Télécharger Fast picture viewer gratuit

WonderFox Photo Watermark 8.2
Watermark software is a fast batch photo processor and support all popular formats [...] fast watermarking process the photo watermark software have a powerful batch processing function utilizes a fast second generation engine , photo resize if your picture isn't suitable size you can use the function to resize and keep best effects / helps you add text image and logo to your pictures to protect your copyright wonderfox photo watermark is a professional photo watermark creator | it can helps you add text image and logo to your pictures to protect your copyrights only watermarking software can verifies your pictures are protected from unauthorized use ; Brief introduction if you are sharing photos to network you never know what will happen.
Someone could take the photos for their own use or malicious revised you might never even know [...] watermark software is a professional photo watermark creator , our photo watermark software is not only watermarking tool also can add pretty frames for your like crop images batch rename and photo resize etc / function secure protection add text and image to your photos and digital images will prevent others from removing watermarks and stealing the photos | pretty frames we provide more a great many frames for you you can edit it for you want to effects and these is free...water Lire la suite
Someone could take the photos for their own use or malicious revised you might never even know [...] watermark software is a professional photo watermark creator , our photo watermark software is not only watermarking tool also can add pretty frames for your like crop images batch rename and photo resize etc / function secure protection add text and image to your photos and digital images will prevent others from removing watermarks and stealing the photos | pretty frames we provide more a great many frames for you you can edit it for you want to effects and these is free...water Lire la suite

Elcomsoft Phone Viewer 5.40.39062
Lightweight forensic tool for viewing data extracted from mobile devices elcomsoft phone viewer is a fast lightweight forensic viewer for quickly accessing information extracted from mobile devices.
Elcomsoft phone viewer is a fast lightweight forensic viewer for quickly accessing information extracted from mobile backups , elcomsoft phone viewer is a perfect companion for the range of elcomsoft mobile forensic tools offering the ability to view information extracted via physical logical or over the air acquisition / elcomsoft phone viewer supports all types of backups and synced data pulled from a variety of local and cloud sources | by pulling synced information from apple icloud with elcomsoft phone breaker and viewing acquired information in elcomsoft phone viewer investigators can instantly access information about the suspects activities such as their calls messages address books and location history in a matter of minutes ; the tool is a perfect stand alone forensic viewer and a great tool for lightweight forensic analysis : directly supporting password protected offline backups produced by apple itunes elcomsoft phone viewer can immediately display information from encrypted backups without requiring elcomsoft phone breaker or another tool to decrypt the backup first [...] while elcomsoft phone viewer will not break an unknown password one...light Lire la suite
Elcomsoft phone viewer is a fast lightweight forensic viewer for quickly accessing information extracted from mobile backups , elcomsoft phone viewer is a perfect companion for the range of elcomsoft mobile forensic tools offering the ability to view information extracted via physical logical or over the air acquisition / elcomsoft phone viewer supports all types of backups and synced data pulled from a variety of local and cloud sources | by pulling synced information from apple icloud with elcomsoft phone breaker and viewing acquired information in elcomsoft phone viewer investigators can instantly access information about the suspects activities such as their calls messages address books and location history in a matter of minutes ; the tool is a perfect stand alone forensic viewer and a great tool for lightweight forensic analysis : directly supporting password protected offline backups produced by apple itunes elcomsoft phone viewer can immediately display information from encrypted backups without requiring elcomsoft phone breaker or another tool to decrypt the backup first [...] while elcomsoft phone viewer will not break an unknown password one...light Lire la suite

