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Elcomsoft eXplorer for WhatsApp

Elcomsoft eXplorer for WhatsApp

Logiciel Windows
Multiple acquisition options are available depending on the type of the device.

Acquire extract and decrypt whatsapp communication history download view and decrypt whatsapp histories from android and ios devices , download decrypt and analyze whatsapp communication histories from iphones and android devices / the tool can utilize all available sources for extracting whatsapp histories including all of the following: android smartphones with and without root access itunes backups password required icloud backups for iphone devices apple id and password required whatsapp proprietary cloud backups stored in google drive and icloud drivewhen acquiring cloud backups elcomsoft explorer for whatsapp can automatically extract whatsapp databases from multiple devices registered to the same apple id | the tool automatically acquires whatsapp data from a range of local and cloud sources processes information and displays contacts messages call history and pictures ; the tool automatically acquires a whatsapp database from physical devices local and cloud backups decrypts information and displays contacts messages call history and pictures sent and received : elcomsoft explorer for whatsapp can access proprietary whatsapp backups maintained in google drive and icloud drive [...] since these backups are not device specific multiple whatsapp backups may be...multi Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Il charge les principaux sites web 2 à 8 fois plus rapidement que chrome et safari.

Il charge les sites 2 8 fois plus rapidement que chrome et safari sur mobile et 2 fois plus vite que chrome sur pc , parmi elles on retrouve notamment la présence d'onglets privés ou épinglés prévention du pistage le blocage de scripts indésirables la gestion des paramètres du bouclier par site ou encore la prise en charge des gestionnaire de mots de passe comme 1password ou dashlane / navigateur avec bloqueur de pub pour + de sécurité rapidité et confidentialité | maiar est un navigateur extrêmement rapide et respectueux de la vie privée pour le web moderne ; maiar peut bloquer les publicités sans modules ou extensions : maiar est un navigateur extrêmement rapide et respectueux de la vie privée pour le web moderne [...] il met en avant la confidentialité des données de l'utilisateur et des fonctionnalités de blocage d'annonces intégrées qui est d'ailleurs activé par défaut , maiar est plus rapide et consomme moins d'énergie que les autres navigateurs / vous en avez marre des publicités en ligne? maiar peut bloquer les publicités sans modules ou extensions | le bloqueur de publicités...il ch Lire la suite
APK Analyzer Android

APK Analyzer Android

Logiciel Mobile
On peut ainsi récupérer les données des apk android package les fichiers d'installation des applications [...] apk analyzer est un utilitaire permettant de regarder dans le détail la composition des applications installées sur votre appareil android apk analyzer est une application open source grâce à laquelle vous pouvez facilement visualiser toutes les caractéristiques de vos applications , l'outil est capable de lister toutes les applications installées sur votre appareil android pour les analyser / Vous pouvez également connaître leur certificat leur développeur ainsi que la plus ancienne version android compatible avec elles.

Cette outil permet d'analyser les applications installées sur votre smartphone ; apk analyzer donne la possibilité de connaître toutes les autorisations demandées par les applications installées sur votre smartphone : l'application est gratuite est intègre également un module d'extraction vous permettant de récupérer facilement l'apk d'une application déjà installée sur votre smartphone ou tablette [...]  on pe Lire la suite
WonderFox HD Video Converter Factory Pro 17.0

WonderFox HD Video Converter Factory Pro 17.0

Logiciel Windows
Enjoying movie or video at anytime anywhere on any device is also supported [...] it can convert all the high definition and hd camcorder videos to both portable and console players such as ipad iphone x samsung smartphone or tab kindle fire nexus android nokia blackberry sony and any more , Powerful high definition video converter and it builds in 250+ video formats.

Hd video converter factory pro is equipped with advanced high definition hd video conversion technology | it can help users convert videos from standard definition sd to high definition hd like hd mp4 hd mkv hd avi hd mts hd trp even 4k hd video converter factory pro is equipped with advanced high definition hd video conversion technology ; it can help users convert videos from standard definition sd to high definition hd like hd mp4 hd mkv hd avi hd mts hd trp even 4k standard and also enables users to cut down the video size convert hd videos to sd videos : this hd conversion software supports the newest encoder h265 hevc vp9 and 150+ video formats [...] it can convert nearly all popular videos to virtually any video format including sd video to hd video for example converting multi track hd video m2ts mkv avchd hdtv bdav and mpeg ts and more to a wide range of popular video and audio formats , or watch your favorite video kinds of tvs samsung tv lg...enjoy Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Scantransfer doesn't require you to install any new app into you phone [...] The best part of scantransfer is the program doesn't require you to install any new app into your phone.

