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Easy Duplicate Finder 7

Easy Duplicate Finder 7

Logiciel Windows
Easy duplicate finder est un programme primé qui vous aidera à trouver et à supprimer toutes sortes de fichiers en double en que easy duplicate finder est un programme primé qui vous aidera à trouver et à supprimer toutes sortes de fichiers en double en quelques clics.

Grâce à ses algorithmes avancés et à ses options de gestion de fichiers flexibles easy duplicate finder offre une précision et une facilité d'utilisation inégalées , easy duplicate finder est un programme primé qui vous aidera à trouver et à supprimer toutes sortes de fichiers en double en quelques clics / avec l'aide de ce programme vous pouvez trouver et gérer les documents les photos les vidéos les e mails en double et même supprimer les chansons en double de votre bibliothèque ituneseasy Lire la suite
Easy Duplicate Finder 7 Mac

Easy Duplicate Finder 7 Mac

Logiciel Mac
Grâce à ses algorithmes avancés et à ses options de gestion de fichiers flexibles easy duplicate finder offre une précision et une facilité d'utilisation inégalées [...] Avec l'aide de ce programme vous pouvez trouver et gérer les documents les photos les vidéos et les courriels en double et mê avec l'aide de ce programme vous pouvez trouver et gérer les documents les photos les vidéos et les courriels en double et même supprimer les chansons en double de votre bibliothèque itunes.

Avec l'aide de ce programme vous pouvez trouver et gérer les documents les photos les vidéos et les courriels en double et même supprimer les chansons en double de votre bibliothèque itunes / easy duplicate finder est un programme primé qui vous aidera à trouver et à supprimer toutes sortes de fichiers en double en quelques clicsgr&ac Lire la suite
Easy Desktop Keeper

Easy Desktop Keeper

Logiciel Windows
Avec easy desktop keeper fini les bureaux désordonnés [...] easy desktop keeper permet de verrouiller votre bureau , easy desktop keeper est un outil de contrôle de votre bureau / faites places à un bureau totalement propre | vous avez certainement l’habitude de tout mettre sur votre bureau et voilà que votre bureau se rempli à la vitesse grand v sans même que vous n’en soyez conscient ; en d’autres termes il figera votre bureau de telle manière que vous ne pourrez y apporter aucune modification : son utilisation est des plus simples [...] dans un premier temps agencer vos icones sur votre bureau selon vos besoins choisissez le fond d’écran qui vous plait de même pour l’écran de veille , Lorsque votre bureau vous convient vous pouvez choisir d’enregistrer cet agencement et l’appliquer.

Et voilà vous avez votre premier bureau verrouillé | vous pourriez choisir d’enregistrer plusieurs types d’agencements il vous suffira ensuite d’en choisir un selon votre usage du pcavec Lire la suite
Easy Photo

Easy Photo

Logiciel Windows
Easy photo est un logiciel de traitement de photos [...] il redimensionne simultanément un lot de photos sélectionnées et en réduit le poids considérablement sans pour autant sacrifier la qualité de l’image , il facilite ainsi leur utilisation à travers une publication en ligne ou une diffusion par e mail ou un archivage optimisé etc / son fonctionnement est simple et vous permet en un seul glisser déposer depuis l'icône de raccourci sur le bureau ou dans la fenêtre du logiciel de : redimensionner toutes les photos sélectionnées renommer automatiquement les photos traitées suivant un format prédéfini une visionneuse intégrée permet d’afficher les images traitées sans recourir à un logiciel tiers | via cette visionneuse vous pourrez aussi au besoin : faire des retouches de cadrage ; annoter ou ajouter du texte sur la photo : dessiner sur la photo [...] ce logiciel est gratuit et non limité dans le temps , caractéristiques en version gratuite : connexion requise au service web obligatoire / cinq photos maximum traitées par lot | Répertoire de sauvegarde par défaut dans \mes images\easy photos\ type d'usage de la photo traitée pour email uniquement.