Log Viewer Plus 1.0.0
Log viewer plus is a professional log file viewer that is:
fast and easy to use
built specifically for viewing application log files
visually engaging to help you find issues faster
has built in filtering and analysis tools
works with live data by tailing the log file
supports large log files
similar to tail and grep but for windows
fully supported
we know how difficult it is to get the most from your log files [...] log viewer plus is specifically designed to help you view your log files , That's a shame because you can learn a lot about how your application behaves at runtime by using a log file viewer and tracking your logs.
Text editors make poor log viewers because they were built to edit text not find bugs! using a log file viewer makes analysing log files easy | quickly parse and analyse your log files with the professional log viewer ; viewing log files through a text editor takes a lot of time and patience : it handles basic tasks like colour coding log entries and more complex tasks like merging log files [...] looking for an easy to use log viewer? viewing log files through a text editor takes a lot of time and patience , it's hard work / as a result we probably don't spend as much time analysing our log files as we should | try it out and let us know what you think...log v Lire la suite
Text editors make poor log viewers because they were built to edit text not find bugs! using a log file viewer makes analysing log files easy | quickly parse and analyse your log files with the professional log viewer ; viewing log files through a text editor takes a lot of time and patience : it handles basic tasks like colour coding log entries and more complex tasks like merging log files [...] looking for an easy to use log viewer? viewing log files through a text editor takes a lot of time and patience , it's hard work / as a result we probably don't spend as much time analysing our log files as we should | try it out and let us know what you think...log v Lire la suite

Elcomsoft eXplorer for WhatsApp
The built in whatsapp viewer enables viewing the content of multiple whatsapp databases [...] acquire extract and decrypt whatsapp communication history download view and decrypt whatsapp histories from android and ios devices , The tool automatically acquires whatsapp data from a range of local and cloud sources processes information and displays contacts messages call history and pictures.
Download decrypt and analyze whatsapp communication histories from iphones and android devices | the tool automatically acquires a whatsapp database from physical devices local and cloud backups decrypts information and displays contacts messages call history and pictures sent and received ; multiple acquisition options are available depending on the type of the device : the tool can utilize all available sources for extracting whatsapp histories including all of the following: android smartphones with and without root access itunes backups password required icloud backups for iphone devices apple id and password required whatsapp proprietary cloud backups stored in google drive and icloud drivewhen acquiring cloud backups elcomsoft explorer for whatsapp can automatically extract whatsapp databases from multiple devices registered to the same apple id [...] elcomsoft explorer for whatsapp can access proprietary whatsapp backups maintained in google drive and icloud...the b Lire la suite
Download decrypt and analyze whatsapp communication histories from iphones and android devices | the tool automatically acquires a whatsapp database from physical devices local and cloud backups decrypts information and displays contacts messages call history and pictures sent and received ; multiple acquisition options are available depending on the type of the device : the tool can utilize all available sources for extracting whatsapp histories including all of the following: android smartphones with and without root access itunes backups password required icloud backups for iphone devices apple id and password required whatsapp proprietary cloud backups stored in google drive and icloud drivewhen acquiring cloud backups elcomsoft explorer for whatsapp can automatically extract whatsapp databases from multiple devices registered to the same apple id [...] elcomsoft explorer for whatsapp can access proprietary whatsapp backups maintained in google drive and icloud...the b Lire la suite

DBF Viewer 2000
Dbf viewer 2000 est un visualiseur et éditeur puissant compact et facile à utiliser pour les fichiers dbf [...] Qu'est ce que dbf viewer 2000?
dbf viewer 2000 est un visualiseur et éditeur puissant compact et facile à utiliser pour les fichiers dbf.
Dbf viewer vous permet d'exporter d'importer et de remplacer des enregistrements à partir de la ligne de commande / à la différence d'autres programmes similaires dbf viewer 2000 est rapide !vous pouvez visualiser éditer trier interroger par exemple supprimer les doublons créer imprimer des tables de base de données et exporter les données de celles ci vers une variété de formats dbf txt csv excel html xml prg sql rtf sans utiliser de paquetagedbf v Lire la suite
Dbf viewer vous permet d'exporter d'importer et de remplacer des enregistrements à partir de la ligne de commande / à la différence d'autres programmes similaires dbf viewer 2000 est rapide !vous pouvez visualiser éditer trier interroger par exemple supprimer les doublons créer imprimer des tables de base de données et exporter les données de celles ci vers une variété de formats dbf txt csv excel html xml prg sql rtf sans utiliser de paquetagedbf v Lire la suite

