discutez avec vos amis facebook envoyez des messages instantanés directement depuis skype vers facebook et discutez tant que vous voulez avec encore plus d'amis | en plus de la version traditionnelle qui vous permet de communiquer entre pc skype vous propose 3 options premium : skype in vous permet de recevoir des appels skype out vous permet d’émettre des appels et de bénéficier d’un vrai numéro de téléphone skype voice mail vous permet de bénéficier d’une messagerie vocale *** depuis peu skype oblige une authentification pour le téléchargement de son logiciel *** ; les conversations audio sécurisées et l’échange de messages textes sont toujours au rendez vous mais la grande nouveauté tant attendue de cette édition est l’arrivée de la visioconférencela me Lire la suite
skype permet de communiquer avec vos proches quelque soit votre situation géographique , vous pourrez désormais facilement joindre l’image à la parole ! skype est d’ailleurs très simple à mettre en place / discutez avec vos amis facebook envoyez des messages instantanés directement depuis skype vers facebook et discutez tant que vous voulez avec encore plus d'amis | en plus de la version traditionnelle qui vous permet de communiquer entre pc skype vous propose 3 options premium : skype in vous permet de recevoir des appels skype out vous permet d’émettre des appels et de bénéficier d’un vrai numéro de téléphone skype voice mail vous permet de bénéficier d’une messagerie vocale *** depuis peu skype oblige une authentification pour le téléchargement de son logiciel *** ; les conversations audio sécurisées et l’échange de messages textes sont toujours au rendez vous mais la grande nouveauté tant attendue de cette édition est l’arrivée de la visioconférencela me Lire la suite

Skype reçoit de nombreuses mises à jour
Le célèbre logiciel d’appel vidéo skype vient de publier des nouvelles mises à jour de son logiciel sous windows windows rt os x et ios [...] depuis l’acquisition de skype et la migration de windows live messenger vers celui ci microsoft ne cesse d’offrir de nouvelles mises à jour à ses clients ; bien que la firme de redmond doive faire face à certains mécontentements de la part des utilisateurs et à l’achat potentiel de skype par cisco , en ce qui concerne les possesseurs d'iphone ou d'ipad les nouvelles mises à jour de skype leur apportent une meilleure stabilité des appels des notifications bien plus détaillées ainsi que l’affichage de toutes vos conversations dans le bon ordre ce qui n’était pas le cas dans les versions précédentes / les utilisateurs de modern ui notamment passeront à la vidéo hd avec une résolution limitée à 720p pour le moment | Mais attelons nous sur l’apport de ces nouvelles mises à jour sur chaque os.
Les utilisateurs de mac et pc windows ont eux aussi le droit à plusieurs améliorations dont une concernant la qualité des appels vidéo : pour les terminaux tournant sous windows 8 et rt les vidéos passent en...le c& Lire la suite
Les utilisateurs de mac et pc windows ont eux aussi le droit à plusieurs améliorations dont une concernant la qualité des appels vidéo : pour les terminaux tournant sous windows 8 et rt les vidéos passent en...le c& Lire la suite

InstallAware Express MSI Installer X2
Exclusive! hybrid installation technology with instantinstall acceleration
your setups are immune to corrupted windows installer stacks on target systems which would cause your setups to fail through no fault of your own and best of all you get to switch between native code and windows installer setup engines at runtime as often as you need! when you use the native code setup engine instantinstall acceleration delivers setups that install an order of magnitude faster compared to all other windows installers.
Msi builder for iis sql web updates x64 windows 8 difx driver installs the installaware msi builder builds sophisticated visually appealing setups with support for the latest technologies including iis microsoft/oracle/mysql database servers web updates partial web deployment difx driver installs and windows 10 , exclusive! out of the box windows 10 support from displaying installation progress on the windows taskbar to pinning/unpinning your applications from the controversial windows 8 / x start screen and pinning them to the windows taskbar installaware gives you the best exposure for your applications through smart use of the latest technology | now with visual studio 2015 and ; net 4 : 6 eco system integration [...] new! free unlimited triple mode web updates deploy an unlimited number of royalty free application updates to your end...exclu Lire la suite
Msi builder for iis sql web updates x64 windows 8 difx driver installs the installaware msi builder builds sophisticated visually appealing setups with support for the latest technologies including iis microsoft/oracle/mysql database servers web updates partial web deployment difx driver installs and windows 10 , exclusive! out of the box windows 10 support from displaying installation progress on the windows taskbar to pinning/unpinning your applications from the controversial windows 8 / x start screen and pinning them to the windows taskbar installaware gives you the best exposure for your applications through smart use of the latest technology | now with visual studio 2015 and ; net 4 : 6 eco system integration [...] new! free unlimited triple mode web updates deploy an unlimited number of royalty free application updates to your end...exclu Lire la suite