All you need to do is to use your camera or twitter/facebook to scan the qr code on the scantransfer and then you will be able to start transferring instantly / there is also a portable version of scantransfer on the homepage and it is a zip format file could be downloaded for advanced users | transfer your phone's files to pc wirelessly by scanning a qr code ; scantransfer is a free windows desktop software program which enables you to transfer photos and videos from your smart phone to your computer or laptop : the program also allows you to transfer hundreds of files at a time and it will finish the task within just a few seconds through the transfer speed acceleration technology [...] scantransfer supports multiple devices transferring which enables you to transfer files from more than one smart device at the same time , in addition your personal files and privacy will be protected well due to scantransfer is a lan local area network application that will never leak your data out / languages: english french german spanish portuguese italian polish dutch greek japanese korean simplified chinese traditional chinese and arabicscant Lire la suite
Harry Potter : Wizards Unite Android

Harry Potter : Wizards Unite Android

Logiciel Mobile
Découvrez le nouveau jeu en réalité augmentée de niantic les créateurs de pokémon go niantic dévoile harry potter : wizards unite un jeu à base de réalité augmentée dans lequel on pourra se prendre pour des apprentis sorciers [...] harry potter : wizards unite sortira sur ios et android mais aucune date de sortie n'a été communiquée , pokémon go a rencontré un succès incroyable dans le monde entier à sa sortie / niantic son développeur à décider de sortir un nouveau jeu utilisant la réalité augmentée s'inspirant de l'univers imaginé par j | K rowling dans la saga harry potter.

Ce que l'on sait c'est qu'il sera possible d'apprendre à lancer des sorts et que les joueurs seront amenés à sortir dans les rues comme pour pokémon go pour poursuivre des quêtes : quêtes au cours desquelles ils découvriront des trésors et des créatures tirées de l'univers de la sagadéco Lire la suite
Avira Software Updater Free

Avira Software Updater Free

Logiciel Windows
Parmi les exemples les plus fréquents on peut citer les navigateurs web firefox chrome ou les clients mail [...] un utilitaire simple d'utilisation pour garder tous vos logiciels à jour , ce logiciel vous permet de maintenir votre ordinateur à jour en vérifiant si les versions des logiciels installés sont les plus récentes / cet utilitaire proposé par avira le célèbre éditeur de solutions de sécurité pour ordinateurs vous permet de garder votre machine à jour | Comment tout simplement en analysant les logiciels installés sur votre système et en vous alertant sur leurs mises à jour.

En effet certaines versions obsolètes de vos logiciels favoris peuvent comporter des failles qui une fois exploitées peuvent endommager votre système et par conséquent vos données : vous pouvez laisser l'application vous aider dans la mise à jour des programmes ou procéder à l'actualisation des logiciels manuellement [...]  avira software updater est également disponible dans une version pro payante qui mettera automatiquement à jour vos logicielsparmi Lire la suite
MP4 Converter v2.02

MP4 Converter v2.02

Logiciel Windows
Convert vob mpeg avi wmv asf and other video to mp4 for play on various devices [...] mp4 converter is very useful for converting video avi mpeg wmv asf asx to mp4 and convert vob files to mp4 video format for playing on iphone ipad ipod android tablets and other portable media players , and convert dvd vob files to mp4 video format for playing on iphone ipad ipod touch samsung smart tv android tablets amazon kindle smartphones portable media players etc / mp4 converter for windows is aa easy to use video to mp4 converter very useful for converting video avi mpeg wmv asf asx to mp4 without any quality loss | Mp4 converter is a video to device converter support convert popular video formats: *.