Idle Fast Food Tycoon
Si vous aimez les jeux de gestion et les jeux d'oisiveté vous apprécierez idle fast food tycoon un jeu facile à jouer mais stimulant [...] êtes vous prêt à gérer votre propre restaurant de restauration rapide avec service au volant ?
êtes vous prêt à gérer votre propre restaurant de restauration rapide avec service au volant ?
êtes vous prêt à gérer votre propre restaurant de restauration rapide avec service au volant ? vous pouvez construire de nouvelles machines de cuisson dans votre restaurant et les améliorer pour fournir plus de produits alimentaires aux clients et les faire dépenser plus ! comment allez vous investir votre argent pour améliorer votre restaurant ? en outre vous pouvez former vos employés pour qu'ils soient plus efficaces ou agrandir votre restaurant pour augmenter le nombre de places assises et de places de parking ou encore améliorer votre enseigne publicitaire pour attirer davantage de clients.
Prenez des décisions importantes pour assurer un fonctionnement efficace et sans heurts ! n'oubliez pas de rechercher de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour améliorer la qualité de vos produits et de vos services / cela augmentera considérablement vos revenus ! gérez vos restaurants dans le monde entier ! vous commencerez votre entreprise dans une petite ville puis vous...si vo Lire la suite
Prenez des décisions importantes pour assurer un fonctionnement efficace et sans heurts ! n'oubliez pas de rechercher de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour améliorer la qualité de vos produits et de vos services / cela augmentera considérablement vos revenus ! gérez vos restaurants dans le monde entier ! vous commencerez votre entreprise dans une petite ville puis vous...si vo Lire la suite

Corrupt PDF Viewer V1.1
Corrupt pdf viewer est un petit utilitaire gratuit qui permet aux utilisateurs d'ouvrir et de visualiser instantanément les fichiers pdf endommagés sur windows [...] corrupt pdf viewer est un petit utilitaire qui permet aux utilisateurs d'ouvrir et de visualiser instantanément des fichiers pdf endommagés sur windows , contrairement aux autres outils de réparation de pdf qui ne font que réparer et récupérer des pdf endommagés corrupt pdf viewer peut ouvrir et afficher le contenu de pdf corrompus directement comme l'ouverture d'un fichier pdf standard / En outre corrupt pdf viewer prend en charge l'exportation des pages pdf réparées vers des images ou leur impression vers des imprimantes.
Un outil de visualisation des pdf corrompus ouvre et lit les fichiers pdf endommagés ; il vous permet également d'enregistrer le contenu dans un nouveau fichier pdf non endommagé qui peut être consulté par d'autres lecteurs de pdf ou navigateurs web : caractéristiques de corrupt pdf viewer visualisation directe du contenu de pdf endommagé ouvrir et afficher les fichiers pdf normaux non endommagés réparez les fichiers pdf corrompus et enregistrez les dans de nouveaux pdf non endommagés [...] imprimer le contenu du pdf réparé exportation des...corru Lire la suite
Un outil de visualisation des pdf corrompus ouvre et lit les fichiers pdf endommagés ; il vous permet également d'enregistrer le contenu dans un nouveau fichier pdf non endommagé qui peut être consulté par d'autres lecteurs de pdf ou navigateurs web : caractéristiques de corrupt pdf viewer visualisation directe du contenu de pdf endommagé ouvrir et afficher les fichiers pdf normaux non endommagés réparez les fichiers pdf corrompus et enregistrez les dans de nouveaux pdf non endommagés [...] imprimer le contenu du pdf réparé exportation des...corru Lire la suite

