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Lotto Effect

Lotto Effect

Logiciel Windows
Un tout nouveau concept lotto effect vous aide à sélectionner des numéros en utilisant sa technologie forward trending.

Un tout nouveau concept lotto effect vous aide à sélectionner des numéros en utilisant sa technologie forward trending , c'est là que lotto effect intervient pour répondre à cette question vexante / utilisant un pool persistant que vous pouvez construire peaufiner et modifier à chaque tirage pour réduire les numéros que vous utilisez pour créer des tickets pour le prochain tirage et les tirages futurs au delà du prochain | vous vous êtes déjà demandé quels numéros gagnent du terrain ? qui n'en a pas ?un to Lire la suite
DesignEvo - Logo Maker

DesignEvo - Logo Maker

Logiciel Mobile
• adjust font size color spacing alignment uppercase opacity curved effect and more to create unique typography artwork [...] • adjust opacity color flip & mirror effect for the selected graphic , designevo is an easy and fast app that lets you create stunning logos in the palm of your hand / with 3500+ customizable logo templates 100+ fonts lots of graphics and powerful editing tools you can turn your ideas into a compelling and unique logo soon |  with 3500+ customizable logo templates 100+ fonts lots of graphics and powerful editing tools you can turn your ideas into a compelling and unique logo in minutes even if you have no professional design skills ;  whether you're looking for an amazing logo for your website social media company wall email signature letterhead business card stationery or t shirt designevo helps spark your inner creativity :  it satisfies everyone from newbies to professionals.

 highlighted features  • 3500+ professionally designed logo abstract animal business fashion letter and technology , • lots of preset graphics including badge decoration line shape banner and symbol / • 100+ hand picked fonts in bold modern traditional handwriting and funny styles | •...&bull Lire la suite
FotoJet Designer 1.1.0

FotoJet Designer 1.1.0

Logiciel Windows
Handy text editing tools: set text font size style color and effect at will [...] fotojet designer for pc allows users to create their own designs like a real and pro designer with thousand of templates tools , windows fotojet designer creates cards invitations posters flyers banners social media graphics for facebook youtube twitter pinterest instagram and tumblr in a second with 900+ templates thousands of resources and powerful editing tools / fotojet designer is a stunning graphic design application powerful yet simple | fotojet designer makes graphic design easier than ever ; it gives users the freedom to make a unique design in a few clicks : it has a variety of stunning posters banners flyers youtube channel arts greeting cards business cards as ready made templates which you can directly use or modify for your own use [...] it gives you the ability to create unique graphics with its 900+ templates thousands of resources and powerful editing tools , Its stylish interface is intuitive and makes designs straightforward which is welcome among the green hand and the experienced.

It gives thematic & eye catching collections as templates for example thank you cards christmas cards business cards youtube banners facebook banners birthday invations etc |  simply click...handy Lire la suite


Logiciel Saas
Your uploaded video/audio will be deleted on the server immediately the conversion completed and the converted file will be deleted automatically after 1 hour [...] convert mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats , an online free service converts mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats / it supports most of popular video and audio formats like mp4 avi wmv m4p mov mpg mp3 wma ogg flac aac etc | you can set the audio bitrate rate and channels by clicking "advanced setting" ; by clicking "cut the audio file" you can set the start time and the end time : then the converted audio file will be cut automatically [...] the tool supports most of video and audio media formats like mp4 mov wmv avi mpg mp3 flac aac and wma etc , and the output audio formats are various too: mp3 flac m4a ogg wma and aac / mp4 to mp3 also has an audio cutting option let you crop the output media | Simply set the start time and end time in the "cut the audio file" the app will calculate the duration automatically and you can get the cut music once the conversion done.

Features: totally free to use supports all popular web browsers compatible with most video/audio formats several output formats: mp3 aac flac m4a ogg and wma : desktop...your Lire la suite
Canvas Draw for Mac

Canvas Draw for Mac

Logiciel Mac
Canvas draw 5 for mac: your universal graphics tool visualize your workflow with a diverse content creation tool able to combine adaptable text image object and effect elements in a single document.

Canvas draw for mac is a powerful software specifically designed to make it possible for designers illustrators and professionals to advertise and communicate with confidence , now with a unicode text engine and user interface text edit improvements pressure sensitivity support for drawing tablets and more canvas draw is your best choice for creating and sharing personal business and marketing content / features overview: catering to business professionals and creatives alike canvas draw for mac's impressive and comprehensive set of vector object illustration and advanced raster image editing tools along with its unique and integrated design environment make it easy to conquer your project | work with and combine all graphical elements and apply high end effects in a single document ; complete versatility canvas draw comes loaded with tools and techniques that allow you to easily create marketing or business materials as well as creative content printable drawings and shareable pdfs : put canvas draw to work designing brochures collages business cards school projects cover pages handouts printable advertisements reports graphs metrics web content mock ups ...canva Lire la suite
PDF Password Remover Mac