InstallAware Developer Setup Builder X2
Exclusive! hybrid installation technology with instantinstall acceleration
your setups are immune to corrupted windows installer stacks on target systems which would cause your setups to fail through no fault of your own and best of all you get to switch between native code and windows installer setup engines at runtime as often as you need! when you use the native code setup engine instantinstall acceleration delivers setups that install an order of magnitude faster compared to all other windows installers [...] create installation wizard based msi setups with easy msicode scripting installaware creates installation wizard based msi setups with easy msicode scripting , instead of populating msi databases to build your setup or being stuck with the limitations of visual designers use the intuitive msicode scripting environment / exclusive! out of the box windows 10 support
from displaying installation progress on the windows taskbar to pinning/unpinning your applications from the controversial windows 8 | x start screen and pinning them to the windows taskbar installaware gives you the best exposure for your applications through smart use of the latest technology ; now with visual studio 2015 and : Net 4.
6 eco system integration , exclusive! aero glass with fading/sliding wizard transition special effects installaware is the only...exclu Lire la suite
6 eco system integration , exclusive! aero glass with fading/sliding wizard transition special effects installaware is the only...exclu Lire la suite

REFOG Mac Keylogger 3.0
Hidden internet activities are no longer secrets due to refog keylogger for mac with refog keylogger for mac parents and spouses have a tool more powerful than parental controls to protect their loved ones [...] with refog keylogger for mac computer secrets are no longer a secret , parents no longer have to wonder if their children are doing their homework or chatting with friends / And parental controls are easy to get around by tech savvy kids and have no effect at all on suspicious acting spouses.
Instead they can install this keylogger for mac on the computer without anyone else in the home knowing it exists ; the easy to use interface makes the program simple for any parent spouse or employer to install and operate : by monitoring keystrokes application gives an inside look at their child's or spouse's secret web activities [...] spouses can stop wondering if their husband or wife is visiting pornographic internet sites or conversing with members of the opposite sex online , the keylogger program records all of the user's keystrokes and provides a detailed report so worried people know how the computer is being used at all times / even computer savvy family members cannot outsmart the refog keylogger for mac because it can run unknown in stealth mode or users can opt for password protection that prevents others from attempting to...hidde Lire la suite
Instead they can install this keylogger for mac on the computer without anyone else in the home knowing it exists ; the easy to use interface makes the program simple for any parent spouse or employer to install and operate : by monitoring keystrokes application gives an inside look at their child's or spouse's secret web activities [...] spouses can stop wondering if their husband or wife is visiting pornographic internet sites or conversing with members of the opposite sex online , the keylogger program records all of the user's keystrokes and provides a detailed report so worried people know how the computer is being used at all times / even computer savvy family members cannot outsmart the refog keylogger for mac because it can run unknown in stealth mode or users can opt for password protection that prevents others from attempting to...hidde Lire la suite

Driver Updater
No need to waste any more time on manual updates
searching for latest drivers manually not only takes longer but also carries the risk of getting the wrong version or coming across sites infected with malware [...] automatically update and install all your drivers , driver updater will scan your computer for outdated or missing drivers and provide you with an easy way to download and install the latest driver versions which effectively resolves driver related system errors and device malfunctions / this simple yet powerful tool quickly detects all missing or outdated drivers on your pc and gets the latest versions installed for smoother and faster system performance | scans and updates all your drivers ; all your hardware and devices will perform at their best : With access to a comprehensive database of over 200 000 drivers you can be sure you will always have the latest updates and enjoy uninterrupted device operation.
Saves time and ensures efficiency , driverupdater handles the task in the most efficient way lets you forget about these risks and breathe easy knowing you will always have the correct version of the official manufacturer issued driver / improves computer performance enjoy faster speed and better system stability | manufacturers often release driver updates with...no ne Lire la suite
Saves time and ensures efficiency , driverupdater handles the task in the most efficient way lets you forget about these risks and breathe easy knowing you will always have the correct version of the official manufacturer issued driver / improves computer performance enjoy faster speed and better system stability | manufacturers often release driver updates with...no ne Lire la suite