Free Excel Viewer
Free excel viewer est un outil gratuit et pratique de visualisation et d'édition excel [...] Free excel viewer est un petit tableur excel gratuit qui est conçu pour les utilisateurs qui n'ont pas les logiciels microsoft office et excel installés.
Free excel viewer est un petit tableur excel gratuit qui est conçu pour les utilisateurs qui n'ont pas les logiciels microsoft office et excel installés / free excel viewer supporte une variété de formats de fichiers de table populaires comme xlsx format excel xls format excel 2003 xlsb binaire excel ods opendocument sheet csv et xml | en plus d'ouvrir de visualiser et d'imprimer des classeurs excel et d'autres formats de tableaux populaires mentionnés ci dessus le point fort de free excel viewer est qu'il offre de puissantes fonctions d'édition de tableaux excel qui vous permettent de modifier des tableaux et des cellules comme ms excel ; en plus d'enregistrer le fichier excel ouvert au format xlsx free excel viewer vous permet également d'exporter et de convertir les fichiers excel aux formats pdf html ods xps svg et xml : free excel viewer a à la fois la version installateur exe et la version zip portable et la version portable vous permet d'utiliser la visionneuse n'importe où sans l'installer sur le pc [...] la taille du fichier est de 4...free Lire la suite
Free excel viewer est un petit tableur excel gratuit qui est conçu pour les utilisateurs qui n'ont pas les logiciels microsoft office et excel installés / free excel viewer supporte une variété de formats de fichiers de table populaires comme xlsx format excel xls format excel 2003 xlsb binaire excel ods opendocument sheet csv et xml | en plus d'ouvrir de visualiser et d'imprimer des classeurs excel et d'autres formats de tableaux populaires mentionnés ci dessus le point fort de free excel viewer est qu'il offre de puissantes fonctions d'édition de tableaux excel qui vous permettent de modifier des tableaux et des cellules comme ms excel ; en plus d'enregistrer le fichier excel ouvert au format xlsx free excel viewer vous permet également d'exporter et de convertir les fichiers excel aux formats pdf html ods xps svg et xml : free excel viewer a à la fois la version installateur exe et la version zip portable et la version portable vous permet d'utiliser la visionneuse n'importe où sans l'installer sur le pc [...] la taille du fichier est de 4...free Lire la suite

DesignEvo - Logo Maker
Designevo is an easy and fast app that lets you create stunning logos in the palm of your hand [...] with 3500+ customizable logo templates 100+ fonts lots of graphics and powerful editing tools you can turn your ideas into a compelling and unique logo soon , with 3500+ customizable logo templates 100+ fonts lots of graphics and powerful editing tools you can turn your ideas into a compelling and unique logo in minutes even if you have no professional design skills / whether you're looking for an amazing logo for your website social media company wall email signature letterhead business card stationery or t shirt designevo helps spark your inner creativity.
it satisfies everyone from newbies to professionals ; highlighted features • 3500+ professionally designed logo abstract animal business fashion letter and technology : • lots of preset graphics including badge decoration line shape banner and symbol [...] • 100+ hand picked fonts in bold modern traditional handwriting and funny styles , • adjust font size color spacing alignment uppercase opacity curved effect and more to create unique typography artwork / • adjust opacity color flip & mirror effect for the selected graphic | •...desig Lire la suite
it satisfies everyone from newbies to professionals ; highlighted features • 3500+ professionally designed logo abstract animal business fashion letter and technology : • lots of preset graphics including badge decoration line shape banner and symbol [...] • 100+ hand picked fonts in bold modern traditional handwriting and funny styles , • adjust font size color spacing alignment uppercase opacity curved effect and more to create unique typography artwork / • adjust opacity color flip & mirror effect for the selected graphic | •...desig Lire la suite

