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Classic FTP - Logiciel de transfert de fichiers

Classic FTP - Logiciel de transfert de fichiers

Logiciel Windows
Classic ftp est un client ftp pour téléverser modifier télécharger et supprimer des fichiers depuis un serveur à distance [...] classic ftp prend en charge le protocole de transfert de fichiers via internet réseau local et disques durs externes , • glisser déposer facilement de ou vers classic ftp.

Client ftp pour afficher modifier transférer et supprimer des fichiers client ftp pour téléverser modifier télécharger et supprimer des fichiers sur un serveur à distance | l'outil « mise en miroir et téléversement » analyse un dossier local et téléverse dans le dossier à distance les fichiers qui n'y sont pas ; interface conçue pour avoir l'aspect et la convivialité d'un client ftp traditionnel : il contient un outil « mise en miroir et téléversement » pour analyser un dossier local sélectionné et transférer tous les fichiers qui n'existent pas dans le dossier à distance sélectionné [...] le programme a aussi la capacité de synchroniser la navigation de dossiers locaux avec les dossiers distants pour réduire les risques de transfert dans le mauvais dossier , principales fonctionnalités: • l'interface utilisateur intuitive facilite le transfert de fichiers sur internet...class Lire la suite
Classic FTP - Logiciel de FTP gratuit pour Mac

Classic FTP - Logiciel de FTP gratuit pour Mac

Logiciel Mac
Classic ftp est un logiciel de client ftp pour mac gratuit et facile à utiliser.

classic ftp logiciel client ftp gratuit pour mac permet d'afficher modifier téléverser télécharger et supprimer des fichiers depuis un serveur à distance un site web ou un réseau gratuitement , classic ftp pour mac est un client ftp gratuit qui permet d'afficher modifier téléverser télécharger et supprimer des fichiers depuis un serveur à distance un site web ou un réseau gratuitement / comme son nom l'indique classic ftp est spécialement conçu pour avoir l'aspect d'un client ftp typique | tout en offrant les mêmes fonctionnalités que d'autres clients ftp classic ftp est parfait pour les administrateurs de sites web qu'ils soient chevronnés ou novices ; classic ftp prend en charge le protocole de transfert de fichiers via internet réseau local et disques durs externes : une version professionnelle de classic ftp avec des options de configuration supplémentaires sont également disponibles sur nchsoftware [...] téléversez ou téléchargez des fichiers rapidement et facilement avec des fonctionnalités telles que « miroir et téléversement » pour analyser un dossier local et téléverser tout fichier qui...class Lire la suite
Classic Shell

Classic Shell

Logiciel Windows
Classic shell est un utilitaire destiné aux possesseurs d’un ordinateur sous windows 8 [...] classic shell a également l’avantage d’être très peu gourmand en mémoire vive et ne ralentit donc pas votre ordinateur , en effet il permet d’ajouter un menu démarrer fonctionnel semblable à ce qu’on trouve sur les anciennes versions de windows / après l’installation vous allez pouvoir choisir parmi plusieurs thèmes qui vous rappelleront windows xp vista ou 7 | le programme vous offre de nombreuses options de personnalisation pour s’adapter à vos usages ; Ainsi vous pouvez activer la surbrillance de nouveaux programmes installés mais aussi l’ajout d’une barre d’outils sur votre navigateur internet.

Il est disponible en téléchargement gratuitclass Lire la suite
Classic FTP

Classic FTP

Classic ftp est un client ftp gratuit qui permet de téléverser modifier télécharger et supprimer des fichiers depuis un serveur à distance [...] classic ftp prend en charge le protocole de transfert de fichiers via internet réseau local et disques durs externes , à propos de nch software nch software est un leader du secteur des logiciels audio vidéo musique mp3 cd dvd téléphonie dictées transcription entreprise et utilitaires informatiques pour windows palm pocket pc et mac os x / l'interface est conçue pour avoir l'aspect et la convivialité d'un client ftp traditionnel | il contient un outil « mise en miroir et téléversement » pour analyser un dossier local sélectionné et téléverser tous les fichiers qui n'existent pas dans le dossier à distance sélectionné ; Le programme a aussi la capacité de synchroniser la navigation de dossiers locaux avec les dossiers distants pour réduire les risques de téléversement dans le mauvais dossier.