PDF Password Remover Mac

Logiciel Mac
What can you do after removing pdf password copy the content from pdf after removing pdf password you copy the content text from the decrypted pdf and use the text wherever you want.

after pdf password remover processing the pdf file can be converted and exported to ms word excel image and other editable formats by other pdf converters , remove pdf owner password and pdf restriction on mac os x / pdf password remover mac is a mac os x application that removes pdf owner password and pdf restriction or limitation | users only need to drag the locked pdf onto the pdf password remover window and then the application will start immediately ; convert the pdf document to other formats the restricted pdf document can not be converted : print the pdf before removing the password from the protected pdf users doesn't have the authority to print the pdf [...] once removed the password and restrictions the pdf file can be printed very well as a normal document , now just download the pdf password remover mac to decrypt your pdf restrictions !what Lire la suite
Stellar OST To PST Converter

Stellar OST To PST Converter

Logiciel Windows
Preview all your messages and other items just after the ost file is analyzed and ready for analysis [...] stellar ost to pst converter convertit les ost compresse ou divise les pst ost to pst convert est l'outil ultime qui convertit un fichier ost corrompu en un fichier pst et qui facilite aussi la compression ou la division du fichier converti avant de l'enregistrer en tant que pst , stellar ost to pst converter is the best converter to pst ost that proves wonderful for administrators or technicians specialized in data recovery / the tool has many advantages | it allows the conversion of ost data files for outlook even if they are corrupt ; so you can re access to all your inccessibles mails and other elements such as calendar entries contacts tasks notes and journal entries : the option to compress or share the converted before saving them to pst format ost files added assets to this software [...] Through a software interface very simple and user friendly functions allow you to select or find the ost files to be converted.

Here are some promising features of stellar ost to pst converter technician edition / features stellar ost to pst converter convert ost into pst file for allows conversion of a corrupt ost file facilitates compression and division of pst file lets you preview messages and other items prior to...previ Lire la suite
MOBILedit 8.1

MOBILedit 8.1

Logiciel Windows
After downloading mobiledit to your pc you can connect your phone via cable bluetooth or wi fi [...] Universal phone management software mobiledit is the universal phone management software that works with nearly all phones.

You will then be able to edit the entire contents of your phone / mobiledit is the universal phone management software that works with nearly all phones | you will then be able to view the entire contents of your phone and synchronize add edit or delete anything you would like ; with so much important data in your phone it is essential to have a professional tool to maximize what your phone can do for you : the use of a pc keyboard makes all the difference when you are adding new contacts to your phonebook managing files or sending text messages [...] main features: manage your contacts photos and music transfer your contacts messages applications media and more to your new phone send print search and archive text messages advanced editing and linking of contact accounts google contacts and cloud storage supported install android and ios applications access their data recover your contacts from a lost iphone connect phones via cable bluetooth or wi fi create ringtones with built in ringtone editor works with nearly all phones  ********************************************************************** try our phone copier...after Lire la suite
La Calculatrice de Machiniste 2.0.0

La Calculatrice de Machiniste 2.0.0

Logiciel Windows
The machinist calculator has been developed to quickly solve common mathematical problems for operators at a price every machinist can afford! cutting speed feed rate for turning drilling and threading; calculations for bolt circles; inch metric conversions for drills; drill sizes for tapping trigonometric solutions and much more! after the calculations are complete the data can be printed from the computer of the user [...] Calculatrice pour les machinistes et les autres professions la calculatrice de machiniste a été développée pour résoudre rapidement des problèmes mathématiques communes pour les machinistes à un prix chaque machiniste peut se permettre! la calculatrice de machiniste a été développée pour résoudre rapidement des problèmes mathématiques communes pour les machinistes à un prix chaque machiniste peut se permettre! vitesse de coupe vitesse d'avance pour tournage perçage et le filetage; calculs pour les cercles de boulons; pouces conversions métriques pour perceuses; forer tailles pour le taraudage solutions trigonométriques et bien plus encore! après que les calculs soient effectués les données peuvent être imprimées à partir de l'ordinateur de l'utilisateur.

Les coordonnées produites dans les applications de cercle de la grille ou du cercle du verrou peuvent également être copiées au presse papiers pour coller dans un éditeur de texte / obtenez gratuitement votre démo de...the m Lire la suite
InstallAware Studio for Windows Installer X2

InstallAware Studio for Windows Installer X2

Logiciel Windows
Interrupted downloads are automatically resumed after a brief wait ensuring successful away from the keyboard installations [...] build windows installer msi setups with fully customized user interfaces installaware builds windows installer msi setups with completely customizable user interfaces and unique dialog controls , installaware is the only installer with support for aero glass regions and with brand new sliding/fading wizard transition fx / Exclusive! webaware installation™ technology reduce download size by removing technology dependencies such as the.