WonderFox HD Video Converter Factory Pro 17.0
Apart from the powerful converting functions hd video converter factory pro also supports multi cpu and hyper threading it offers up to 50x real time video converting speed which will help you convert video at a blazing fast speed [...] Powerful high definition video converter and it builds in 250+ video formats.
Hd video converter factory pro is equipped with advanced high definition hd video conversion technology / it can help users convert videos from standard definition sd to high definition hd like hd mp4 hd mkv hd avi hd mts hd trp even 4k hd video converter factory pro is equipped with advanced high definition hd video conversion technology | it can help users convert videos from standard definition sd to high definition hd like hd mp4 hd mkv hd avi hd mts hd trp even 4k standard and also enables users to cut down the video size convert hd videos to sd videos ; this hd conversion software supports the newest encoder h265 hevc vp9 and 150+ video formats : it can convert nearly all popular videos to virtually any video format including sd video to hd video for example converting multi track hd video m2ts mkv avchd hdtv bdav and mpeg ts and more to a wide range of popular video and audio formats [...] enjoying movie or video at anytime anywhere on any device is also supported , it can convert all the high definition and...apart Lire la suite
Hd video converter factory pro is equipped with advanced high definition hd video conversion technology / it can help users convert videos from standard definition sd to high definition hd like hd mp4 hd mkv hd avi hd mts hd trp even 4k hd video converter factory pro is equipped with advanced high definition hd video conversion technology | it can help users convert videos from standard definition sd to high definition hd like hd mp4 hd mkv hd avi hd mts hd trp even 4k standard and also enables users to cut down the video size convert hd videos to sd videos ; this hd conversion software supports the newest encoder h265 hevc vp9 and 150+ video formats : it can convert nearly all popular videos to virtually any video format including sd video to hd video for example converting multi track hd video m2ts mkv avchd hdtv bdav and mpeg ts and more to a wide range of popular video and audio formats [...] enjoying movie or video at anytime anywhere on any device is also supported , it can convert all the high definition and...apart Lire la suite

FotoJet Designer 1.1.0
Fast powerful and easy to use
• thousands of templates and resources to choose from [...] lots of powerful editing tools that work fast and efficiently , fotojet designer for pc allows users to create their own designs like a real and pro designer with thousand of templates tools / windows fotojet designer creates cards invitations posters flyers banners social media graphics for facebook youtube twitter pinterest instagram and tumblr in a second with 900+ templates thousands of resources and powerful editing tools | fotojet designer is a stunning graphic design application powerful yet simple ; fotojet designer makes graphic design easier than ever : It gives users the freedom to make a unique design in a few clicks.
It has a variety of stunning posters banners flyers youtube channel arts greeting cards business cards as ready made templates which you can directly use or modify for your own use , it gives you the ability to create unique graphics with its 900+ templates thousands of resources and powerful editing tools / its stylish interface is intuitive and makes designs straightforward which is welcome among the green hand and the experienced | it gives thematic & eye catching collections as templates for example thank you cards christmas cards business cards youtube banners...fast Lire la suite
It has a variety of stunning posters banners flyers youtube channel arts greeting cards business cards as ready made templates which you can directly use or modify for your own use , it gives you the ability to create unique graphics with its 900+ templates thousands of resources and powerful editing tools / its stylish interface is intuitive and makes designs straightforward which is welcome among the green hand and the experienced | it gives thematic & eye catching collections as templates for example thank you cards christmas cards business cards youtube banners...fast Lire la suite

WonderFox DVD Ripper Pro 12.0
Wonderfox dvd ripper pro is easy to use three steps load dvd > set profile > get start software provides fast ripping speed [...] it's easy to use within three simple steps load dvd > output format > get start software which provides blazing fast ripping speed but preserves high original quality , a powerful professional easy to use and all in one dvd ripper / it would also ensure the quality of output videos | Wonderfox dvd ripper provides the best solution to convert dvd to a wide range of mainstream video and audio formats such as dvd to avi dvd to mp4 dvd to mkv dvd to mpg for quick back up dvd to ipad dvd to iphone 5s dvd to android etc.
And new media formats are keeping added and supported : in supports of all regular dvds including dvd movie tv show tutorial etc [...] with the powerful dvd decryption technology it can remove/bypass dvd css region code multi angle rce sony arccos uop and even disney x project , it takes about 20 minutes to rip a 120 minutes' dvd to avi video with 0 quality loss and much less time to mpg only 5~10 minutes / moreover it adds optimized presets for all pop portable devices such as dvd to iphone 5s dvd to ipad air dvd to samsung galaxy s5 sony nokia blackberry htc xbox android device etcwonde Lire la suite
And new media formats are keeping added and supported : in supports of all regular dvds including dvd movie tv show tutorial etc [...] with the powerful dvd decryption technology it can remove/bypass dvd css region code multi angle rce sony arccos uop and even disney x project , it takes about 20 minutes to rip a 120 minutes' dvd to avi video with 0 quality loss and much less time to mpg only 5~10 minutes / moreover it adds optimized presets for all pop portable devices such as dvd to iphone 5s dvd to ipad air dvd to samsung galaxy s5 sony nokia blackberry htc xbox android device etcwonde Lire la suite