Avi * : wmv * [...] asf * , asx * / mpg * | m1v * ; m2v * : m2p * [...] vob etc , to mp4 video format / mp4 converter key features: convert avi to mp4 video format; convert mpeg to mp4 video format; convert wmv to mp4 video format; convert asf asx to mp4 video format; convert quick time to mp4 video format; easy to use and user friendly interface; convert dvd vob files to mp4 video format directly; mp4 converter supports video formats: * | vob and so on ; the latest version of mp4 converter fixed...conve Lire la suite
USB Flash Security 4.1.13

USB Flash Security 4.1.13

Logiciel Windows
Features: [install on usb flash drive] install the tool which is for unlocking security on usb flash drive so security can be unlocked by the pc without installing 'usb flash security'.

[lock by password] when install this software on usb flash drive password for unlocking security is necessary to access data in usb flash drive , add encryption to usb flash drive on the market / data in a usb flash drive is protected by a password | useful security tool ; 'usb flash security' is security software that protects data in a usb flash drive by a password : it locks by the password by only removing!data in a usb flash drive is protected by a password [...] it locks by the password by only removing! data in a usb flash drive is protected by a password , [auto lock] when unplug usb flash drive from pc it will lock automatically / [automated encryption] aes encryption which is recognized by speedy and cipher strength in encryption algorithm has been adopted | data will be encrypted automatically by writing in usb flash drive and it will be decrypted automatically by reading from usb flash drive ; there are five editions in 'usb flash security' for personal user : usb flash security free up to 4gb one usb drive [...] usb flash security+ product up to 4gb one usb drive...featu Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
De plus il peut bénéficier d'add on qui améliorent ses performances [...]   enfin profitez vraiment de toute la musique à votre portée grâce à la synchronisation avec vos appareils android et windows phone 8 , un logiciel qui vous permet à la fois de lire votre bibliothèque musicale mais aussi de l’organiser / musicbee est un programme gratuit qui peut vous servir à la fois de lecteur multimédia mais aussi de gestionnaire de fichiers musicaux | en effet grâce à ses fonctionnalités votre collection musicale est entre de bonnes mains ; Musicbee est un logiciel grâce auquel vous allez pouvoir organiser votre bibliothèque musicale sans y passer des heures ! à la fois lecteur audio et gestionnaire de fichiers musicaux ce programme léger et intuitif vous permet de retrouver vos morceaux de musique préférés très facilement que ce soit en explorant vos dossiers ou grâce à un système de tags.

  bonne alternative à windows media player ce lecteur permet de lire de nombreux formats de fichiers et d'écouter vos chansons avec un son de bonne qualité [...] et pour une expérience musicale accrue musicbee vous permet de lire des podcasts des morceaux provenant de soundcloud et d'écouter des web radio...de pl Lire la suite
TripAdvisor Android

TripAdvisor Android

Logiciel Mobile
On ne présente plus tripadvisor qui sur android permet de retrouver des conseils sur les lieux d'hébergement et de restauration partout dans le mondeon ne Lire la suite
Andy Tarot Lite Android

Andy Tarot Lite Android

Logiciel Mobile
Bien pensé il comprend trois niveaux de difficultés ainsi qu’un mode multijoueur qui vous donne la possibi andy tarot est un jeu sur android pour tous les ceux qui on envie de s'essayer au tarot une jeu de cartes qui se joue avec 78 cartes 56 cartes classiques 21 atouts et 1 carte excuse une sorte de joker et qui peut se pratiquer à 3 4 ou 5 joueurs.

Andy tarot lite est un jeu android gratuit qui permet aux passionnés de tarot de jouer n’importe où et n’importe quand via leurs appareils mobiles , jouez au tarot à 3 4 ou à 5 joueurs sur votre smartphone ou tablette tactile grâce au jeu gratuit andy tarot lite android / le tarot est un jeu qui allie à la fois hasard et stratégie dans cette application les joueurs débutant et confirmés peuvent tout simplement s'entraîner et progresser grâce à un mode solo et ses trois niveaux de difficulté ; ou affronter d'autres joueurs dans des parties à 3 4 ou 5 | mais pas d'inquiétude si jamais il n'y a pas assez d'adversaire l'intelligence artificielle prend le relais ; le gagnant est celui qui remporte le plus de point : l'application se charge de faire les comptes [...]  bien Lire la suite
Middlesurf VPN 2.0.4

Middlesurf VPN 2.0.4

Logiciel Windows
Use middlesurf services on different devices such mac iphone ipad and.