Fling ftp de nch software prend en charge des fonctionnalités plus avancées [...] nch a diffusé plus de 80 produits depuis 1993 et a reçu de nombreuses récompenses pour l'excellence de ses logiciels , logiciels pour dj radiodiffusion streaming enregistrer modifier convertir graver mixer fractionner baliser extraire et lire des fichiers audio pour wav mp3 et autres...class Lire la suite
nanoCAD Plus 22.0.5984

nanoCAD Plus 22.0.5984

Logiciel Windows
Nanocad plus easy to use low cost cad software delivering great user experience nanocad plus easy to use low cost cad software providing classic interface and native [...] nanocad easy to use free cad software delivering great user experience by providing classic interface and native , migration to nanocad will hardly take you more than 10 minutes since nanocad delivers: classic cad interface / any engineer or designer who has previously used popular cad applications will find it very easy to start using nanocad from the very first run | Any engineer could easily master nanocad since everything is in their right places: menu button icons panels command line and the commands themselves are easily recognizable.

The world's most popular file format for technical documentation * : dwg which in turn makes nanocad the perfect tool for project collaboration and sharing [...] nanocad includes all necessary tools required for basic design and allows creating and editing 2d and 3d vector primitives texts tables blocks graphical technical documentation display and print settings using either a model or a sheet , and above all nanocad is free to use and share / nanocad has been specifically designed to help enterprises experience a seamless transition to emerging cost effective model of using a free cad software | dwg...nanoc Lire la suite
InstallAware Express MSI Installer X2

InstallAware Express MSI Installer X2

Logiciel Windows
X start screen and pinning them to the windows taskbar installaware gives you the best exposure for your applications through smart use of the latest technology.

Msi builder for iis sql web updates x64 windows 8 difx driver installs the installaware msi builder builds sophisticated visually appealing setups with support for the latest technologies including iis microsoft/oracle/mysql database servers web updates partial web deployment difx driver installs and windows 10 , also ideal for building dynamically updated software bundles with your product / exclusive! out of the box windows 10 support from displaying installation progress on the windows taskbar to pinning/unpinning your applications from the controversial windows 8 | exclusive! hybrid installation technology with instantinstall acceleration your setups are immune to corrupted windows installer stacks on target systems which would cause your setups to fail through no fault of your own and best of all you get to switch between native code and windows installer setup engines at runtime as often as you need! when you use the native code setup engine instantinstall acceleration delivers setups that install an order of magnitude faster compared to all other windows installers ; 17 unique dialog themes non rectangular setup windows flash and html billboards and brand new fading/sliding wizard transition effects make...x sta Lire la suite
InstallAware Studio for Windows Installer X2

InstallAware Studio for Windows Installer X2

Logiciel Windows
Start a project in seconds in with visual tools then switch to the code view to add branching logic variables and advanced configuration options [...] installaware is the only installer with support for aero glass regions and with brand new sliding/fading wizard transition fx , when uninstalling the project asks the user for product feedback and submits it to your website / build windows installer msi setups with fully customized user interfaces installaware builds windows installer msi setups with completely customizable user interfaces and unique dialog controls | exclusive! 1 click patching select your old and new setups click build patch and installaware automatically generates a native msp file that is packaged using advanced compression ; exclusive! webaware installation™ technology reduce download size by removing technology dependencies such as the : the main setup will download them seamlessly from the web as needed [...] net framework or rarely used features from your main setup file , Files required by the minimum configuration are included in the main package which installs without a web connection.

Interrupted downloads are automatically resumed after a brief wait ensuring successful away from the keyboard installations | exclusive! mirrored code and visual development installaware's advanced...start Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Ce logiciel est portable et sans mode d'enregistrement vous pouvez l'utiliser directement en cliquant sur le fichier exe et par la suite allez dans le menu « fichier » pour y créer un lien direct avec l'icône sur le bureau [...] avec la table des caractères de windows 10 8 et 7 dont les liens sont inscrits dans l'aide de décortiquepasse , un i ou 1 un un o ou 0 zéro 5 ou s etc / décortiquepasse sert à voir plus clairement un code comme celui pour votre wi fi ou tout autre code comme mot de passe | il vous montre chaque caractère contenu dans votre code avec une description et la correspondance de alt+x ou x est le numéro à inscrire pour le caractère ; décortiquepasse sert à voir plus clairement un code comme celui pour votre wi fi ou tout autre code comme mot de passe : Il vous montre chaque caractère contenu dans votre code avec une description et la correspondance de alt+x ou x est le numéro à inscrire pour le caractère.