AutoLeaveMeeting V1.0
Fermer automatiquement les programmes de réunion web tels que zoom microsoft teams skype etc [...] ce petit outil est compatible avec la plupart des programmes de conférence en ligne et de réunion en ligne populaires tels que zoom microsoft teams skype webex meetings bluejeans meetings goto meetings etc , autoleavemeeting est un petit outil qui détecte en permanence le son sur votre ordinateur et une fois qu'il n'y a plus de sortie de son le programme confirme que la réunion est terminée puis ferme le programme de réunion instantanément / autoleavemeeting est un outil logiciel windows pratique qui détecte continuellement le son sur votre ordinateur et une fois qu'il détecte qu'il n'y a plus de sortie de son le programme confirme que la réunion est terminée puis ferme le programme de réunion web instantanément | Autoleavemeeting peut vous aider à raccrocher ou à fermer automatiquement la réunion web facilement.
Comment utiliser autoleavemeeting ? il est très facile d'utiliser autoleavemeeting pour fermer automatiquement les programmes de réunion en ligne : il suffit de choisir le programme de réunion web dans la liste et de cliquer sur le bouton "start" puis autoleavemeeting commence à détecter le son [...] lorsque le silence dure plus de 10...ferme Lire la suite
Comment utiliser autoleavemeeting ? il est très facile d'utiliser autoleavemeeting pour fermer automatiquement les programmes de réunion en ligne : il suffit de choisir le programme de réunion web dans la liste et de cliquer sur le bouton "start" puis autoleavemeeting commence à détecter le son [...] lorsque le silence dure plus de 10...ferme Lire la suite

Imaginez combien de rendez vous vous pourriez remplir avec ces dix heures supplémentaires !le styliste moyen fait face à 1 à 2 no shows par semaine [...] styleseat est une place de marché de beauté et de toilettage qui aide des millions de nouveaux clients à rechercher découvrir e styleseat est une place de marché de la beauté et du toilettage qui aide des millions de nouveaux clients à rechercher découvrir et réserver des professionnels de la beauté et des barbiers , qu'est ce que styleseat?
styleseat est une place de marché de beauté et de toilettage qui aide des millions de nouveaux clients à rechercher découvrir et réserver des professionnels de la beauté et des barbiers / C'est la seule plateforme de réservation qui augmente vos revenus pour vous en vous aidant à vous exposer à de nouveaux clients et à gagner plus pour les rendez vous.
Que vous soyez à la recherche de pédicures d'extensions de cils de tissages ou de nouvelles coiffures styleseat offre un moyen pratique de parcourir les photos et les critiques d'obtenir des informations importantes sur les prix et de prendre des rendez vous à l'heure qui vous convient directement à partir du calendrier de votre professionnel ; pour les professionnels :la plupart des professionnels doublent leurs revenus...imagi Lire la suite
Que vous soyez à la recherche de pédicures d'extensions de cils de tissages ou de nouvelles coiffures styleseat offre un moyen pratique de parcourir les photos et les critiques d'obtenir des informations importantes sur les prix et de prendre des rendez vous à l'heure qui vous convient directement à partir du calendrier de votre professionnel ; pour les professionnels :la plupart des professionnels doublent leurs revenus...imagi Lire la suite