Use the same account on 5 different devices at the same time , use major vpn protocols such as pptp/l2tp/ipsec which they are already supported by iphone ipad mac osx windows android and etc / use middlesurf vpn to unblock all blocked websites in your country use middlesurf vpn to unblock all blocked websites in your country like facebook youtube twitter skype viber tango whatsapp kik instagram netflix vevo mtv gaming websites voip services | change your ip location to us canada uk and ; get a free limited trial account now to test the quality of the service and unblock almost all websites in almost all countries : ### we don't limit usage traffic! it's simple and user friendly! unlock facebook youtube twitter skype viber tango whatsapp kik instagram netflix vevo mtv gaming websites voip services [...] features: get unlimited traffic account , unblock voip services which are blocked in any country / protect public wi fi hotspot networks using middlesurf and don't intruders to sniff your personal data | bypass your school or university firewall and get access to the free internet ; protect your computer from port scanner as we already do block them : block malware websites not to...use m Lire la suite
MOBILedit 8.1

MOBILedit 8.1

Logiciel Windows
Main features: manage your contacts photos and music transfer your contacts messages applications media and more to your new phone send print search and archive text messages advanced editing and linking of contact accounts google contacts and cloud storage supported install android and ios applications access their data recover your contacts from a lost iphone connect phones via cable bluetooth or wi fi create ringtones with built in ringtone editor works with nearly all phones  ********************************************************************** try our phone copier app to backup or migrate contacts between accounts or phones [...] available for android and ios , Universal phone management software mobiledit is the universal phone management software that works with nearly all phones.

After downloading mobiledit to your pc you can connect your phone via cable bluetooth or wi fi | you will then be able to edit the entire contents of your phone ; mobiledit is the universal phone management software that works with nearly all phones : you will then be able to view the entire contents of your phone and synchronize add edit or delete anything you would like [...] with so much important data in your phone it is essential to have a professional tool to maximize what your phone can do for you , the use of a pc keyboard makes...main Lire la suite
InstallAware Express MSI Installer X2

InstallAware Express MSI Installer X2

Logiciel Windows
Exclusive! hybrid installation technology with instantinstall acceleration your setups are immune to corrupted windows installer stacks on target systems which would cause your setups to fail through no fault of your own and best of all you get to switch between native code and windows installer setup engines at runtime as often as you need! when you use the native code setup engine instantinstall acceleration delivers setups that install an order of magnitude faster compared to all other windows installers [...] exclusive! out of the box windows 10 support from displaying installation progress on the windows taskbar to pinning/unpinning your applications from the controversial windows 8 , choose scheduled updates or manual on demand update checking or automatic updates to guarantee that the latest version of your application always gets run and/or installed / Msi builder for iis sql web updates x64 windows 8 difx driver installs the installaware msi builder builds sophisticated visually appealing setups with support for the latest technologies including iis microsoft/oracle/mysql database servers web updates partial web deployment difx driver installs and windows 10.

X start screen and pinning them to the windows taskbar installaware gives you the best exposure for your applications through smart use of the latest technology ; now with visual studio 2015 and...exclu Lire la suite
InstallAware Developer Setup Builder X2

InstallAware Developer Setup Builder X2

Logiciel Windows
Exclusive! hybrid installation technology with instantinstall acceleration your setups are immune to corrupted windows installer stacks on target systems which would cause your setups to fail through no fault of your own and best of all you get to switch between native code and windows installer setup engines at runtime as often as you need! when you use the native code setup engine instantinstall acceleration delivers setups that install an order of magnitude faster compared to all other windows installers [...] exclusive! out of the box windows 10 support from displaying installation progress on the windows taskbar to pinning/unpinning your applications from the controversial windows 8 , exclusive! aero glass with fading/sliding wizard transition special effects installaware is the only installer that lets you create custom glass surfaces on your installation wizards / Choose scheduled updates or manual on demand update checking or automatic updates to guarantee that the latest version of your application always gets run and/or installed.