Net framework or rarely used features from your main setup file ; the main setup will download them seamlessly from the web as needed : files required by the minimum configuration are included in the main package which installs without a web connection [...] exclusive! 1 click patching select your old and new setups click build patch and installaware automatically generates a native msp file that is packaged using advanced compression , exclusive! mirrored code and visual development installaware's advanced development tools include wizards templates drag and drop editing and refined task views with the added benefit of immediate msicode generation / start a project in seconds in with visual tools then switch to the code view to add branching logic variables and...inter Lire la suite
PDF Editor Mac

PDF Editor Mac

Logiciel Mac
After adding text and images you can change the text font and color resize the image height and width or move them as well [...] pdf editor mac lets users edit pdf document content on mac os x , pdf editor mac is a os x free application that allows users to add text insert images put watermarks to label their copyright changing font size and color and perform other editings of a pdf document / pdf editor mac is a free application on mac os x that allows users to add text insert images put watermarks to label their copyright changing font size and color and perform other changes of a pdf document | if you need to delete some words or text from the pdf simply click on the eraser tool then erase ; Rotating certain pages and modifying document layout is also important so as multiple drawing tools like lines brushes horizontal lines or vertical lines.

Better than normal pdf readers and annotators pdf editor mac can permanently save the modified pdf content changes [...] pdf editor mac features write text you can add text and move it to any location on the pdf page , pdf editor mac allows you to set the text size font and color / with the pdf editor mac you can easily fill in the various pdf form files | delete content pdf editor mac contains an eraser tool and you can use it to delete any of your unwanted...after Lire la suite
REFOG Mac Keylogger 3.0

REFOG Mac Keylogger 3.0

And parental controls are easy to get around by tech savvy kids and have no effect at all on suspicious acting spouses [...] hidden internet activities are no longer secrets due to refog keylogger for mac with refog keylogger for mac parents and spouses have a tool more powerful than parental controls to protect their loved ones , by monitoring keystrokes application gives an inside look at their child's or spouse's secret web activities / With refog keylogger for mac computer secrets are no longer a secret.

Parents no longer have to wonder if their children are doing their homework or chatting with friends ; spouses can stop wondering if their husband or wife is visiting pornographic internet sites or conversing with members of the opposite sex online : instead they can install this keylogger for mac on the computer without anyone else in the home knowing it exists [...] the keylogger program records all of the user's keystrokes and provides a detailed report so worried people know how the computer is being used at all times , even computer savvy family members cannot outsmart the refog keylogger for mac because it can run unknown in stealth mode or users can opt for password protection that prevents others from attempting to delete the evidence / in addition to keystroke logging the program also maintains a web history and an...and p Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Guards smooth performance your pc stays fast and stable for all  your tasks to boost the effect you get from complete optimization we have added automatic memory and processor management which ensures that your active applications always have maximum resources allocated to them [...] The most complete package of tools for your pc problems.

Pcsuite diagnoses your window system cleans out junk files restores system stability improves computer speed protects your privacy and automates system maintenance / how  pcsuite works: diagnoses your wind | since diagnosis is  half the  cure pcsuite runs a complete checkup of your entire system locating junk files speed reducing issues and causes of any system or application errors or crashes ; through a lot of research and testing we have worked out precise techniques that allow locating issues which can be safely removed with no risk of damaging your operating system : cleans out junk files a clean pc means better efficiency we designed the cleaning module in pcsuite to sweep out all types of pc junk such as unneeded system and user temporary files web browser cache unused error logs leftover windows update files temporary sun java files unneeded microsoft office cache and a lot more [...] it helps reclaim gigabytes of hard disk space on an average pc , restores system...guard Lire la suite
Remplacer les logiciels de la suite Adobe par des programmes gratuits

Remplacer les logiciels de la suite Adobe par des programmes gratuits

Adobe after effects blender pour ajouter des effets à vos vidéos blender est le compagnon qu’il vous faut [...] Les logiciels de la suite adobe sont de très bons outils pour travailler : retoucher des images créer des vidéos mettre en page des documents… malheureusement le tarif peut refroidir les ardeurs des utilisateurs et l’abonnement n’est pas une solution globalement très appréciée.

C’est pourquoi nous allons vous proposer des alternatives gratuites aux principaux logiciels de la suite adobe / gardez en tête que ces outils ne disposeront pas de l’ensemble des fonctionnalités des programmes mais qu’ils restent tout de même très intéressants | adobe photoshop gimp gimp est certainement la meilleure alternative gratuite pour ceux qui veulent un logiciel proche de photoshop ; l’interface est très différente mais s’est considérablement amélioré avec la dernière mise à jour du programme : le logiciel dispose de tous les outils nécessaires pour retoucher une image : brosses pinceaux calques filtres… gimp propose aussi un système de plugins pour ajouter des fonctionnalités comme par exemple un éditeur de textures ou un créateur...adobe Lire la suite
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