Il contient les premiers 256 caractères unicode ainsi que quelques autres que j'ai trouvé sur mon clavier mais il vous est possible d'en ajouter avec une description de votre choix , vous aurez plus de facilité à créer de nouveaux caractères dans décortiquepassece lo Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
All you need to do is to use your camera or twitter/facebook to scan the qr code on the scantransfer and then you will be able to start transferring instantly [...] there is also a portable version of scantransfer on the homepage and it is a zip format file could be downloaded for advanced users , scantransfer is a free windows desktop software program which enables you to transfer photos and videos from your smart phone to your computer or laptop / transfer your phone's files to pc wirelessly by scanning a qr code | scantransfer doesn't require you to install any new app into you phone ; the best part of scantransfer is the program doesn't require you to install any new app into your phone : the program also allows you to transfer hundreds of files at a time and it will finish the task within just a few seconds through the transfer speed acceleration technology [...] Scantransfer supports multiple devices transferring which enables you to transfer files from more than one smart device at the same time.

In addition your personal files and privacy will be protected well due to scantransfer is a lan local area network application that will never leak your data out / languages: english french german spanish portuguese italian polish dutch greek japanese korean simplified chinese traditional chinese and arabicall y Lire la suite
PDF Merger Mac

PDF Merger Mac

Logiciel Mac
The third and final step consists of simply clicking the "start now" button to start the merging process.

Pdf merger mac offers a quick and easy way for anyone to merge any number of pdf files into one simple to store and share document , merge 1 000+ pdf files in few seconds keep original page size orientation and formatting allow users to adjust the pdf merging order 100% free merging pdf files with the app is an easy three step process / pdf merger mac is a free mac os x application that let you merge several pdf documents into one single pdf file | pdf merger mac is a mac os x application to merge pdf docs to a single pdf file ; the merged pdf file will keep the original formatting page size and page orientation : pdf merger mac also allows you to adjust the pdf sequence by the up and down buttons which means you can simply add your pdf documents and reorder the sequence later even if those files are in different folders [...] first click the convenient "add" button to select the pdf files to be merged via the mac os x finder or just drag and drop the files into the pdf merger mac app window , second click the "combine pdfs to" button which then allows the selection of the drive location and filename of the merged pdf document / the progress of the process can be readily monitored via the app's progress bar...the t Lire la suite
InstallAware Developer Setup Builder X2

InstallAware Developer Setup Builder X2

Logiciel Windows
X start screen and pinning them to the windows taskbar installaware gives you the best exposure for your applications through smart use of the latest technology [...] also ideal for building dynamically updated software bundles with your product , exclusive! out of the box windows 10 support from displaying installation progress on the windows taskbar to pinning/unpinning your applications from the controversial windows 8 / exclusive! hybrid installation technology with instantinstall acceleration your setups are immune to corrupted windows installer stacks on target systems which would cause your setups to fail through no fault of your own and best of all you get to switch between native code and windows installer setup engines at runtime as often as you need! when you use the native code setup engine instantinstall acceleration delivers setups that install an order of magnitude faster compared to all other windows installers | New! free unlimited triple mode web updates deploy an unlimited number of royalty free application updates to your end users.

Create installation wizard based msi setups with easy msicode scripting installaware creates installation wizard based msi setups with easy msicode scripting : instead of populating msi databases to build your setup or being stuck with the limitations of visual designers use the intuitive msicode scripting environment...x sta Lire la suite
Free Video Downloader

Free Video Downloader

Logiciel Windows
Les principaux avantages de ce youtube video downloader sont : les utilisateurs peuvent sélectionner la qualité jusqu'à 8 k vidéo ; l'application permet de télécharger des vidéos avec la conversion yt aux formats mp4 ou mp3 en utilisant l'option de qualité maximale 320 kbps présélections boiteuses ; le bouton de l'application jouer automatiquement permet de regarder la vidéo choisie.

free youtube download est un logiciel de téléchargement de vidéos très simple et rapide , free youtube download est un logiciel de téléchargement de vidéos très simple et rapide / ce freeware ne contient absolument aucun adware aucun spyware aucun enregistrement ou autre logiciel indésirable | ce freeware ne contient absolument aucun adware aucun spyware aucun enregistrement ou autre logiciel indésirable ; il ne fait que télécharger et convertir les vidéos de youtube : le processus de téléchargement est assez simple [...] les utilisateurs doivent ajouter l'url en cliquant sur un bouton et sélectionner l'emplacement de sortie , notre logiciel permet de choisir la qualité de la vidéo à télécharger / les utilisateurs peuvent télécharger des...les p Lire la suite
WonderFox DVD Video Converter 17.0

WonderFox DVD Video Converter 17.0

Logiciel Windows
Convert dvd/video to 100+ formats with rich features 50x faster conversion speed 0 quality loss want to enjoy a complete movie night with your family instead of waiting for a long time for conversion? wonderfox dvd video converter is your best choice.