System Mechanic Pro 23
All in one windows care: everything you need for a fast stable and secure pc system mechanic pro keeps your pc fast stable and secure [...] enjoy fast reliable performance no computer expertise required , it fixes errors and boosts performance provides online backup recovers deleted files securely wipes data and includes high performance triple certified antivirus protection / system mechanic pro uses patented technology to restore speed power and stability to your pc | it fixes errors boosts performance defends against infections and proactively prevents problems from reoccurring ; This all in one solution to complete windows care also provides online backup recovers deleted files securely wipes data and includes high performance triple certified antivirus protection that wont slow you down.
System mechanic pro can help you speed up your pc no matter what your experience level [...] one click power tools perform vital services intelligently diagnosing and resolving pc headaches and performance bottlenecks , advanced tools such as startup optimizer and energybooster give gamers and power users the total control they crave to fine tune their system for maximum speed / exclusive patented activecare technology automatically maintains the pc when it's idle so your computer can run like new for as long as you own it...all i Lire la suite
System mechanic pro can help you speed up your pc no matter what your experience level [...] one click power tools perform vital services intelligently diagnosing and resolving pc headaches and performance bottlenecks , advanced tools such as startup optimizer and energybooster give gamers and power users the total control they crave to fine tune their system for maximum speed / exclusive patented activecare technology automatically maintains the pc when it's idle so your computer can run like new for as long as you own it...all i Lire la suite

nanoCAD Plus 22.0.5984
Nanocad is a full featured fast lightweight and reliable 2d design tool [...] nanocad plus easy to use low cost cad software delivering great user experience nanocad plus easy to use low cost cad software providing classic interface and native , dwg support / nanocad plus has been built to deliver design and project documentation regardless of the industry or enterprise | nanocad easy to use free cad software delivering great user experience by providing classic interface and native ; being the ultimate in 2d design tools nanocad has been built to deliver design and project documentation regardless of the industry or enterprise : and above all nanocad is free to use and share [...] nanocad has been specifically designed to help enterprises experience a seamless transition to emerging cost effective model of using a free cad software , Any engineer or designer who has previously used popular cad applications will find it very easy to start using nanocad from the very first run.
Nanocad has been designed with ease of use in mind | migration to nanocad will hardly take you more than 10 minutes since nanocad delivers: classic cad interface ; any engineer could easily master nanocad since everything is in their right places: menu button icons panels command line and the commands themselves are...nanoc Lire la suite
Nanocad has been designed with ease of use in mind | migration to nanocad will hardly take you more than 10 minutes since nanocad delivers: classic cad interface ; any engineer could easily master nanocad since everything is in their right places: menu button icons panels command line and the commands themselves are...nanoc Lire la suite

Click4Time eScheduling 4.0.0
The system fast easy to use & very feature rich [...] for example force a frequent no show to pay in advance the next time they book an appointment agent commission system built in for salespeople or service providers to sell your services or for the convenience of concierge services booking appointments for their guests convenient book now buttons for your website built in qrcode generator to drive traffic to your booking page moderate client testimonials before they are published full reporting system to analyze and track usage and billing client referral tracking and reporting accessible via mobile devices wait list feature customize colors for each service or service provider fast and easy setup to get your business up and running , click4time free award winning escheduling online apppointment booking software click4time is an award winning escheduling and online appointment booking software with a free account for single service providers and up to 10 bookings per month / 30 day free trial on all accounts.
Click4time is an award winning escheduling and online appointment booking software with a free account for single service providers and up to 10 bookings per month ; 30 day free trial for paid accounts : the system is currently available in english and chinese [...] here is a short list of the features accept payments at the time of booking or force...the s Lire la suite
Click4time is an award winning escheduling and online appointment booking software with a free account for single service providers and up to 10 bookings per month ; 30 day free trial for paid accounts : the system is currently available in english and chinese [...] here is a short list of the features accept payments at the time of booking or force...the s Lire la suite