Création de fichiers pdf pour 2 photos maximum : caractéristiques en version payante : pas...easy Lire la suite
Easy Photo Uploader pour Facebook

Easy Photo Uploader pour Facebook

Easy photo uploader pour facebook est un logiciel pour redimensionner et transférer facilement de multiples photos vers un album facebook sans avoir les problemes de connexion à facebook [...] enfin un logiciel pour envoyer vos photos sur facebook directement depuis l'explorateur de fichier sans la contrainte d'être connecté à facebook depuis votre navigateur obviousidea propose ce programme pour vous permettre de télécharger des photos sur facebook rapidement et facilement , Les images sont redimensionnées et optimisé avec les meilleurs filtres vous pourrez transférer plus de photos plus rapidement qu'avec l'applet officielle facebook.

Grace au support du codec wic facebook photo uploader supporte beaucoup plus de formats que les concurrents et facebook | un codec wic est fourni par le site du fabriquant d'appareil photos format raweasy Lire la suite
Easy Registre

Easy Registre

Logiciel Windows
Easy registre est un petit utilitaire qui permet d'accéder aux clés de registre de votre choix [...] Il vous suffit de copier une clé l'application reconnaît alors le contenu du presse papier comme étant une clé de registre et vous propose d'y accéder.

Vous pouvez également créer une liste de vos clés favorites afin de les atteindre plus rapidementeasy Lire la suite
nanoCAD Plus 22.0.5984

nanoCAD Plus 22.0.5984

Logiciel Windows
Nanocad plus easy to use low cost cad software delivering great user experience nanocad plus easy to use low cost cad software providing classic interface and native [...] nanocad easy to use free cad software delivering great user experience by providing classic interface and native , any engineer or designer who has previously used popular cad applications will find it very easy to start using nanocad from the very first run / dwg which in turn makes nanocad the perfect tool for project collaboration and sharing | and above all nanocad is free to use and share ; nanocad has been specifically designed to help enterprises experience a seamless transition to emerging cost effective model of using a free cad software : dwg support [...] nanocad plus has been built to deliver design and project documentation regardless of the industry or enterprise , being the ultimate in 2d design tools nanocad has been built to deliver design and project documentation regardless of the industry or enterprise / Nanocad is a full featured fast lightweight and reliable 2d design tool .

Nanocad has been designed with ease of use in mind ; migration to nanocad will hardly take you more than 10 minutes since nanocad delivers: classic cad interface : any engineer could easily master nanocad since everything...nanoc Lire la suite
WonderFox Free HD Video Converter Factory 15.0

WonderFox Free HD Video Converter Factory 15.0

Logiciel Windows
100% free video software to convert your mkv mp4 avi free hd video converter factory is a powerful but easy to use hd video conversion software [...] it owns the ability of converting videos to a broad range of popular formats and devices like avi mpg mp4 wmv mkv mov m4v iphone x free hd video converter factory is a powerful but easy to use hd video conversion software , This free hd video converter supports multi cpu and hyper threading and offers up to 30x real time video converting speed.

What are the characteristics that distinguish wonderfox free hd video converter from other hd converters? the first and perhaps the most important point are the exclusive optimization technique and sharp pictures | the free hd video converter is a completely free gift ; it owns the ability of converting videos to a broad range of popular formats and devices like avi mpg mp4 wmv mkv mov m4v iphone ipad samsung and more : new pop devices are keeping added [...] it completely avoids the disproportionate aspect ratio and dull color of the output images and is able to make the output video shown on the portable device in full screen , secondly users can select resolutions of the output video by simply dragging the number axis / in addition to the powerful converting function it is also a video editing software | like ...100% Lire la suite
PDF Page Lock

PDF Page Lock

Logiciel Windows
And this easy to use software tool has the 1 click unlock feature which enables you to unlock/unhide all pages very easily [...] Lock or hide selected pdf pages with the password encryption.