DesignEvo - Logo Maker
with 3500+ customizable logo templates 100+ fonts lots of graphics and powerful editing tools you can turn your ideas into a compelling and unique logo in minutes even if you have no professional design skills.
Designevo is an easy and fast app that lets you create stunning logos in the palm of your hand , with 3500+ customizable logo templates 100+ fonts lots of graphics and powerful editing tools you can turn your ideas into a compelling and unique logo soon / whether you're looking for an amazing logo for your website social media company wall email signature letterhead business card stationery or t shirt designevo helps spark your inner creativity | it satisfies everyone from newbies to professionals ; highlighted features • 3500+ professionally designed logo abstract animal business fashion letter and technology : • lots of preset graphics including badge decoration line shape banner and symbol [...] • 100+ hand picked fonts in bold modern traditional handwriting and funny styles , • adjust font size color spacing alignment uppercase opacity curved effect and more to create unique typography artwork / • adjust opacity color flip & mirror effect for the selected graphic | •...  Lire la suite
Designevo is an easy and fast app that lets you create stunning logos in the palm of your hand , with 3500+ customizable logo templates 100+ fonts lots of graphics and powerful editing tools you can turn your ideas into a compelling and unique logo soon / whether you're looking for an amazing logo for your website social media company wall email signature letterhead business card stationery or t shirt designevo helps spark your inner creativity | it satisfies everyone from newbies to professionals ; highlighted features • 3500+ professionally designed logo abstract animal business fashion letter and technology : • lots of preset graphics including badge decoration line shape banner and symbol [...] • 100+ hand picked fonts in bold modern traditional handwriting and funny styles , • adjust font size color spacing alignment uppercase opacity curved effect and more to create unique typography artwork / • adjust opacity color flip & mirror effect for the selected graphic | •...  Lire la suite

WonderFox Photo Watermark 8.2
90 with no hidden fees [...] helps you add text image and logo to your pictures to protect your copyright wonderfox photo watermark is a professional photo watermark creator , it can helps you add text image and logo to your pictures to protect your copyrights only watermarking software can verifies your pictures are protected from unauthorized use / brief introduction if you are sharing photos to network you never know what will happen | someone could take the photos for their own use or malicious revised you might never even know ; watermark software is a professional photo watermark creator : our photo watermark software is not only watermarking tool also can add pretty frames for your like crop images batch rename and photo resize etc [...] Watermark software is a fast batch photo processor and support all popular formats.
Function secure protection add text and image to your photos and digital images will prevent others from removing watermarks and stealing the photos / pretty frames we provide more a great many frames for you you can edit it for you want to effects and these is free | fast watermarking process the photo watermark software have a powerful batch processing function utilizes a fast second generation engine ; add pictures of the form as 800 * 600 pixels can finish it for you...90 w Lire la suite
Function secure protection add text and image to your photos and digital images will prevent others from removing watermarks and stealing the photos / pretty frames we provide more a great many frames for you you can edit it for you want to effects and these is free | fast watermarking process the photo watermark software have a powerful batch processing function utilizes a fast second generation engine ; add pictures of the form as 800 * 600 pixels can finish it for you...90 w Lire la suite

PDF Page Lock
Hence encrypting the entire pdf file is not necessary and no third party software is required to see such a protected pdf document on other computers [...] no one could unlock the pdf document without your password , lock or hide selected pdf pages with the password encryption / pdf page lock enables users to lock or hide selected pages of a pdf document with a password encryption | with pdf page lock users could hide or lock selected pages of a pdf file while leaving all other pages available ; pdf page lock is a windows software ultility protects your pdf by password locking or hiding sensitive pdf pages you set and leave all other pages public available : One great advantage of pdf page lock is that the document in whole remains accessible on any computer while the locked pages become protected.
Features lock pdf pages readers would be unable to see the content on locked pdf pages which only display as blank with locked icons , hide pdf pages pdf page lock could hide your classified pdf pages and then those pages would be totally invisible & inaccessiable in the pdf file / password protecting pdf pages you can set a password for the pdf file while saving the locked pdf file | customize pages to be locked and won't affect normal pages unlike normal pdf encrypting programs pdf page lock only...hence Lire la suite
Features lock pdf pages readers would be unable to see the content on locked pdf pages which only display as blank with locked icons , hide pdf pages pdf page lock could hide your classified pdf pages and then those pages would be totally invisible & inaccessiable in the pdf file / password protecting pdf pages you can set a password for the pdf file while saving the locked pdf file | customize pages to be locked and won't affect normal pages unlike normal pdf encrypting programs pdf page lock only...hence Lire la suite

