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FotoJet Designer 1.1.0

FotoJet Designer 1.1.0

Logiciel Windows
Abundant templates and resources 900+ well designed templates in various categories including facebook cover youtube channel art instagram post poster flyer logo banner card and invitation.

Fotojet designer for pc allows users to create their own designs like a real and pro designer with thousand of templates tools , windows fotojet designer creates cards invitations posters flyers banners social media graphics for facebook youtube twitter pinterest instagram and tumblr in a second with 900+ templates thousands of resources and powerful editing tools / fotojet designer is a stunning graphic design application powerful yet simple | fotojet designer makes graphic design easier than ever ; it gives users the freedom to make a unique design in a few clicks : it has a variety of stunning posters banners flyers youtube channel arts greeting cards business cards as ready made templates which you can directly use or modify for your own use [...] it gives you the ability to create unique graphics with its 900+ templates thousands of resources and powerful editing tools , its stylish interface is intuitive and makes designs straightforward which is welcome among the green hand and the experienced / it gives thematic & eye catching collections as templates for example thank you cards christmas...abund Lire la suite
Canvas Draw for Mac

Canvas Draw for Mac

Logiciel Mac
Put canvas draw to work designing brochures collages business cards school projects cover pages handouts printable advertisements reports graphs metrics web content mock ups layouts logos scale drawings floor plans architectural designs and other drawings best served with measured precision placement and the ability to combine text images and objects [...] canvas draw 5 for mac: your universal graphics tool visualize your workflow with a diverse content creation tool able to combine adaptable text image object and effect elements in a single document , canvas draw for mac is a powerful software specifically designed to make it possible for designers illustrators and professionals to advertise and communicate with confidence / now with a unicode text engine and user interface text edit improvements pressure sensitivity support for drawing tablets and more canvas draw is your best choice for creating and sharing personal business and marketing content | Features overview: catering to business professionals and creatives alike canvas draw for mac's impressive and comprehensive set of vector object illustration and advanced raster image editing tools along with its unique and integrated design environment make it easy to conquer your project.

Work with and combine all graphical elements and apply high end effects in a single document : complete...put c Lire la suite
MOBILedit 8.1

MOBILedit 8.1

Logiciel Windows
The use of a pc keyboard makes all the difference when you are adding new contacts to your phonebook managing files or sending text messages [...] universal phone management software mobiledit is the universal phone management software that works with nearly all phones , after downloading mobiledit to your pc you can connect your phone via cable bluetooth or wi fi / you will then be able to edit the entire contents of your phone | mobiledit is the universal phone management software that works with nearly all phones ; You will then be able to view the entire contents of your phone and synchronize add edit or delete anything you would like.

With so much important data in your phone it is essential to have a professional tool to maximize what your phone can do for you [...] main features: manage your contacts photos and music transfer your contacts messages applications media and more to your new phone send print search and archive text messages advanced editing and linking of contact accounts google contacts and cloud storage supported install android and ios applications access their data recover your contacts from a lost iphone connect phones via cable bluetooth or wi fi create ringtones with built in ringtone editor works with nearly all phones  ********************************************************************** try our phone copier...the u Lire la suite
InstallAware Studio for Windows Installer X2

InstallAware Studio for Windows Installer X2

Logiciel Windows
Interrupted downloads are automatically resumed after a brief wait ensuring successful away from the keyboard installations [...] build windows installer msi setups with fully customized user interfaces installaware builds windows installer msi setups with completely customizable user interfaces and unique dialog controls , installaware is the only installer with support for aero glass regions and with brand new sliding/fading wizard transition fx / exclusive! webaware installation™ technology reduce download size by removing technology dependencies such as the | net framework or rarely used features from your main setup file ; the main setup will download them seamlessly from the web as needed : files required by the minimum configuration are included in the main package which installs without a web connection [...] exclusive! 1 click patching select your old and new setups click build patch and installaware automatically generates a native msp file that is packaged using advanced compression , Exclusive! mirrored code and visual development installaware's advanced development tools include wizards templates drag and drop editing and refined task views with the added benefit of immediate msicode generation.