Want to enjoy a complete movie night with your family instead of waiting for a long time for conversion? wonderfox dvd video converter is your best choice , furthermore a dvd video player is built in which can be used for playing almost all kinds of audio and video files even dvds and hd video / this professional program offers the best free trial experience long time unlimited conversion without putting any watermark on output files | it provides one stop total solution to convert dvds to video download online video edit and play movies/video with excellent performance ; you can even use the dvd and video converter to easily download online video from youtube facebook vimeo liveleak metacafe and other popular video websites : it provides one stop total solution to solve video playback issues [...] it supports the newest nvidia cuda intel quick sync multi core cpus batch mode and unique encode technology which makes the conversion speed 30 50x faster , what's more it adopts variable bite rate vbr which offers better quality in a smaller file sizeconve Lire la suite
Active@ Data Studio 23.0.5

Active@ Data Studio 23.0.5

Logiciel Windows
Active@ data studio provides a range of desktop applications and a customizable boot environment allowing you to access your pc in the event that windows won't start up [...] this also allows you to access your computer even in the event that windows won't start up , get the entire set of utilities for a generous price at http://lsoft / you can then dual boot your computer into either a dos or windows environment | active@ data studio provides an extensive range of disk tools ; it offers data recovery secure erasure disk imaging and more : active@ data studio includes a set of powerful desktop applications as well as a bootable image which can be copied to either an optical disk or a flash drive [...] you will be able to use the included applications to manage your data perform data recovery operations securely delete files back up data create disk images and more , active@ data studio presents a great opportunity to save money on your disk utilities since it includes all of the main tools in the active@ range in a single convenient package rather than having to purchase each application separately / additional features include a network configurator a file manager cd/dvd burner and a disk defragmenter among other useful tools | Net/data studio.

Aspx : you can learn more about the...activ Lire la suite
PDF Page Lock

PDF Page Lock

Logiciel Windows
Password protecting pdf pages you can set a password for the pdf file while saving the locked pdf file [...] pdf page lock is a windows software ultility protects your pdf by password locking or hiding sensitive pdf pages you set and leave all other pages public available , easily unlock pdf with 1 click unlock simply open a pdf file and select your confidential pages to lock or hide then set a password while saving the pdf / and this easy to use software tool has the 1 click unlock feature which enables you to unlock/unhide all pages very easily | lock or hide selected pdf pages with the password encryption ; pdf page lock enables users to lock or hide selected pages of a pdf document with a password encryption : with pdf page lock users could hide or lock selected pages of a pdf file while leaving all other pages available [...] One great advantage of pdf page lock is that the document in whole remains accessible on any computer while the locked pages become protected.

Hence encrypting the entire pdf file is not necessary and no third party software is required to see such a protected pdf document on other computers / features lock pdf pages readers would be unable to see the content on locked pdf pages which only display as blank with locked icons | hide pdf pages pdf page lock could hide your...passw Lire la suite
Active@ Disk Image 11

Active@ Disk Image 11

Logiciel Windows
Autres: vieux windows linux freebsd solaris for pc etc [...] Since its inception in 1998 lsoft's mission has been to create a software framework for your data security.

Lsoft's current vision is tied to a strong commitment to the latest technologies that expand the power and reach of pcs for its users / versions de windows supportées: windows 10 / 8 / 7 / vista / xp / server 2016 / server 2012 / server 2008 / server 2003 / small business server 2011 | active@ disk image est un logiciel d'image disque ; active@ disk image est un logiciel d'imagerie de disque qui fait une copie exacte de tous les disques pc hdd ssd usb cd dvd blu ray etc : et les stocke dans un dossier [...] les images de disque peuvent être utilisées pour les sauvegardes les mises à niveau du pc ou le clonage de disque , en cas de panne d'ordinateur une image de sauvegarde peut être utilisée pour récupérer votre système informatique ou de trouver et restaurer tous les fichiers nécessaires à partir d'une image / peuvent être sauvegardés par le mode image disque brute après le démarrage à partir d'active@ boot disk lite | about lsoft technologies inc ; new unique active@ technologies have been developed to serve this goalautre Lire la suite