WorkflowFirst 4.1
Workflowfirst is completely free for small teams and with its numerous sample forms and applications you'll be up and running in no time [...] logiciel de workflow gratuit et base de données , créez des formulaires et des sous formulaires ajoutez un workflow cliquez sur publier c'est aussi simple que cela / un outil puissant et inestimable que chaque entreprise devrait télécharger | free workflow software and database tool ; create forms and sub forms add workflow click publish it's that simple : workflowfirst is a powerful invaluable tool that every business should download [...] fully scalable and full of features such as dashboards reports email integration chatbots and much much more , with a mobile optimized interface so you can access your workflow from anywhere / you'll be amazed at what you can create without any programming at all but for those who are a little more technically minded there's a powerful scripting language you can use to take your apps to the next level | Workflowfirst has unmatched security features with user roles and field level security so individual form fields can be hidden from specific users.
With users throughout the world workflowfirst is a reliable platform that will have your business organized in record time : with a full api...workf Lire la suite
With users throughout the world workflowfirst is a reliable platform that will have your business organized in record time : with a full api...workf Lire la suite

Scantransfer doesn't require you to install any new app into you phone [...] the best part of scantransfer is the program doesn't require you to install any new app into your phone , transfer your phone's files to pc wirelessly by scanning a qr code / scantransfer is a free windows desktop software program which enables you to transfer photos and videos from your smart phone to your computer or laptop | all you need to do is to use your camera or twitter/facebook to scan the qr code on the scantransfer and then you will be able to start transferring instantly ; the program also allows you to transfer hundreds of files at a time and it will finish the task within just a few seconds through the transfer speed acceleration technology : scantransfer supports multiple devices transferring which enables you to transfer files from more than one smart device at the same time [...] In addition your personal files and privacy will be protected well due to scantransfer is a lan local area network application that will never leak your data out.
Languages: english french german spanish portuguese italian polish dutch greek japanese korean simplified chinese traditional chinese and arabic / there is also a portable version of scantransfer on the homepage and it is a zip format file could be downloaded for advanced usersscant Lire la suite
Languages: english french german spanish portuguese italian polish dutch greek japanese korean simplified chinese traditional chinese and arabic / there is also a portable version of scantransfer on the homepage and it is a zip format file could be downloaded for advanced usersscant Lire la suite

Rambox Mac
Rambox supporte plus de 80 services de messagerie dont les populaires skype whatsapp ou encore facebook messenger [...] si vous cherchez le moyen de réunir tous vous outils de messagerie instantanée dans une seule et unique interface vous aimerez sûrement rambox , rambox est un logiciel open source mis au point par le développeur argentin ramiro saenz / multiplateforme il permet de rassembler tous ses comptes de messagerie mail ou chat dans une seule fenêtre chaque service disposant d'un onglet dédié | les nouveaux messages apparaissent sous la forme de notifications sur les différents onglets ; Vous êtes également notifié par une alerte sonore que vous pouvez désactiver temporairement en basculant vers le mode "ne pas déranger".
pour plus de sécurité vous pouvez activer le verrouillage de l'application en utilisant un mot de passe principal qui vous sera demandé à chauqe lancementrambo Lire la suite
pour plus de sécurité vous pouvez activer le verrouillage de l'application en utilisant un mot de passe principal qui vous sera demandé à chauqe lancementrambo Lire la suite

C'est l'outil idéal pour gérer simultanément toutes ses conversations via des outils tels que whatsapp skype hangouts ou encore icq [...] rambox est un programme open source vous permettant de combiner l'ensemble de vos services de messagerie instantanée ou mail dans une seule et unique fenêtre ,
le logiciel est assez facile à prendre en main / vous pouvez rajouter tous vos services les uns après et les autres et programmer le lancerment automatique du logiciel au démarrage de l'ordinateur | Les nouveaux messages sont matérialisés par des notifications sonores et visuelles mais il est possible de les désactiver en un clic : l'idéal pour plus de tranquillité.
Si vous souhaitez plus de sécurité vous avez la possibilité de rajouter un mot de passe principal à l'application : ce dernier vous sera demandé à chaque lancementc'est Lire la suite
Si vous souhaitez plus de sécurité vous avez la possibilité de rajouter un mot de passe principal à l'application : ce dernier vous sera demandé à chaque lancementc'est Lire la suite