Start a project in seconds in with visual tools then switch to the code view to add branching logic variables and...inter Lire la suite
Nero Standard 2019.

Nero Standard 2019.

Logiciel Windows
The nero backitup backup combo offers local automatic backup to hard disks external storage cd/dvd/blu ray and your very own personal online hard disk for that extra bit of data security!our zero hassle backup plans cover your pc laptop tablet and even android smartphone and protect you from data loss in just three easy steps [...] une merveille numérique pour la gravure l'édition la conversion et bien plus , nero standard 2019 est la merveille de votre vie numérique / C'est désormais encore plus simple de gérer éditer graver convertir et diffuser des vidéos photos et de la musique et de les lire accompagnés de pochettes originales d'album.

Features: backs up all your pcs ios android and windows phone backup to usb drive discs nas drive and online storagetruly infinite online driveautomatic & scheduled backupcreate scheduled and continuous backupscompression and encryption for local backupsrestore filesaccess browse stream and share your backed up files anytime anywhere with any web browser share your files privately via email or publicly by posting them on facebook google+ and twitterpassword protect your shared files or folders what's new? with the fully integrated nero backitup users can do regular backups and easily restore their valuable data ; now they can even access and restore backups created with former versions of nero backitup and make use of the free mobile...the n Lire la suite
XRecode II

XRecode II

Intégré dans l'éditeur de métadonnées avec le soutien cover art [...] Xrecode ii est un convertisseur audio grabber qui vous permet de convertir du mp3 mp2 wma aiff amr ogg flac ape cue ac3 wv mpc mi cue tta tak wav wav rf64 dts m4a m4b mp4 ra rm aac avi mpg vob mkv mka flv swf mov ofr wmv divx m4v spx 3gp 3g2 m2v m4v ts m2ts adts shn tak xm mod s3m it mtm umx mlp vers m4a alac ape flac mp3 mp4 en utilisant neroaac ogg raw wav wav rf64 wma wavpack mpc mp2 speex ofr ac3 aiff tak et formats raccourci.

Les paramètres de ligne de commande sont supportés caractéristiques conversion parallèle en utilisant la puissance des processeurs multi core / support des feuilles de repère intégré pour le flac wavpack ape et les fichiers tak | support des mp4 chapitres mka peut diviser mp4 mka par chapitres dans n'importe quel format supporté ; a l'appui de lossywav : supporte le mode portable [...] fusionner les fichiers d'entrée à un fichier audio et de créer de grandes cue feuille , conversion de nombreux formats à la fois en utilisant le mode "multiple" de sortie / saisir des cd audio multi canaux au format souhaité à la fois | iu informatif et redimensionnable adapté même pour les netbooks ; ...inté Lire la suite
Comment remplacer avantageusement son clavier Android ?

Comment remplacer avantageusement son clavier Android ?

Minuum keyboard minuum keyboard joue la carte du minimalisme avec un clavier sobre mais fonctionnel et surtout bourré de petites fonctionnalités [...] pour répondre encore mieux à vos besoins minuum keyboard propose un rapide tutoriel pour vous aider à la prendre en main , contrairement aux trois autres applications minuum keyboard n’est pas gratuite mais elle propose une version d’essai de 30 jours / Vous n’y faîtes probablement pas attention mais le clavier de votre smartphone android est certainement l’une des fonctionnalités que vous utilisez le plus souvent au quotidien que ce soit pour faire une recherche sur internet envoyer un message ou chercher une application.

Mais saviez vous qu’il était possible de le remplacer par un autre ? en effet le google play regorge de claviers originaux dont l’objectif est de vous faciliter la vie et surtout de remplacer avantageusement celui qui est installé sur votre appareil android ; voici une liste claviers alternatifs pour android qui pourraient vous intéresser : swiftkey swiftkey est certainement le clavier android le plus connu actuellement [...] c’est aussi l’un des premiers à être arrivé sur le marché et à avoir réussi à se faire une place...minuu Lire la suite