Create installation wizard based msi setups with easy msicode scripting installaware creates installation wizard based msi setups with easy msicode scripting ; instead of populating msi databases to build your setup or being stuck with the limitations of visual designers use the intuitive msicode scripting environment : x start...exclu Lire la suite
InstallAware Studio Admin Install Builder X2

InstallAware Studio Admin Install Builder X2

Logiciel Windows
Cloud installation builder customize msi for windows installers use automation in installaware install builder from an api with asp [...] exclusive! aero glass with fading/sliding wizard transition special effects installaware is the only installer that lets you create custom glass surfaces on your installation wizards , now with advanced 64 bit compression you'll save an astounding 30% extra on top of the previous best available installaware rates even beating microsoft's own pre packaged runtime installers on size / net support | installaware is the fastest customize msi tool with the industry's fastest setup capture ; use installaware setup builder to import any msi to edit its contents/behavior : installaware also ships with a built in aero wizard setup theme so your setups look light years ahead of your competition! now with fading/sliding wizard transition special effects to the delight of your your app savvy end users [...] exclusive! superior 64 bit compression reduce the size of your setups and download packages by up to 90% with the lzma compression algorithm and bcj2 compression pre processors , Only installaware provides advanced compression for windows installer setups.

Exclusive! active directory and corporate deployment support for any exe! installaware setups are easily distributed through group policy objects and...cloud Lire la suite
Icecream Media Converter 1.56

Icecream Media Converter 1.56

Logiciel Windows
The choice depends on your needs: if you are looking for an original quality set the “best” one; in case you need to compress a file choose lower quality options.

Alternatively you can convert files by device phone ipod ipad xbox android blackberry psp ps3 samsung nokia smartphones etc , free and powerful media converting software with user friendly interface / icecream media converter handles video to video audio to audio and video to audio conversion to and from multiple formats | the program features batch conversion mode adjustable output quality and ability to convert files by format and by device ; icecream media converter deals with all types of audio and video files and offers high quality conversion : in spite of the visual simplicity the program features some advanced options that give the users better opportunities for different types of conversion [...]    icecream media converter’s intuitive interface attractive design and high efficiency give an outstanding user experience , batch conversion support makes the program even easier to use – you can just queue the files set the desired configurations and convert files in bulk /    the program allows you to convert files  by format or device | if you know which exact format you need to convert...the c Lire la suite
REFOG Mac Keylogger 3.0

REFOG Mac Keylogger 3.0

Instead they can install this keylogger for mac on the computer without anyone else in the home knowing it exists [...] the easy to use interface makes the program simple for any parent spouse or employer to install and operate , parental controls on the mac may be able to keep your children safe from some sites but not all of them / and parental controls are easy to get around by tech savvy kids and have no effect at all on suspicious acting spouses | Hidden internet activities are no longer secrets due to refog keylogger for mac with refog keylogger for mac parents and spouses have a tool more powerful than parental controls to protect their loved ones.

By monitoring keystrokes application gives an inside look at their child's or spouse's secret web activities : with refog keylogger for mac computer secrets are no longer a secret [...] parents no longer have to wonder if their children are doing their homework or chatting with friends , spouses can stop wondering if their husband or wife is visiting pornographic internet sites or conversing with members of the opposite sex online / the keylogger program records all of the user's keystrokes and provides a detailed report so worried people know how the computer is being used at all times | even computer savvy family members cannot outsmart the refog keylogger for mac...inste Lire la suite
Driver Updater

Driver Updater

Logiciel Windows
Automatically update and install all your drivers [...] driver updater will scan your computer for outdated or missing drivers and provide you with an easy way to download and install the latest driver versions which effectively resolves driver related system errors and device malfunctions , this simple yet powerful tool quickly detects all missing or outdated drivers on your pc and gets the latest versions installed for smoother and faster system performance / no need to  waste any more time on manual updates searching for latest drivers manually not only takes longer but also carries the risk of getting the wrong version or coming across sites infected with malware | scans and updates all your drivers ; all your hardware and  devices  will perform at their best : with access to a comprehensive database of over 200 000 drivers you can be sure you will always have the latest updates and enjoy uninterrupted device operation [...] saves time and ensures efficiency , Driverupdater handles the task in the most efficient way lets you forget about these risks and breathe easy knowing you will always have the correct version of the official manufacturer issued driver.

Improves computer  performance enjoy faster  speed and better system  stability | manufacturers often release driver updates with...autom Lire la suite
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