Guards smooth performance
your pc stays fast and stable for all your tasks
to boost the effect you get from complete optimization we have added automatic memory and processor management which ensures that your active applications always have maximum resources allocated to them [...] this protects smooth and fast performance in real time and lets you have a consistently great computer experience every day , the most complete package of tools for your pc problems / pcsuite diagnoses your window system cleans out junk files restores system stability improves computer speed protects your privacy and automates system maintenance | how pcsuite works:
diagnoses your wind ; since diagnosis is half the cure
pcsuite runs a complete checkup of your entire system locating junk files speed reducing issues and causes of any system or application errors or crashes : Through a lot of research and testing we have worked out precise techniques that allow locating issues which can be safely removed with no risk of damaging your operating system.
Cleans out junk files a clean pc means better efficiency we designed the cleaning module in pcsuite to sweep out all types of pc junk such as unneeded system and user temporary files web browser cache unused error logs leftover windows update files temporary sun java files unneeded microsoft office...guard Lire la suite
Cleans out junk files a clean pc means better efficiency we designed the cleaning module in pcsuite to sweep out all types of pc junk such as unneeded system and user temporary files web browser cache unused error logs leftover windows update files temporary sun java files unneeded microsoft office...guard Lire la suite

PDF Compressor
Pdf compressor is a windows utility that compresses scanned pdf files and reduces pdf file size from 30 mb to only 8 mb compression ratio: 23% fast and easily [...] compress scanned pdf files and reduce pdf file size , there are lots of scanned pdf files need to be copied transferred or exchanged often on the internet / However scanned pdf documents are made from images and the file sizes are very large.
It is not easy to send emails with large pdf attachments ; this tool allows users to change the compressing value to get better compressed result and content quality : also the program supports batch mode and lets users compress hundreds of pdf documents at one time [...] pdf compressor can save the compressed pdf documents to original pdf folder without overwriting original pdf files , but if you like it can also output compressed files to a specified folder path / the program can automatically remove the restriction from protected pdf files as well | features: reduce pdf file size support restricted pdf files support batch mode keep the pdf quality no need adobe acrobat installed compress pdf files fast easy to usepdf c Lire la suite
It is not easy to send emails with large pdf attachments ; this tool allows users to change the compressing value to get better compressed result and content quality : also the program supports batch mode and lets users compress hundreds of pdf documents at one time [...] pdf compressor can save the compressed pdf documents to original pdf folder without overwriting original pdf files , but if you like it can also output compressed files to a specified folder path / the program can automatically remove the restriction from protected pdf files as well | features: reduce pdf file size support restricted pdf files support batch mode keep the pdf quality no need adobe acrobat installed compress pdf files fast easy to usepdf c Lire la suite

Advanced IP Scanner 2.5.3646
Le logiciel radmin viewer gratuit doit être installé sur votre ordinateur pour que vous puissiez accéder à une machine distante qui exécute radmin server [...] advanced ip scanner permet d'analyser le réseau rapidement et facilement , advanced ip scanner outil d'analyse réseau multithread gratuit rapide et facile / ses nombreuses fonctions comprennent l'analyse des dossiers http https ftp et partagés une intégration améliorée à radmin et l'arrêt et le réveil à distance! advanced ip scanner 2 | 5 est un scanner réseau rapide et puissant avec une interface conviviale ; En quelques secondes advanced ip scanner localise tous les ordinateurs sur votre réseau câblé ou sans fil et balaie leurs ports.
Le programme donne un accès aisé à diverses ressources réseau telles que http https ftp et dossiers partagés [...] il détecte toutes les adresses ip sur votre réseau wi fi , la fonction d'extinction à distance permet d'éteindre n'importe quel ordinateur ou groupe d'ordinateurs sous windows / vous pouvez également réveiller ces machines à distance grâce à advanced ip scanner si leurs cartes réseau prennent en charge la fonctionnalité de réveil par appel...le lo Lire la suite
Le programme donne un accès aisé à diverses ressources réseau telles que http https ftp et dossiers partagés [...] il détecte toutes les adresses ip sur votre réseau wi fi , la fonction d'extinction à distance permet d'éteindre n'importe quel ordinateur ou groupe d'ordinateurs sous windows / vous pouvez également réveiller ces machines à distance grâce à advanced ip scanner si leurs cartes réseau prennent en charge la fonctionnalité de réveil par appel...le lo Lire la suite