Logiciel Saas
By clicking "cut the audio file" you can set the start time and the end time [...] simply set the start time and end time in the "cut the audio file" the app will calculate the duration automatically and you can get the cut music once the conversion done , your uploaded video/audio will be deleted on the server immediately the conversion completed and the converted file will be deleted automatically after 1 hour / an online free service converts mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats | features: totally free to use supports all popular web browsers compatible with most video/audio formats several output formats: mp3 aac flac m4a ogg and wma ; convert mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats : it supports most of popular video and audio formats like mp4 avi wmv m4p mov mpg mp3 wma ogg flac aac etc [...] you can set the audio bitrate rate and channels by clicking "advanced setting" , then the converted audio file will be cut automatically / The tool supports most of video and audio media formats like mp4 mov wmv avi mpg mp3 flac aac and wma etc.

And the output audio formats are various too: mp3 flac m4a ogg wma and aac ; mp4 to mp3 also has an audio cutting option let you crop the output media : desktop...by cl Lire la suite
Moneyspire for Windows 16.0.36

Moneyspire for Windows 16.0.36

Logiciel Windows
The best software for managing your money personal finances and budget.

Moneyspire is the best money management personal finance and budgeting software for mac windows linux iphone ipad and ipod touch , moneyspire is the best money management personal finance and budgeting software for mac windows linux iphone ipad ipod touch / set a budget & keep it set a budget for all your expenses and keep track of your progress in real time | split transaction support split transactions into multiple categories for super accurate budgeting ; reconcile with your statements reconcile with your bank's statements to make sure every transaction is accounted for and to prevent fraud and bank errors : your information is safe and secure moneyspire uses bank level security data is encrypted and ssl is used for the optional online banking features [...] online banking support optionally import transactions from your financial institution's website and direct connect and automatically download transactions and pay bills , investment account support manage your investments and download the latest stock quotes / get your financial life in order and know where you stand with moneyspire | track your accounts keep track of your bank accounts credit cards etc ; and organize your transactions and see where your...the b Lire la suite
Stellar OST To PST Converter

Stellar OST To PST Converter

Logiciel Windows
Stellar ost to pst converter is the best converter to pst ost that proves wonderful for administrators or technicians specialized in data recovery [...] it allows the conversion of ost data files for outlook even if they are corrupt , preview all your messages and other items just after the ost file is analyzed and ready for analysis / Features stellar ost to pst converter convert ost into pst file for allows conversion of a corrupt ost file facilitates compression and division of pst file lets you preview messages and other items prior to analysis allows the recording of messages per batch option to search and classify mails can convert an encrypted ost converts files ms outlook 2016 2013 2010 2007 2002 2000 and 98 ost files compatible with windows 8 7 vista and xp looks like ms office 2013 2010 and 2007.

Stellar ost to pst converter convertit les ost compresse ou divise les pst ost to pst convert est l'outil ultime qui convertit un fichier ost corrompu en un fichier pst et qui facilite aussi la compression ou la division du fichier converti avant de l'enregistrer en tant que pst ; the tool has many advantages : so you can re access to all your inccessibles mails and other elements such as calendar entries contacts tasks notes and journal entries [...] the option to compress or share the converted before saving them to pst format ost files...stell Lire la suite
Active@ Boot Disk 23

Active@ Boot Disk 23

Logiciel Windows
Using this software you can create a fully bootable operating environment allowing you to start up your computer from a cd dvd or usb flash drive even if your operating system is damaged and completely refuses to start [...] active@ boot disk provides a full range of disk utilities active@ boot disk for windows xp/vista/7/8/10 provides a full range of disk utilities for data recovery secure erasure disk imaging , active@ boot disk provides an impressive range of utilities for your hard disk and other storage devices / it provides everything that you need for data recovery privacy and backup | the program presents a much more affordable and practical solution than having separate programs for each type of task ; it is easy to use as well making it ideal for everyone from casual users to system administrators and experts : com for more [...] You can use it to boot up otherwise unworkable computers to access your data and troubleshoot problems with ease.

The independent boot environment means that it does not rely on the contents or state of your hard disk / you will be able to access all of your data using the built in tools | the main utilities provided in this convenient all in one package include a data recovery solution a secure data erasure facility and a complete disk imaging program ; new version...using Lire la suite
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