Pdf page lock enables users to lock or hide selected pages of a pdf document with a password encryption / with pdf page lock users could hide or lock selected pages of a pdf file while leaving all other pages available | pdf page lock is a windows software ultility protects your pdf by password locking or hiding sensitive pdf pages you set and leave all other pages public available ; one great advantage of pdf page lock is that the document in whole remains accessible on any computer while the locked pages become protected : hence encrypting the entire pdf file is not necessary and no third party software is required to see such a protected pdf document on other computers [...] features lock pdf pages readers would be unable to see the content on locked pdf pages which only display as blank with locked icons , hide pdf pages pdf page lock could hide your classified pdf pages and then those pages would be totally invisible & inaccessiable in the pdf file / password protecting pdf pages you can set a password for the pdf file while saving the locked pdf file | no one could unlock the pdf document without your password...and t Lire la suite
WorkflowFirst 4.1

WorkflowFirst 4.1

Logiciel Windows
Workflowfirst is a powerful invaluable tool that every business should download.

free workflow software and database tool , workflowfirst is completely free for small teams and with its numerous sample forms and applications you'll be up and running in no time / logiciel de workflow gratuit et base de données | créez des formulaires et des sous formulaires ajoutez un workflow cliquez sur publier c'est aussi simple que cela ; un outil puissant et inestimable que chaque entreprise devrait télécharger : create forms and sub forms add workflow click publish it's that simple [...] fully scalable and full of features such as dashboards reports email integration chatbots and much much more , with a mobile optimized interface so you can access your workflow from anywhere / you'll be amazed at what you can create without any programming at all but for those who are a little more technically minded there's a powerful scripting language you can use to take your apps to the next level | workflowfirst has unmatched security features with user roles and field level security so individual form fields can be hidden from specific users ; with users throughout the world workflowfirst is a reliable platform that will have your business organized in record time : with a full api...workf Lire la suite
Radmin VPN 1.0.3524

Radmin VPN 1.0.3524

Logiciel Windows
Radmin vpn is a free and easy to use software product to create virtual private network vpn for different needs [...] radmin vpn vous permet d'établir une connexion sécurisée entre des ordinateurs , radmin vpn est un logiciel gratuit et pratique de création de réseau privé virtuel vpn / le programme permet aux utilisateurs d'établir une connexion sécurisée entre des ordinateurs à travers internet | the program allows users to establish a secure connection between computers over the internet as if they were connected over a lan about famatech: famatech is the world’s leading developer of remote control software for desktop and server management ; Famatech’s most popular product is radmin.

The computer access solution that the company has developed and been continuously improving since its inception in 1999 have won multiple awards [...] radmin is widely used to provide technical support to users administer corporate networks and execute a wide range of tasks , famatech software is used by 40% of fortune 500 enterprises and by home users all around the world / radmin by the numbers: 17 – years of the remote support software solutions market experience 18 – million of radmin users worldwide 27 – the number of languages spoken by radminradmi Lire la suite


Logiciel Mac
Features: easy to use simply dropping flac songs onto the program would start the converting immediately [...] flac to mp3 mac is a free mac os application which converts flac to mp3 wma m4a aac ogg and wav audio formats , convert flac audio to mp3 and more formats on mac os / the app also transfer the metadata and tags in flac into mp3 files so you could keep all tag information during the conversion | besides flac format the app could also convert other media formats to mp3 including video and audio media formats ; the app also transfers the metadata and tags in flac into mp3 files so you could keep all tag information during the conversion : the user interface is quite simple and you can drag and drop your flac files onto the program then the conversion would start instantly flac to mp3 mac will convert all your flac music at once [...] 6 output audio formats supports 6 most popular audio formats in the world: mp3 aac m4a ogg wav and wma.

Convert other audio formats the application could also convert media files other audio formats as input to mp3 like wav wma and aac etc / audio extracting flac to mp3 mac can extract audio from all popular video formats like mp4 mov avi mpg wmv m4p no drm etc | convert in bulk drag & drop all your flac files to convert them at oncefeatu Lire la suite


Logiciel Saas
The tool supports most of video and audio media formats like mp4 mov wmv avi mpg mp3 flac aac and wma etc [...] an online free service converts mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats , features: totally free to use supports all popular web browsers compatible with most video/audio formats several output formats: mp3 aac flac m4a ogg and wma / convert mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats | it supports most of popular video and audio formats like mp4 avi wmv m4p mov mpg mp3 wma ogg flac aac etc ; you can set the audio bitrate rate and channels by clicking "advanced setting" : by clicking "cut the audio file" you can set the start time and the end time [...] then the converted audio file will be cut automatically , your uploaded video/audio will be deleted on the server immediately the conversion completed and the converted file will be deleted automatically after 1 hour / and the output audio formats are various too: mp3 flac m4a ogg wma and aac | mp4 to mp3 also has an audio cutting option let you crop the output media ; Simply set the start time and end time in the "cut the audio file" the app will calculate the duration automatically and you can get the cut music once the conversion done.