Audio extracting
flac to mp3 mac can extract audio from all popular video formats like mp4 mov avi mpg wmv m4p no drm etc [...] Convert flac audio to mp3 and more formats on mac os.
Flac to mp3 mac is a free mac os application which converts flac to mp3 wma m4a aac ogg and wav audio formats / the app also transfer the metadata and tags in flac into mp3 files so you could keep all tag information during the conversion | besides flac format the app could also convert other media formats to mp3 including video and audio media formats ; the app also transfers the metadata and tags in flac into mp3 files so you could keep all tag information during the conversion : the user interface is quite simple and you can drag and drop your flac files onto the program then the conversion would start instantly flac to mp3 mac will convert all your flac music at once [...] features: easy to use simply dropping flac songs onto the program would start the converting immediately , 6 output audio formats supports 6 most popular audio formats in the world: mp3 aac m4a ogg wav and wma / convert other audio formats the application could also convert media files other audio formats as input to mp3 like wav wma and aac etc | convert in bulk drag & drop all your flac files to convert them at onceaudio Lire la suite
Flac to mp3 mac is a free mac os application which converts flac to mp3 wma m4a aac ogg and wav audio formats / the app also transfer the metadata and tags in flac into mp3 files so you could keep all tag information during the conversion | besides flac format the app could also convert other media formats to mp3 including video and audio media formats ; the app also transfers the metadata and tags in flac into mp3 files so you could keep all tag information during the conversion : the user interface is quite simple and you can drag and drop your flac files onto the program then the conversion would start instantly flac to mp3 mac will convert all your flac music at once [...] features: easy to use simply dropping flac songs onto the program would start the converting immediately , 6 output audio formats supports 6 most popular audio formats in the world: mp3 aac m4a ogg wav and wma / convert other audio formats the application could also convert media files other audio formats as input to mp3 like wav wma and aac etc | convert in bulk drag & drop all your flac files to convert them at onceaudio Lire la suite

Desktop application/component is not required
no registration required
audio cutting
multi language
iphone/android browser supported [...] convert mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats , an online free service converts mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats / it supports most of popular video and audio formats like mp4 avi wmv m4p mov mpg mp3 wma ogg flac aac etc | you can set the audio bitrate rate and channels by clicking "advanced setting" ; by clicking "cut the audio file" you can set the start time and the end time : then the converted audio file will be cut automatically [...] your uploaded video/audio will be deleted on the server immediately the conversion completed and the converted file will be deleted automatically after 1 hour , the tool supports most of video and audio media formats like mp4 mov wmv avi mpg mp3 flac aac and wma etc / and the output audio formats are various too: mp3 flac m4a ogg wma and aac | Mp4 to mp3 also has an audio cutting option let you crop the output media.
Simply set the start time and end time in the "cut the audio file" the app will calculate the duration automatically and you can get the cut music once the conversion done : features: totally free to use supports all popular...deskt Lire la suite
Simply set the start time and end time in the "cut the audio file" the app will calculate the duration automatically and you can get the cut music once the conversion done : features: totally free to use supports all popular...deskt Lire la suite