PDF To JPG Converter For Mac
Convert pdf to jpg bmp gif png tif formats on mac os x pdf to jpg converter for mac is a mac application that fast converts pdf documents to image files like jpg png bmp gif or tiff [...] pdf to jpg converter for mac is a mac application that fast converts pdf documents to image files like jpg png bmp gif or tiff , the program also let users customize the output image dpi dots per inch to get large or small size images / the program also let users customize the output image dpi dots per inch to get large high quality images or small thumbnails | when users want to convert several pdf files in bulk there is a folder creation function can convert each pdf file to each new folder named as the pdf filename ; this pdf to image format converter is able to change tons of pdf files to images in batch mode : pdf to jpg converter for mac developed free converter to convert pdf files in bulk [...] what's more pdf to jpg converter for mac allows them to convert pdf files in bulk and has the capability to output images from each pdf file to separated folders , So that users can easily use the exported images and won't confuse with duplicated file names.
Getting high quality images from pdf is easy since this free pdf to image converter works with the dpi option | users only need to select a high output dpi value like...conve Lire la suite
Getting high quality images from pdf is easy since this free pdf to image converter works with the dpi option | users only need to select a high output dpi value like...conve Lire la suite

Real VNC
L'utilisation du programme se fait en deux étapes : il vous suffit de le télécharger sur l'ordinateur à contrôler de l'installer et de choisir une licence ; puis de télécharger vnc viewer sur l'ordinateur qui exercera le contrôle.
Contrôlez à distance tout pc de nombreux programmes de contrôle à distance existent sur le marché ; cependant real vnc sort du lot avec les diverses fonctionnalités qu'il propose et sa capacité à être multi plateformes , real vnc est un programme de commande qui permet d'accéder et de piloter un ordinateur à distance / ainsi vous pouvez visualiser le contenu de l'ordinateur en temps réel n'importe où et à n'importe quel moment de la journée | le plus du programme réside dans le fait que les ordinateurs de lecture et de visualisation peuvent être de plateformes différentes ; par exemple si vous disposez d'un ordinateur fonctionnant sous windows grâce à real vnc il vous sera possible de visionner et de piloter un autre ordinateur fonctionnant sous linux : fonctionnant sous internet real vnc vous proposera : la sécurité via un cryptage des connextions et un mot de passe qui permet d'activer toutes les actions le transfert de tous types de fichiers de l'ordinateur distant vers celui qui...l'uti Lire la suite
Contrôlez à distance tout pc de nombreux programmes de contrôle à distance existent sur le marché ; cependant real vnc sort du lot avec les diverses fonctionnalités qu'il propose et sa capacité à être multi plateformes , real vnc est un programme de commande qui permet d'accéder et de piloter un ordinateur à distance / ainsi vous pouvez visualiser le contenu de l'ordinateur en temps réel n'importe où et à n'importe quel moment de la journée | le plus du programme réside dans le fait que les ordinateurs de lecture et de visualisation peuvent être de plateformes différentes ; par exemple si vous disposez d'un ordinateur fonctionnant sous windows grâce à real vnc il vous sera possible de visionner et de piloter un autre ordinateur fonctionnant sous linux : fonctionnant sous internet real vnc vous proposera : la sécurité via un cryptage des connextions et un mot de passe qui permet d'activer toutes les actions le transfert de tous types de fichiers de l'ordinateur distant vers celui qui...l'uti Lire la suite