Desktop...the t Lire la suite
WonderFox Free HD Video Converter 10.5

WonderFox Free HD Video Converter 10.5

Logiciel Windows
Free hd video converter factory is a powerful but easy to use hd video conversion software [...] free hd video converter is a powerful and easy to use hd video conversion software ,  this free hd video converter supports multi cpu and hyper threading and offers up to 30x real time video converting speed /  what are the characteristics that distinguish wonderfox free hd video converter hd other from converters? the first and most important point is the exclusive technology optimization and sharp pictures | it owns the ability of converting videos to a range of popular formats and devices like 4k h265 vp9 avi mpg mp4 wmv mkv mov m4v iphone 6 iphone 6 p ;   more iphone ipad iphone ipad iphone ipad iphone iphone iphone 6 more ipad pro ipad mini apple tv samsung galaxy series android smart curved 8k / 4k tv uhd tv surface blackberry ps4 xbox and more.

 new pop devices are keeping added [...]  it completely calls out the avoids the disproportionation aspect ratio and dull color of the output image ,  secondly it can let you extract audio tracks and any video /  moreover it can convert audio between a wide range of formats |  such as mp3 ac3 aac ogg wma m4r wav and more ;  in addition to the powerful converting function it...free Lire la suite
Metadefender Cloud Client

Metadefender Cloud Client

Logiciel Windows
Free malware analysis tool that scans your system with 40+ anti malware engines [...] metadefender cloud client is a free malware analysis tool that investigates the sanity of your system , metadefender cloud client is the most thorough free malware analysis tool available / a lightweight tool it scans endpoints for viruses keyloggers and other malware | it uses 40+ anti malware engines anti malware log file analysis and multiple ip reputation sources to identify any potential threats on a device ; metadefender cloud client performs a deep endpoint forensic analysis for malware using several unique methods: memory module multi scanning with 40+ anti malware engines local anti malware log file analysis and ip reputation analysis to identify potential threats : look for threats and assess the security state of an endpoint if you think it may be compromised [...] Metadefender cloud client is ideal for quickly scanning endpoints prior to a network web or server login or for regularly scheduled security checks.

Metadefender cloud client scans endpoints' running processes and loaded libraries / it can scan the full system or selected files folders and drives | metadefender cloud client also scans virtual machines for malware without having to open or run the virtual machine ; by connecting to...free Lire la suite
Canvas Draw for Mac

Canvas Draw for Mac

Logiciel Mac
Features overview: catering to business professionals and creatives alike canvas draw for mac's impressive and comprehensive set of vector object illustration and advanced raster image editing tools along with its unique and integrated design environment make it easy to conquer your project [...] Canvas draw 5 for mac: your universal graphics tool visualize your workflow with a diverse content creation tool able to combine adaptable text image object and effect elements in a single document.

Canvas draw for mac is a powerful software specifically designed to make it possible for designers illustrators and professionals to advertise and communicate with confidence / now with a unicode text engine and user interface text edit improvements pressure sensitivity support for drawing tablets and more canvas draw is your best choice for creating and sharing personal business and marketing content | work with and combine all graphical elements and apply high end effects in a single document ; complete versatility canvas draw comes loaded with tools and techniques that allow you to easily create marketing or business materials as well as creative content printable drawings and shareable pdfs : put canvas draw to work designing brochures collages business cards school projects cover pages handouts printable advertisements reports graphs metrics web content mock ups ...featu Lire la suite
PDF Merger Mac

PDF Merger Mac

Logiciel Mac
Merge 1 000+ pdf files in few seconds keep original page size orientation and formatting allow users to adjust the pdf merging order 100% free merging pdf files with the app is an easy three step process [...] pdf merger mac offers a quick and easy way for anyone to merge any number of pdf files into one simple to store and share document , pdf merger mac is a free mac os x application that let you merge several pdf documents into one single pdf file / Pdf merger mac is a mac os x application to merge pdf docs to a single pdf file.