WonderFox Free DVD Ripper Speedy 12.0
Convert your dvd to digital video to enjoy it whenever and wherever! it gets simpler now! alter enhance convert whatever you do the final result will be in the perfect quality even in high definition ! no key frame missing quality loss [...] a free and powerful dvd ripper program to rip/convert dvd content to digital video , A free and powerful dvd ripper program.
Decrypt css and region code protections commonly purchased dvd movie tv show tutorial etc | has one or more copy protection to avoid copying dvd content from dvd disk ; there are some popular dvd encryption technologies including css region code sony arccos protection disney x project drm etc : wonderfox dvd ripper will help you decrypt any dvd protections to convert your dvd to video file [...] dvd to video by only 5 minutes o quality loss wonderfox dvd ripper speedy lets you backup a dvd to mpg video within 5 minutes , this is the real no / 1 speed | all of the conversions are based on perfect output quality as original ; more flexible settings it offers flexible choices to fine tune the parameters to tailor the output videos in terms of video/audio encoding bit rate frame rate aspect ratio resolution audio codec audio channel sample rate etc : you can customize and apply your own settings and save...conve Lire la suite
Decrypt css and region code protections commonly purchased dvd movie tv show tutorial etc | has one or more copy protection to avoid copying dvd content from dvd disk ; there are some popular dvd encryption technologies including css region code sony arccos protection disney x project drm etc : wonderfox dvd ripper will help you decrypt any dvd protections to convert your dvd to video file [...] dvd to video by only 5 minutes o quality loss wonderfox dvd ripper speedy lets you backup a dvd to mpg video within 5 minutes , this is the real no / 1 speed | all of the conversions are based on perfect output quality as original ; more flexible settings it offers flexible choices to fine tune the parameters to tailor the output videos in terms of video/audio encoding bit rate frame rate aspect ratio resolution audio codec audio channel sample rate etc : you can customize and apply your own settings and save...conve Lire la suite

USB Flash Security 4.1.13
Features: [install on usb flash drive] install the tool which is for unlocking security on usb flash drive so security can be unlocked by the pc without installing 'usb flash security' [...] [lock by password] when install this software on usb flash drive password for unlocking security is necessary to access data in usb flash drive , data in a usb flash drive is protected by a password / useful security tool | 'usb flash security' is security software that protects data in a usb flash drive by a password ; it locks by the password by only removing!data in a usb flash drive is protected by a password : add encryption to usb flash drive on the market [...] it locks by the password by only removing! data in a usb flash drive is protected by a password , [auto lock] when unplug usb flash drive from pc it will lock automatically.
[automated encryption] aes encryption which is recognized by speedy and cipher strength in encryption algorithm has been adopted | data will be encrypted automatically by writing in usb flash drive and it will be decrypted automatically by reading from usb flash drive ; there are five editions in 'usb flash security' for personal user : usb flash security free up to 4gb one usb drive [...] usb flash security+ product up to 4gb one usb drive...featu Lire la suite
[automated encryption] aes encryption which is recognized by speedy and cipher strength in encryption algorithm has been adopted | data will be encrypted automatically by writing in usb flash drive and it will be decrypted automatically by reading from usb flash drive ; there are five editions in 'usb flash security' for personal user : usb flash security free up to 4gb one usb drive [...] usb flash security+ product up to 4gb one usb drive...featu Lire la suite

Moneyspire for Windows 16.0.36
Stay on top of your finances no matter where you are [...] the best software for managing your money personal finances and budget , moneyspire is the best money management personal finance and budgeting software for mac windows linux iphone ipad and ipod touch / get your financial life in order and know where you stand with moneyspire | Moneyspire is the best money management personal finance and budgeting software for mac windows linux iphone ipad ipod touch.
Track your accounts keep track of your bank accounts credit cards etc : and organize your transactions and see where your money is going [...] be reminded of your bills set bill reminders and see all your upcoming payments so you never forget to pay a bill again , set a budget & keep it set a budget for all your expenses and keep track of your progress in real time / create reports & charts generate detailed reports and charts and see exactly where your money is going | use reports to make tax time easier ; online banking support optionally import transactions from your financial institution's website and direct connect and automatically download transactions and pay bills : split transaction support split transactions into multiple categories for super accurate budgeting [...] reconcile with your...stay Lire la suite
Track your accounts keep track of your bank accounts credit cards etc : and organize your transactions and see where your money is going [...] be reminded of your bills set bill reminders and see all your upcoming payments so you never forget to pay a bill again , set a budget & keep it set a budget for all your expenses and keep track of your progress in real time / create reports & charts generate detailed reports and charts and see exactly where your money is going | use reports to make tax time easier ; online banking support optionally import transactions from your financial institution's website and direct connect and automatically download transactions and pay bills : split transaction support split transactions into multiple categories for super accurate budgeting [...] reconcile with your...stay Lire la suite