The merged pdf file will keep the original formatting page size and page orientation ; pdf merger mac also allows you to adjust the pdf sequence by the up and down buttons which means you can simply add your pdf documents and reorder the sequence later even if those files are in different folders : first click the convenient "add" button to select the pdf files to be merged via the mac os x finder or just drag and drop the files into the pdf merger mac app window [...] second click the "combine pdfs to" button which then allows the selection of the drive location and filename of the merged pdf document , the third and final step consists of simply clicking the "start now" button to start the merging process / the progress of the process can be readily monitored via the app's progress bar...merge Lire la suite
USB Flash Security 4.1.13

USB Flash Security 4.1.13

Logiciel Windows
Features: [install on usb flash drive] install the tool which is for unlocking security on usb flash drive so security can be unlocked by the pc without installing 'usb flash security' [...] usb flash security free up to 4gb one usb drive , data in a usb flash drive is protected by a password / useful security tool | 'usb flash security' is security software that protects data in a usb flash drive by a password ; it locks by the password by only removing!data in a usb flash drive is protected by a password : Add encryption to usb flash drive on the market.

It locks by the password by only removing! data in a usb flash drive is protected by a password , [lock by password] when install this software on usb flash drive password for unlocking security is necessary to access data in usb flash drive / [auto lock] when unplug usb flash drive from pc it will lock automatically | [automated encryption] aes encryption which is recognized by speedy and cipher strength in encryption algorithm has been adopted ; data will be encrypted automatically by writing in usb flash drive and it will be decrypted automatically by reading from usb flash drive : there are five editions in 'usb flash security' for personal user [...] usb flash security+ product up to 4gb one usb drive...featu Lire la suite
Season Match 2 1.1

Season Match 2 1.1

Logiciel Windows
Season match 2 has the easy mechanic and everyone is able to play it but only you can get the best score [...] restore balance in the kingdom of seasons! set the country free from the cruel reign and help spring princess restore peaceful atmosphere , the princess needs your help to set the country free from the cruel reign and restore peaceful atmosphere in the land / break blocks collect artifacts find all the magic butterflies and flowers to bring the harmony back to the kingdom in the game season match 2! once upon a time there was a land of wonders ruled by spring princess | but later on her brothers winter months rebelled and decided to plunge the kingdom into eternal winter and cold ; in season match 2 you need to go through a long journey full of riddles and abounded with puzzles so you will have to think over your every step : the reward is worth playing lots of bonuses are waiting for you without taking into consideration the most amazing animation you have ever expected [...] click on the gems to destroy them and get closer to the artifact , to become the ruler of the country again the princess has to collect all the artifacts and you'll have to find them all / Drive the guard away and collect as many coins as you can because later you will buy additional time or hint for the money.

Every level you are...seaso Lire la suite
System Mechanic Trial 23

System Mechanic Trial 23

Logiciel Windows
System mechanic trial delivers essential features that automatically resolve errors slowdowns and crashes: registry tuner: a safe effective and highly advanced problem solver and error repair tool registry tuner can diagnose and resolve many common root causes of mysterious freezes slowdowns and crashes [...] consistently top rated since 1998 this award winning performance solution has been used to keep over 75 million pcs worldwide problem free and running like new , fix errors clean your pc and speed up windows with this pc tune up software system mechanic trial provides complete windows maintenance and repair using advanced patented tools / it works to speed up your pc for maximum performance and stability by fixing registry issues defragging hard drives cleaning junk files and more | system mechanic trial keeps your pc running at peak performance and stability with advanced pc optimization repair and maintenance features ; its exclusive patented technology fixes registry problems defrags hard drives cleans up junk files accelerates downloads boosts windows speed and ensures maximum ongoing system stability : Startup optimizer: automatically eliminates startup bottlenecks that can choke the life out of a pc and make windows take ages to start.

Supercharges boot times and frees up resources for improved overall performance , memory...syste Lire la suite
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